David Paulides Presents Bigfoot 101 Class 11, DNA

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This is class #11 in the Bigfoot 101 series.
© 2022 David Paulides NABS LLC
Link to our online store-sale now on for purchasing our DVD and Blu Ray for Missing 411- The UFO Connection:
**For the first time in 3 yrs, our first documentary is available back on DVD- Missing 411- Go to our online store link and scroll down.

Link to order online version of the movie:

Watch our first movie for free;
Missing 411

Watch our second movie for free:
Missing 411 The Hunted

Our new list of videos has been categorized for you.
This is not all of them, just some of them we picked with your help.
**Please remember, every minute you watch helps us GREATLY!!

Most Watched Missing Person Segments:

National Park Cases:

David Paulides Interviews:

Book Review- Skinwalkers at the Pentagon:

Bigfoot Classes:
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Good morning Students. This is class #11 and one of the most important we have presented. DNA is the strongest evidence of the existence of the biped.
This is not a class to casually pay attention, you need to understand the specifics of what is presented, it is complex.
I greatly appreciate you being here. Please share this segment on your social media.

On another note, Missing 411 The UFO Connection is breaking all records of our past two documentaries. We are reaching new people
and hopefully, they will learn of our work here. If you have not watched it yet, the links are below. If you have not completed an online review of the documentary, PLEASE-PLEASE leave one; it will help us!! Please subscribe to our channel.h
© 2022 David Paulides NABS LLC
Link to our online store-sale now on for purchasing our DVD and Blu-Ray for Missing 411- The UFO Connection:
**For the first time in 3 yrs, our first documentary is available back on DVD- Missing 411- Go to our online store link and scroll down.

Link to order online version of the movie:

Watch our first movie for free;
Missing 411

Watch our second movie for free:
Missing 411 The Hunted

Our new list of videos has been categorized for you.
This is not all of them, just some of them we picked with your help.
**Please remember, every minute you watch helps us GREATLY!!

Most Watched Missing Person Segments:

National Park Cases:

David Paulides Interviews:

Book Review- Skinwalkers at the Pentagon:

Bigfoot Classes:


Dave Paulides recognizes there’s some very strange things occurring on this planet and isn’t reluctant to investigate. I respect it.


I have a friend I've known for years in Alaska-she's an Athabascan elder. She told me about an incident when she was 6 years old in the old village of Minto. The elders had opened up the potlatch hall to give the kids a place to play during a span of 40-50 below weather. Two woodstoves heated the place. Kids took turns bringing in firewood. When Alvina and her older cousin went out to bring in some wood her cousin pointed across Minto Lake and said Look! There was a huge hairy figure striding towards them across the lake. They could see it very well in the moonlight. Bigger than anything they had ever seen. They called out to some teenagers who took one look and said in a panic- everybody home!! The figure was heading straight for the hall. Everyone quickly went home and told the parents what they had seen.
Soon, all the dogs in the village were going crazy. Men got their weapons and tracked it to the outskirts of the village but could not catch up to it. I've known Alvina for years and have no doubt as to the veracity of this account. Her village called him "Stickman". That winter was harsh and many dogs were taken by the Stickman.


Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center, pathology lab in Idaho Falls, looked at a hair sample I had found after a 2am encounter at my hunting camp Oct. 2015. Results stated that hair doesn't match known North America mamals, hair is human like, with non-human overlapping features. This was the beginning of my trip down the rabbit hole.
Thank you, Dave, for sharing this content.


This was a great episode!! I’m an auditor and a CPA, and the evidence you laid out makes perfect sense to me. Over the past few years, I’ve come to realize just how captured our institutions are. It makes me so angry when I see how money and elite networks obfuscate the truth. I don’t believe any of them anymore!!!


This is a ‘Must See’ video for understanding Big Foot DNA results. I majored in Anthropology and studied genetics at a leading university. Your expertise and research methods continue to impress me as ‘world class’ work. Thank you for presenting all this in a step by step process so your audience is able to grasp the granular details. This is so important when you are shattering the accepted paradigm. I will be sharing this with everyone interested in this topic.


The veil is thinning. And you, Dave, are on the forefront of the many people who are brave enough to say "look ! " it's happening right in front of us". Thank you for hard work and dedication.


They don’t want this out because then how did this human hybrid come about? These are answers they don’t want us to know, although we already suspect exactly how this occurred. Dave is not in this for fame or money, he wants the truth and goes after it to lengths others will not go. Love this man!


My wife purchased your book for me as a Christmas gift. Dave it’s a wealth of knowledge and I’m loving this series. We also loved Missing 411 the UFO connection.


Thank you David for not charging for this series I know a lot of people would have paid and I probably would have been one of them. I know it's not easy to have the unpopular opinion and I truly appreciate anything you've had to go through to bring this information out. I hope this isn't the last class cuz I look forward to more.


Thank you Dave for pointing out the brain wash factor! It’s infuriating that the scientists dismiss the First Nations peoples 1000’s of years of knowledge about Saba, Sasquatch. Thank you for your dedication to the missing and the truth that you bring to us. Have a very safe new year.


I've been down the rabbit hole for 15 years Dave and I could not agree with you more! I think we have ancient relatives with Sasquach. Thank you for sharing all your research with us all!!


I'm so incredibly thankful you've got the DNA! I've believed in Big Foot since the 70s, but, I've also been called crazy for it... Thank You, Dave for all your hard work.


This class is more 401 than 101. Very grateful for the meticulous research. Thank you, Dave.


Fascinating, Dave! When you mentioned Bigfoots DNA was traced back to the Middle East it reminded me of the account of Enkidu a giant hairy man who dwelled in the forest which is found in the Epic of Gilgamesh a ancient historical document which was from ancient Mesopotamia dating back to 2100 B.C. please keep doing these Bigfoot classes. I really enjoy them! 👍


I do not understand how the world is not completely freaking out over this information! This is a game changer.


I'm sure I speak for the whole village when I say how much we appreciate and admire the unbelievable hard work and total dedication displayed by yourself sir. Despite your obvious heartache and even right through this festive period you continue to keep us all hanging on every episode and I'm sure increase the population of our unique and enlightened village. I wanted to say that I hope you have had a great Christmas and to wish you a extremely happy new year. Thank you so much for doing what you do and I sincerely Look forward to following your work in 2023 and beyond. Same to everybody Happy New Year


Dave, with 3 Missimg 411 docs under your belt, I would love to see a sasquatch documentary from you. Make the best one ever and bring the truth out via all your research. I'm serious. These classes you've created are a definitive guide to the phenomenon. Go full on and make a film. Also, you should interview Ken Walker for it, the world champ taxidermist. He is legit when it comes to the sasquatch topic. He s the guy who recreated Patty based on all the PG film data.


Thank you so much for all the work you do david I'm just 24 and now very aware of the mystery goings on around me! Everyone I can get to listen to me hears about your research because it's so important to our society as a whole


I love you so much for your courage and tenacity. Thank you, Dave and Angie
