15 Celebrities You Didn't Know Were Gay!

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Around 4.5 percent of the American population identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transexual, but how many of those have you seen on TV, in movies, or on the world stage? From a man with a knighthood who gets behind any LGBT movement to a boy band member who was outed by his nearest and dearest, here are 15 celebrities you didn’t know were gay.

Background Music By: Kevin MacLeod:
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The picture you have on your video has a picture of Patrick Steward and Sir Ian McKellan as kissing but Patrick Stewart is not gay. That should never have been put as the main picture for the introduction of this video. He is happily married to a woman and Sir Ian McKellan and he are very good friends. Their friendship started on the making of the X Men series.


They did not “have” two children together. They may have adopted them together, but having them and adopting them are two totally different things. Just say it like it is!


So many of these people "come to realize" that they're gay and "prefer" the same sex, or are "bi". I thought you were "born that way." With regards to being "bi, " I didn't know you could be born "bi."


Tacky. It's NO ONE'S business. (simply my opinion)


These people are celebrities? I have only heard of about three of these "famous" people...


I was called gay by the men in my unit in Germany, after I was raped by a bysexual or gay mess sergeant, he lured to his house and slipped me a mickey at the Bomhoff in Hanaue Germany, I volunteered to go to Vietnam so I could carry a weapon to protect me from the attacks I was getting after the MPs and my 1st sergeant let it slip out that I had been raped. no one said anything about the fact that I stabbed the gay guy when he tried to attack me again after I kicked him off me and made him fall on his naked butt. This is more common in the military than they will ever admit. Just as there are men who rape women, there are men who rape boys and men too. just like a ruffie works today, a mickey can paralyze the victim so they are still aware of what's being done to them but are paralyzed to fight back like what was done to me. I believe he got the mickey at the bar where he took me after he had already given me lots or orange vodka and later Stienhager which is 190 proof! not all gay men are gentle like they portray them on the movies or TV, they can and are monsters! they may cut my comments here, but that is the proof that they don't want the public to see them as the monsters the are. up until recently I was so ashamed of what had been done to me. after I have done the research about others I feel confident to come out about this, but I know you won't give me the same respect you have given these on this Video!


So, now let's have the fifteen straight celebrities you didn't know were straight.


Don't you know that the description is: Sodomite.


I find it hard to believe Tim Cook became the 1st gay person to be CEO of a fortune 500 company. Maybe the 1st to come out.


“She has her fingers in many pies” I’m sure no pun was intended right


Re: Eleanor Roosevelt. Her son revealed that his mother had a long running affair with her4 Secret Service bodyguard, beginning after Eleanor found out about Lucy Mercer’s affair with Franklin. He said that the man stayed close to his mother even after the White House and loved her dearly. Who can know? Maybe she was bi.


LMAO - 2:28 Jillian Michaels "She has her fingers in many pies" Pun intended, I guess?


no one really knows about Eleanor Roosevelt and she’s not here to let us know. you have no right to just label her. suspicions are fine, but actual saying it outright is not!!! She was an absolutely incredible person and woman. whatever her emotional life was was her business, not yours!!!


I have NO IDEA how one considers someone who OUTS him to be his nearest and dearest. That is violating someone's privacy and trust and is very hateful. It is the act of someone who is mad that you are successful and wants you to suffer public scrutiny.


Why is this an issue? Why not have 15 celebrities we didn't know got drunk at last Christmas for example?


Who cares if they are Gay. What has it to do with anybody. As long as they are good people. I love Sir Ian.


Listening through headphones and that weird squealing in the background music had me tripping! Thought there was like a truck with bad brakes outside.


I never understood why anyone needed to come out to begin with. It’s nobody’s business who I want to be with.


The title of this video ought to be "13 people I've never ever heard of".


Ellen Page is gay? Elinor Roosevelt and Ellen Page are the only ones i didn't know about.
