Preparing for Summer Vanlife out West! ☀️ Safety Items, RV'ing with a Dog, Downsizing & Organizing

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We are back in the van and getting ready for a summer of adventures! I’ve always tried to be as prepared as possible, so here is everything I have done to make sure we are stocked up on all the van essentials as we make our way west. Stay tuned to see the fun van upgrades I'll be having done at Drifter Vans!

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Camping with Bears. My trick is to cook dinner early, eat it up, wash anything that needs to be MOVE TO A NEW SPOT. Bears can go check out the old spot all they want.


Awesome video! So much info! Thank you for that! I admire your downsizing but then acquiring items that are more important and necessary for safety and a healthy van life. Good to see Rue adjusting nicely. She will probably miss having all the space at Grandma's but will be happy to be with her Mum! Take care of you and safe journeys! 🤟🏼❤️


Hopefully, you have a portable small car jumper ... I worked nights, and it came in handy several times. You don't have to rely on another car to get you started. They're small and can also be used as a charging port for your phone, etc. An example is the halo bolt... but I'm sure there are better more affordable jumpers out there.


Sarah is quite an intelligent woman and very knowledgable about equipment and safety gadgets for both trailers and vans. She is a valuable source of information.


Hello Nomadic Sarah. My wife and I live in Alaska, aka Bear Country. I am by some (including myself) considered bearanoid. We hike, we camp (1985 VW Westfalia) and have done many things to protect ourselves from a bear encounter. 1st. we always carry bear spray on our person, either on our waist or chest, but always easy to access. We have practiced using it to be familiar how it works. 2nd if you do have to spray a bear, aim low as they charge on all 4 legs so they are low and fast. Use a sweeping motion. Many bear charges are false charges to see if you will run, if you do then you are prey in their mind. Bears are attracted to odors, good, bad, or indifferent. 2nd. If you see a bear talk softly and soothingly. Say, Hey bear I am here and you are there. Don't yell at it, as this might agitate the bear. We consider black bears more dangerous than Brown bears (Grizzly) as they are more aggressive toward humans. 3rd, if hiking always make noise, we carry a small speaker and play music, as sometimes going uphill it is hard to make noise. I also carry a bike bell that I ring often. I don't believe in bear bells as they make noise when you might not want to be making noise, i.e. a quiet retreat. If you see fresh bear scat (or any signs of bear recently in the area) turn around and go back, no harm in aborting. I will assume you have a pistol, check to see it is powerful enough to quickly kill a bear. Most Alaskans carry a 10mm, .357, or .44 magnum. 10mm give you more rounds to shoot. Know where to shoot a bear to kill it quickly. Be smart, if it doesn't feel right trust your gut. Don't hike alone, you have Rue. Don't hike in tall brush or grass. Consider not hiking if you are having your period. I have more, but there are books you can read and learn more. Best wishes, hope you come up to Alaska.


i just commented on your other video about struggling. The treat feeder is exactly what I was describing for making the van her happy place! glad you got one


Agree. Packing cubes are a game changer 🎉


Some areas of the Adirondack mountains where we hike/camp require the use of bear canisters. Backpacker’s Cache by Garcia is a brand that has been tested and approved by both our state and the National Park Service. The Bear Vault brand and hang bags are not state approved in these areas because some bears have figured out how to get in them. The canisters are a little unwieldy but you can get a bag to attach them to your pack. Good luck on your adventures!


Rue is adorable! More Rue! Safe travels!


Wow, how exciting to be preparing to venture out again! Lots of organizing ideas and great items to include in your van. Thank you for sharing! - Michelle


I love how you have all your stuff in bags and containers! You are a girl after my own heart! Upgrades? You have such a fancy van now, can’t wait to see what your up to with those! Take care Sarah and Rue! ❤❤❤


Good to see you together, Sarah & Rue!!! 👱‍♀️🐶😘🇧🇷


Great info
Love all your bits
I didn't no you could get suck bags that didn't need a vacuum cleaner def Guna look into that


Your home welcome home I know you and your beautiful Husky are so happy 😊😁🤗


Hi Sarah and Rue Welcome home So Good to see you back and in tip top shape I'm so happy that you have all the new things to make your van life journey even better can't wait to see where you go Sarah I do have to say since I've been living in Bear country and camped for 20 yrs in bear country as long as you don't leave food or scraps out and air out your van don't sleep where you cook you should be fine


Hay there you and your dog have a good time on your trips❤


Welcome back Sarah! Great upgrades to save space. Looking forward to when you and Rue hit the road ❤


I love my packing cubes, I have a small Basecamp and they work great in the limited sling storage….


If you want a small very solid, fold out camp chair have a look at Front Runner. It folds down to the size of a large packing cube.


Great video. Glad you are coming out West. There are so many national parks out here especially in Utah. One suggestion for bear country - a bear can. It will be important for you to put your trash in a sealed container. The one with the screw top lid is probably fine and will be easy to use for your trash. Happy travels!
