How to jet and tune carburetors Mikuni keihin nibbi carburetor adjustments Tbr7 hawk 250

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wanted to address how to adjust your air/fuel mixture as well as jet your carburetor & properly set up for needle jet! This applies to any Mikuni carburetor keihin carburetor or nibbi carburetor you may have on your dirt bike quad or motorcycle if you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comments section
Good quality jet kit

Nibbi pe30

Nibbi pe28

Nibbi pwk28

Jfg pz30…best clone carb around! Direct fit easy to use

If your using a nibbi then you’ll need this intake to make it work!

K&n filter fits the clone pz30s nibbi pe-pwk 28-30 as well as the keihin pwk clone from jfg

Second option for 30-34mm nibbi PE or PWK carburetors

Pz30 & vm26 2 complete rebuild kits…bought them personally everything fits and works perfect!

Keihin pwk 32mm flat slide “clone” by jfg racing always impressive quality my new test carb

Pwk hex head style jet kit main & pilots

Nibbi pe30 natural finish “silver”

Nibbi pe 28fl direct fit carb

Pwk rebuild kit

#mikuni #nibbi #keihin #pe30 #pe28 #vm22 #vm26 #pz20 #pz22 #pz30 #carburetorjetting #carbadjustments #needlejets #tbr7 #hawk250 #TT250 #taotao
#apollo #chinabikes #pwk #pwk28
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Best explanation of how the carb goes together and what is what I've seen yet. Thank you


Thanks for this. I just got a new exhaust, went with the Stoneman, I'll probably switch to a 120 main 38 pilot. I'm in Southern Michigan around 9000 if I remember correctly. This video saves me time since I don't know carbs all that well.


Best video for helping us rookies!!! Thanks a lot. wish I would have watched before installing my nibbi pe28fl. Now I have to uninstall and reinstall lol


Hello great video, you make it look simple. i know its been a year but can you please point me in the right combination of jets. I have the 28mm nibbi carb for my hawk 250 and i want to do the 300cc (70mm) big bore kit, will a 38 pilot and a 120 main give me the right amount of power, I want the bike to run at its full potential with these mods and not fall short. I live in Miami Im pretty sure we are below sea level (always getting flooded, lol)....thank you for your help


Great video on the parts and explaining what/how they work!
I am currently mounting a Honda gx240 (240cc big block 8hp) that has low hours on it, i'm putting it on a circle track Go kart I got from a good friend, I Want too change out the stock carb for a nibbi or Mikuni/clone, what size carb should I go with? Would a 34mm be OK or too big? And some starting jet settings? Thank you!


Amazing video thank you Jay. I have a question, running an ace 250 with a pz30 pumper carb. I range from sea level to about 600 ft. I cut the muffler off and replaced with a stubby slip on. Bike came with the cheap metal pod filter already. I’m thinking 38 idle 120 main? Does that sound about right? Thank you I appreciate your time.


Hey, great demo and info on how it works ...u nailed it ....I just installed a nibbi on my hawk 250 ...the bike flys now, its got power and top end, I'm loving it...pz30 is a super basic carburetor...its junk in my opinion...great video buddy ...keep em coming


I have a TBR7 on order and plan on upgrading the carb to the Jfg pz30. Elevation where I am is 344 feet above sea level. Should the carb be ok out of the box, or should I go ahead and order jet kit? Or should I just try it and see how it does before re-jetting?


Me again what replacement carb should I get for the hawk and what jets. The one's I ordered are to big for the stock pz30 carb


On a hawk would I jet up from a 110 main jet. If I remove the cat? Mine came with a 40 pilot jet also


Hey bro I just got my jet kit in today for my pz30 pumper carb and need some recommendations on jet sizes to run I'm at 15 ft elevation(5m) currently has a 115 main and a random pilot jet with no markings. I just put full exhaust system on recently


On the nibbi intake you have a link too says 60mm from bolt to bolt did you use it with the factory intake or how did you get it to work, my intake holes are about 33 mm? I'm looking for a new intake, and just want too get the right one, , thank you


I got a vm26 and my main jet is stuck. Can i replace the needle jet?


Best video on carburetor jets I have seen yet, one question one the nibbi, you said start with 2 turns out on fuel screw, which I believe is brass screw, , how many turns out is a good starting point on the idle knob? Thanks again


Hello, i live in a place where elevation ranges from 2, 700 - 3, 500 feet. I want to get a 28mm nibbi for my hawk 250 and rejet it properly. I want to remove the catalytic converter and get a new intake. What size jets would you recommend? Thanks!


I recently purchased a 2004 Yamaha 125 TTR and then purchased a 125CC 26 mm Nibbi carburetor for it. My problem is I don't know how to jet it or adjust the needle. And the moment it does turn over it will not idle and just shuts right off. Does anybody have any suggestions for me?


Genuine mikuni flatslide 28mm where can I get main and pilot jets from? Is Amazon a good place?


And what jetts would u recommend I run in my hawk with a nibbi carb in NY state ..?


Good explanation 👏 I was wondering if you had any recommendations as I've been having a hard time getting mine dialed in. I've got a 2020 recon, racing cdi, Keihin 30mm carb, nibbi coil, and aftermarket exhaust. I'm at about 500ft elevation. Currently have it set at 35p and 125m with needle set at 4th down. I feel like I've bounced back and forth 100 times now with no luck. I would appreciate any insite


Hey man great video. I’ve got an Apollo 250 just got a pz30 for it and the jets your recommended. Just looking for a recommendation to start at. I’m at 745ft above sea level. I started at a 45 and 120 off someone else’s recommendation but the bike it way to rich at idol. Spark plug was black and wet after running for 5mins. Any advice is appreciated
