Promotions Tab, 'By Artist' Badge: This Week at YouTube!

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Hello Insiders! Today, we're talking about Promotions for your videos and a new "By Artist" badge for Shorts.

Check it out and leave us your comments and questions below!

0:00 Intro
0:04 [Launch] Promotions Tab
1:00 "By Artist" Badge



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Wow! Didn't know the subs and views you get by paying money for you to promote the channel DO NOT count. Not wasting any more money then...thanks for the info. Saved me a ton....


I fear there are a few things not being addressed. 1) The branded sponsored content could be seen negatively by the viewer, hurting the channel's reputation since they are pushing their videos as "ads." This could spur negative backlash. 2) why doesn't YouTube already try to push well performing videos with viewerbases of similar content? despite incredibly high AVD/CTR the algo seems to have a difficult time identifying neighboring channel's audiences. Using adsense/promotions seems like a paid stopgap to compensate for lower viewership and reach that should be happening organically already. I'm noticing many creators in my space are seeing a massive reduction in impressions almost universally, despite our audience wondering where are uploads have been.. only to find they haven't been shown or notified. 3) Instead of promoting our video broadly as ads, could there instead be an implementation that allows creators to inform and help the algo by suggesting the audience the video should be ideally targeting? We as creators are on the same side as YouTube: Tring to create the best engaging and entertaining content possible to maximize revenue and satisfaction. Implementations like this feel like creators are more of a hostage by YouTube instead of a partner.


I decided to shorten a long form content video created by me, and after shortening it, ya'll removed my Shorts that I created from this long form content video. It would be nice if you warned us that if we edit existing content (we created and own) that Shorts created from it will be removed.


Been doing YouTube consistently for more than a year (either streaming or uploading every day since October 2022) by this point & it's obvious that YouTube will recommend channels based on the location of their IP addresses. Region-lock/geo-lock is obvious on YouTube & it is ruining my chances of being recommended to the actual audiences meant for my content on my channel. I live in India & even though my channel is an English channel, I speak in English & always select my language as English whether I'm streaming or uploading, 95% of my streams and/or videos are getting recommended to non-English speakers. That too mostly Indians. Please do something about this. I'm not asking this just for me but for thousands of other YouTubers that speak non-regional languages and/or create content in non-regional languages (i.e English in non-English countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Malaysia .etc)


Soooo, you pay for views but those views dont count? Should I really pay for this? Would the subscribers coming from ads count?


I really feel very grateful to YouTube, they offer very good products for trendy content creators.


It's disappointing that you fail to include promotion generated subscribers and watch hours toward the qualification for joining the YouTube partner programme. Promotions cost creators a lot of money and other than increasing traffic, you're fundamentally placing a barrier to financial stability. Sure, there are plenty of creators who have a low cost barrier to entry, but that isn't the case for a majority. Please reconsider at least the watch hours component as that alone signifies that viewers value the content and it shouldn't be held back from being included in the qualification process.


Hey how come hundreds of my views disappear at once? I have a video with more comments and likes than views! How could this be possible? Can you please fix your website! Thanks


It is hard to be seen on YouTube as a small channel. I feel if you advertise/promote on YouTube/Google Ads that those watch hours should count toward Monetization. I did promotions just to get our brand out there and there were quite a few watch hours that 'didn't count' towards Public Watch Hours.. but the promotions counted as Views and Subscribers.

TV commercials/ads cause people to buy more of that product. So, if sales increase directly because of the ad, do those sales not count in the overall company's sales metric? Or, do those sales not count because they were not organic, like someone just buying something off the shelf blindly?

Promotion/ad driven watch hours should count toward monetization. The promotion just creates increased awareness and exposure of the video, the viewer still decides whether or not to watch.

Please count Promotion/ad watch hours towards Public Views.


I would just like the subscribers I have already gained to have a chance to see my uploads. Having less than 10% "impressions" on a video vs how many subs I have makes me question why I would pay for more views to gain more subs that will not be shown my uploads.


There are no targeting options. The only thing I can set is the country.

"Your promoted video will be shown to people who are most likely to engage with your channel, based on your existing channel subscribers and views". This is not how it should be. The people who have already subscribed via the promotion are not the correct audience based on the analytics. Youtube is using the data from these "current" subscribers to target viewers but the "current" subscribers are worthless because they subscribed but don't actually watch anything.

When I do an engagement campaign in Facebook, I can get very specific with the target audience. This is what's needed for the Youtube promotions.


There are many old videos made by us, which YouTube does not bring forward, it takes a lot of effort and cost to create a content, I request you to think about the matter.




I'd like to know the cost. Do I have to pay to promote my channel? If so, then YT is taking money away from me. And if I don't promote, will promoters have priority over my videos (meaning have top billing)? 🤔


I like to see examples of where and how the ads are being shown when using the Promotion feature. I've been using it for quite a while now but it doesn't give me the visibility of where the ad placements are, instead we get a generic statement that doesn't really tell us where the ads go.


so ive used promotions a few times and i get this huge influx of subscribers at really late hours of the night and when i look it doesnt show me where they all came from ive only been able to count for maybe 1% of my subs and i feel almost like its being faked


I fear YouTube is taking a slow turn towards a different approach to make money. If the pull towards it gets stronger over the years yt will become just another playground of have's.


Ever since the introduction of the "Promotions" tab, it feels as though all of my video uploads have been throttled back and are no longer being suggested by YouTube. Almost as though I'm being forced to pay to promote my videos now in order to achieve the same success I enjoyed prior to the "Promotions" option.
This approach may benefit YT financially in the short term, but it's going to kill off YT new prospect creators in the long term. I have close to 10K subscribers now but I'm close to giving up, as it just seems to have become some big corrupt, confusing, coin operated scam... really sad ☹


Ok, so, if I were to select a video to promote in order to hopefully get more traffic and subscribers to my channel, I pay YouTube to push that video, but the video will not earn me any money, so I cannot recuperate my investment in promoting said video? For a creator that is working on less than minimum wage, this feature seems to be geared to favor channels that HAVE it to SPEND it. In my opinion, it goes totally against what YouTube says it does for it's creators 'even playing field, equal opportunity' - unless of course, the decision to invest more money toward promoting a video regardless of income is considered equal... I am so confused with how YouTube operates and while always emphasizing it is there for all creators. Onward and upward. I am just going to pretend I did not hear that and remain invisible to YouTube 🫥


So does it accomplish anything to leave comments and questions here? A response to my age-old question would be appreciated, to show you are thinking about it: Why doesn't YouTube allow one mid-roll ad slot on videos at least 5 minutes in length? This would open up possibilities for content creators to insert a planned ad slot in videos 5-8 minutes long, while using the existing mid-roll ad slot availability on all videos 8 minutes or longer. YT, and creators, would realize greater opportunities for revenue on videos that could easily support one mid-roll ad slot, right?
