Aquascape Tutorial: Non co2 4ft Discus Aquarium (How To: Full Step By Step Guide, Planted Tank)
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This is my Non co2 4ft Planted Discus Aquarium. It has taken 4 months to get to the final segment that shows the current result. There have been ups and downs, times when I wanted to tare it down...but through perseverance, I was able to get the plants growing really well after I realised there were essentially zero nitrates in the tank. My substrate in filtration system was too efficient. I added more root tabs and nitrate to the tank. This is when it took off and I added a second light. The plants consumed all the nutrients meaning nothing left for algae. The tank is now very balanced and needs minimal maintenance even with the heavy feeding for the Discus. Hope you enjoyed the video 😊
Equipment (all links affiliate):
#plantedtank #aquascape #mdfishtanks