Perennial Broccoli- Get extra harvests!

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I started this broccoli last year but it bolted late spring. So I just let it flower as the pollinators loved the flowers. I collected all the seeds and just harvested the leaves and left the plant as it was still alive instead of getting rid as we normal gardening media tells you to do. It continually produces new shoots from nodes, leading to more flowers and more leaves. To my suprise.. it produced a second stem from the base. It literally is the gift that keeps on giving!
Does it look stereotypically appealing? No. However, it's a brilliant food source for my pollinators and I get an abundance of leaves to harvest and now I can choose to harvest the flower heads from the second stem as normal or just repeat the process of stem 1.
How interesting is gardening? Have you done the same with your bolted broccoli before?
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#brocoli #broccoli #allotment #allotmentgarden
Does it look stereotypically appealing? No. However, it's a brilliant food source for my pollinators and I get an abundance of leaves to harvest and now I can choose to harvest the flower heads from the second stem as normal or just repeat the process of stem 1.
How interesting is gardening? Have you done the same with your bolted broccoli before?
#gardening #growyourown #festivalofflavours #garden #manchestergarden #balcony #balconygarden #gardendesign #landscapedesign #horticulture #gardenersworld
#brocoli #broccoli #allotment #allotmentgarden
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