6 Harsh Relationship Truths I Wish I'd Known Sooner | Mark Rosenfeld

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6 Harsh Relationship Truths I Wish I'd Known Sooner!


00:00 Introduction
00:28 NEW Free Gift Now Available!
00:42 1. You must have conflict skills for love
01:56 2. Women will bring up most of the (connection) problems
03:42 3. He'll always be attracted to other women
04:42 4. Men must put purpose over relationship to feel fulfilled
07:45 5. Your connection is ONLY as strong as the problems you've overcome
08:25 6. Love won't save relationships. Skills will.
09:12 What skills do YOU find most important? COMMENT BELOW!

#MarkRosenfeld #Datingcoach #Relationshipadvice
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Seems Disney left these out of their content 🤔


1. Do healthy conflict
2. Women are more in tune with connection and men, autonomy
3. Men will always find other women attractive
4. A man’s purpose will and should take precedence over his relationship
5. Your connection is only as strong as what you’ve overcome
6. Relationship skills will save relationships

Thanks, Mark!!!!❤


Dark truth I've learned: attachment wounds influence your relationship skills. If you dont sort out attachment issues, your relationship will not last.


This is so true! I've noticed that I bring up most of the connection problems and as you say, he brings up the freedom ones. However, without the skills to solve conflicts and the willingness to listen and adapt to your partner, the relationship won't work.


These are all so true. On the connection/autonomy - we really have to listen to each other when these concerns come up.


Great video full of gems, Mark. Compatiblity is so critical. Shared vision, shared values etc. Like you say, all the love in the world just cannot compensate for certain things like a lack of compatibility.


Mark in the house! Ladies.. His advice is a must have!! Great video! Sookie xx ❤😎


Thank you. Starting to be open to a new relationship. I’m older and he says age is just a number which I love! I am starting to open up. I feel at ease with him. I’m looking to find out if we are emotionally compatible. So far the red flag I saw, he cleared up a misunderstanding without me having to ask him about it. Being patient and not jumping to conclusions is something I’ve learned.


You[re right, love isn't enough. If anything, love will indeed make you desperate if you don't know that the real answer is to step back, or step away from the situation for a moment of two. Hopefully, you'll then have enough character and integrity to see that situation honestly. Could what I originally said have been hurtful? What REALLY happened instead of what I THINK happened or what my feelings tell me happened. You know, YOUR truth is not always THE truth in relationships. It's like a car wreck where all the witnesses see something differently.


What percentage of men are strong, clear and emotionally aware males? It would make life way easier to find the men who are well capable of communicating clearly. It is so nice to have this valuable information. Thank you.


Great video. Nice to have a longer video as opposed to shorts. Love them all but always learn from longer videos.
Now, im not sure how i use this one to get resolution and end/restart of current relationship. Bf of 7 yrs broke up with me. BUT he never fully committed and no progresdion last 3 yrs. My old baggage caused me to let it go unaddressed until recently. Hes my soul mate. I dont know what to do. Fight for us even though going forward it would have to be different. As in i need to be more of a priority. Or to let it go. Either way, i need answers to learn and grow and ro be a better partner.


With all due respect- everyone have a purpose and you shouldn’t rob anybody of the things that make them feel vital and alive, whether they are man, woman or nonbinary.


unhealthy marriage conflict was in a movie where the couple began to fight then in anger began chasing ea other n throwing things at ea other swinging broom handles in aiming at ea other they çracked the walls where the handles hit
After several days and nights of fighting non stop u see the things inside n out that they destroyed.


Oh yeah, they began to break ea others things..like she took a golf club to his car n he. Broke windows on their doors n front house windows...


Sorry, I have lots trauma.you are prob not best to help with it! But I will continue to listen and love your stuff. Esp cos you are so cool and I love the man but and feel connected (ausistically in some way perhaps?) Hehe sorry.. not a good joke. 😔 I want to marry Daniel *ink) I think he's the most awesome person I've never met yet!!! I'm a fellow artist and love his work. Xxxx
