NEVER Do This When You Leave Your Gun In The Car...

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00:00 Intro: Tips to properly store your gun in a vehicle.
00:42 A portable gun safe is the best way to secure your gun in a vehicle.
01:52 Use caution when handling your gun.
02:52 Maintain muzzle and trigger finger discipline while reloading your weapon.

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Would you ever store your gun in the car?


You forgot to mention one thing. no Glock Sig or Smith & Wesson stickers/swag on your vehicle. letting others know that you may have a firearm in the car. One can argue that this is as probably important than the other steps


OK, you can light me up now. I'm old and have been around firearms for many decades. I find the current beliefs about 'safe storage' to be ridiculous. If I leave my firearm in my locked car, anyone who gets it has committed a crime. I should not be responsible for their crime. The same goes for my locked house.

If I follow this advice, I approach my car with a package I just purchased. The perp approaches me with intent to rob or car-jack. I have to open my center console, unlock the safe, retrieve my firearm, potentially insert magazine and rack the slide. I'm already finished before I have a useable firearm.

A locked firearm is a useless firearm when seconds count. I may as well rely on a cop.


People who say you can't bring guns into their location, including the court house, should have gun lockers available for use.


Keeping it in the holster seems to be the safest way to store it. That way the trigger is constantly guarded and you have a lot less time fumbling around drawing attention to yourself in the parking lot.


How would anyone with a no gun sign ever know you are carrying in the first place if you're doing it responsibly?


I know I'm not an expert (so take my opinion with a grain of salt), but I wouldn't bother unloading the gun while in the car. I would just remove the entire holster (with the gun) and quickly put it in the box. Taking it out of the holster just increases your chances of having a negligent discharge. Also, the time that I spend clearing the firearm will just increase the time that I'm fumbling with my gun in my car in a public place. If I spend too long holding my gun and someone looks into my car window and sees me, I feel like I could get into a lot of trouble. What do you guys think?


I bought a Hornady safe for my vehicle. Seeing I work in Milwaukee and vehicle theft is high. I also put an Apple AirTag inside the safe so I can check on if my vehicle is still parked where I left it.


If I need to enter a gun free zone, instead of leaving the gun in the car, just carry it anyway, shall not be infringed.


Keep a round chambered. Every time you rechamber the same round, the bullet pushes further back into its case. This increases pressure when that round is fired, potentially harming your pistol. So those of you who keep chambering the same round need to take that round out of your pistol and look at it. If the bullet is pressing further into the case, you need to discard it.


Seems to me that clearing a gun before storing it in your car increases the risk of an accidental discharge when reloading it on your return. Not to mention that both of these actions take time and, as others have noted, that just increases the risk of someone seeing you "playing with a gun" in public.


Strongly disagree on unloading before locking in your car. In my 35 years of law enforcement experience I can tell you most AD's occur when loading, unloading and racking. When you get back to your car you need to handle the rounds a second time. That's 2 times more than you needed to be manipulating your gun in the first place.


This is absolutely ridiculous. This entire process wastes tremendous time, might as well not carry if you are going to follow this process. I'm going to sit in my car, pull out my firearm for any and all to see, have someone see me with my firearm out who doesn't understand what I am doing. Have the cops called on me and have to deal with 100% more issues when I could have simply put my loaded firearm in my glovebox, center console, in my door, under my seat, etc. The firearm is hidden and in a locked vehicle, that in and of itself is putting your firearm inside a safe. I am usually on your side when you come out with videos, but this one makes zero sense.


How about leaving pistol in holster when putting it in the car safe?


I encountered this problem starting back in the 1980s when I first started carrying a handgun daily and occasionally needed to leave it in my vehicle or needed to leave it in hotel rooms. There were none of these gun safes around for cars back then. If I can recall correctly, the idea came from Massad Ayoob to use a pair of handcuffs to attach your firearm to either the frame of your vehicle or to some rigid plumbing in a hotel room.

As a side note, around 20 years ago anti’s in Florida noticed that millions of citizens were getting CCW licenses and employers across the state started implementing rules that employees could not carry firearms on company property on penalty of immediate termination. This included company owned parking lots. My employer even had their security guards begin looking inside your car as your entered and left the site. The State of Florida passed a law the prohibited employers from banning firearms left in an employee’s private vehicle. They tried to push back saying it was their property and they could make any regulations they wanted, but the State prevailed.


Little tip for y’all, when you put your gun away in your car (or wherever) remove it while it is still holstered. Keeps you much safer, easy to put back on, and there’s rly no point walking around with an empty holster


If you're using the Vedders light tuck holster; it's very easy to take off the entire rig and place it in your car safe. That way, the trigger guard is covered and it reduces the amount of administrative handling.


Now remember folks... take your pistol out of your holster, take the ammo out of the pistol, disassemble the pistol, place each part of the pistol in a separate locking box, in a locked compartment, and remove all bullets from your magazine as well and place them in separate lockable boxes that are cabled to a structural part of your car, then lock your car, within a locked shipping container, within a fenced, locked, and guarded parking lot. Also make sure you keep a cleaning kit in your vehicle so that when you return to your vehicle you can clean your pistol while you are reassembling it all again. BE SAFE PEOPLE!


Even if it locks, do NOT put the gun in the glove box, or center console, unless it's also in a secured lockbox within; because those are the first two places someone looks when they break into your car. Just sayin'.


When I have to leave my gun in the car, I not only make sure it's unloaded, but I also remove the barrel and guide spring and place them in my pocket so I'm not leaving behind a ready-to-go gun. Takes longer to make ready again when I get back in the car, but it leaves me with peace of mind I'm not storing a gun that can be used as soon as it's pulled from the car. I also place it somewhere people wouldn't think to look for anything, in the seat back pocket behind the windshield sun screen. Not the most secure, but not likely to be found.
Learned this trick from my coworker.
