Missing 411- Bigfoot 101 Class 1 with David Paulides

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This is class #1 in the Bigfoot 101 class series.
© 2022 David Paulides

Here is a comprehensive List of my recent interviews, youtubes, etc.:

Jim Myers, Owner of the Sasquatch Outpost in Colorado

Bobo Fay of Finding Bigfoot Fame:

Ron Morehead the founder of the Sierra Sounds:

Joe Hauser at the Montana Vortex

Most Viewed Episodes:
Missing 411 A Sobering Coincidence:

Bobby Bizup- Colorado

Jaryd Atadero- Colorado

Missing Cases from Alaska, Minnesota & Wyoming:

Missing person cases from TN and one from Wisconsin:

Missing Person Cases from Arizona, New Zealand & Virginia

Missing Berry Pickers

Three People Missing from the area around Yosemite National Park:

The Montana Missing Girl Cluster:

Young Boys Who vanished from cars:

Skinwalker Ranch and a Missing Hunter #1:

David Paulides Discusses a Series of unusual facts:

Red Pill News- David Paulides Interviewed about Missing 411 Canada:
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Welcome, Friends and Villagers
First- Don't forget to watch our trailer for our new documentary that will be out December 13:

Pre-Order DVDs and Blu Rays NOW!!

Online Versions of the movie can be pre-ordered now here:

This video is a new endeavor to bring clarity to a topic that is rarely honestly addressed.
I had no dog in this fight, it was purely a fact-finding missing, which is what you'll get from this class.
This is class #1, hold on, it will be a wild ride that may shake your knowledge base.
Thanks for being here!
Here is a list of links to various videos I have recently posted.

Here is the link to Bigfoot Class #2:

Have a great weekend.
Here's the link to our online store:
Here is a comprehensive List of my recent interviews, youtubes, etc.:

Jim Myers, Owner of the Sasquatch Outpost in Colorado

Bobo Fay of Finding Bigfoot Fame:

Ron Morehead the founder of the Sierra Sounds:

Joe Hauser at the Montana Vortex

Most Viewed Episodes:
Missing 411 A Sobering Coincidence:

Bobby Bizup- Colorado

Jaryd Atadero- Colorado

Missing Cases from Alaska, Minnesota & Wyoming:

Missing person cases from TN and one from Wisconsin:

Missing Person Cases from Arizona, New Zealand & Virginia

Missing Berry Pickers

Three People Missing from the area around Yosemite National Park:

The Montana Missing Girl Cluster:

Young Boys Who vanished from cars:

Skinwalker Ranch and a Missing Hunter #1:

David Paulides Discusses a Series of unusual facts:

Red Pill News- David Paulides Interviewed about Missing 411 Canada:


The Man The myth the legend Mr Paulides


About 15 years ago, while on a family camping trip to a cabin in Wayne national forest, I got all the answers I needed to make up my mind on the existence of the Sabe. From acorns being thrown all around us, to the dead silence when they were around. On the last evening there, I was certain that we were being watched through the windows. I can relate to fish being in a tank now. Nothing bad happened. Rather peaceful for the most part. I’d love to go back one day. I wish more people understood that absence of proof does not mean proof of absence.


The idea that I get David as my teacher to help me understand the world of Sasquatch is very rewarding as a student/villager...God bless David and his family. Thank you sir!


When I saw the name of Dave’s book of research, my heart skipped a beat and I got excited. I had never heard the term "Wild Men" come from anyone other than my mother. I paused the video because I didn’t want it to influence my memories. It was about 1950 and my mother lived in Waycross, Georgia, near the Okefenokee Swamp. She was a teenager and she said she saw wild men living in the swamp. I asked her what she meant by "Wild Men" and she had a hard time describing them. I wish I had gotten more information from her, but I was young. I do remember her saying they were hairy, but she didn’t really describe them any further. She didn’t get too close because she didn’t want to be noticed. It does seem like she thought they were communicating, but she couldn’t hear much except they were making noises. I don’t remember her mentioning anything about their size. I believe she was probably with her father, my grandfather, but I know she wasn’t alone and they got out of there pretty quickly. These men lived in the swamp among the alligators and other dangerous animals. This story has always intrigued me. I just wish I knew more. I can’t wait to hear what Dave has to say.


Please keep covering bigfoot regularly! This topic is FAR from over.


Coffee on the pot, fresh croissants on the table and sunrise coming up. Then a new video pops up, a perfect Friday. Thanks Mr. Paulides!


I've had a really strange occurrence in the adirondacks with my father. We were out at a nice deep woods vantage point overlooking a field in my jeep. Took out some lawn chairs and began sitting looking out over the field we were parked at looking for animals to start moving before dusk. Mainly deer and or moose. By nightfall we had seen nothing, it was really quiet. Out of no where we both noticed a foul odor that swept in and we both looked at eachother and knew right away it was pretty unnatural. It smelt like the combo of skunk and rotting fish. It was so pungent I felt sick to my stomach! We started to get up and look around behind us curiously in the woods (the woodsline was behind us ) . After 10 minutes of exploring we gave up after not finding any explainable reason for the odor. The odor also dissapeared so we walked back out to the jeep and lawn chairs. My father had left his cell phone on the hood of the jeep next to the lawn chairs for quick and easy access if we had seen any animals for a picture. When we returned to the chairs and jeep he immediatley noticed the phone was Gone!! Thinking he had misplaced the cell, i decided to call it to listen for the ringtone trying to locate it. We hardly heard the phone but it sounded like it came from the woods north of where we were just exploring and further away. The sound of the phone ringing was faint. I thought he had dropped it in the woods but it was much further in one direction than where we were just exploring! As we got close to the phone we immediatley started to smell that foul odor again. After being creeped out we decided to pack up and get in the jeep to drive back a few miles out of the trail we came in on. As we packed our chairs we started heating some movement in the woods. We didn't care what it was we got in the jeep and started to drive. Only 2 minutes up the trail we were paralleling a cliff with woods on top of it, field to our right. I decided to Stop and listen again . It was dead silent and all of a sudden we heard a gutteral sound what sounded like a growl and then some strange chattering . If you were to push air out of your mouth using your stomach and add an oooohhaaa to it that is what it sounded like. It happened a few times and my father and I have never heard this before. It was super creepy and loud. Almost like we felt it and heard it. Did it try to take my father's phone out of curiosity whatever it was? It was a Very strange occurance!! Never seen this thing though


I like the fact that you have no problem saying "I don't know". When looking into the unusual, I find a lot of people tend to fill in things they don't know with speculation. I think this takes away from any serious consideration of what they are doing. I appreciate your content. Thanks!


The kids always come first. You’re a good dad Dave. And you are doing very important work here. You’re very credible and a great human being. Thanks for all the effort you putting on finding the truth.


Wow! An intelligent, truthful, and unapologetic video on this topic. I can't explanation how great this is.


My son bought Tribal Bigfoot book for my birthday (Jan) and it is amazing! You write like you talk Dave 😊 iam learning so much. Your Bigfoot classes are great as well! I have always believed! Thank you Dave for all you do.


My great grandmother was Native American, and she lived in a tiny little house next to a Quarry bordering a State Park in Missouri known as the Elephant Rocks which are a massive formation of huge pink granite boulders. When my dad was pretty young, around ten, he was playing near that quarry hole trying to pull an old rusty bike frame out of the water when something in his peripheral vision blocked out the sun. He looks up and spots a 'Bigfoot' which he describes as to me as a big hairy man. he said he was so quiet that he didn't make a sound walking up on him and when my dad noticed him he said it was like they startled each other and it just kind of veered its coarse and walked into the thicket which if you have ever visited Missouri you would know that walking through that stuff is nearly impossible because especially at this particular location because it was almost all blackberry bushes which grow thick and strong covered in a million tiny thorns. This thing continued on without making so much as a tiny leaf rustle and disappeared as quickly as it appeared. My dad of course goes the other direction screaming for my Great Grandmother, Cora Eunita, who calms him down to get some sense as to why he is yellin and carrying on in which case he describes to her what he had witnessed which brings me to what I always found to be the best part of this story. Granny who was a tiny little women that loved chewing tobacco, and had glaring eyes so dark that my grandmother described them as looking like two pieces of black coal, just looked at my dad without the slightest look of surprise and an impish smile on her face and very matter of fact informed him "hear me child and listen well, he meant you no harm, he is my neighbor and as long as you don't bother him he won't bother you, now get washed for supper an set the table for grandma". From what I gather my Great Grandma knew full well of this entity's existence and she viewed an encounter with it as what she called a "token" which could be a bringer of fortune or folly based on the way you reacted to this creature's presence, which to me sounds almost supernatural in nature. If you have ever visited the elephant rocks, you would quickly realize that it is a very unique formation. There's no place like it anywhere in the world and the natives viewed this place as a location where the vail between our worlds can sometimes be lifted allowing for us and them to mingle. I know how stereotypical all this may sound but I would put my hand on a Bible and swear it. This is an absolutely true story and whenever I poke fun you can see it written all over my dad's face that not only did this happen, but it had a powerful effect on how he views the world. There are things in this world that Science would be hard pressed and find it nearly impossible to devise a way to measure and confirm. If one decides to gain knowledge of these things it is important to know the right questions, and even more important to know who to ask.


Good morning Huck and Dave! Good morning villagers! Thanks for bringing us all this information on the idiots that do this so called investigating! Everything you and Huck bring us is much appreciated!👍


Tribel Bigfoot is an incredible book. Very well written. Contains tons of knowledge. I highly recommend it.


Fantastic production value! You would never guess a dog did it, well done Huck 👍. Best executive producer ever!!! Thank you for talking about mental health. I found your YouTube whilst trying to get my mind off how bad I felt, I really needed reminding that lots of people all over the world go through gut wrenching, trying times, that it wasn't just me. It made me feel like I wasn't alone. Blessings to you and Huck.


Hi everyone, thanks for being such nice people 👍🏼 bless you all
Love from 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🇬🇧


I’ve been listening to Dave, Steve, and Scott for 5 years now. That subterranean Mt. Rainier story blew me away. Absolutely incredible.


I just had a scary encounter in a remote logging road up by apex ski resort in BC outside of penticton. I walked my shiba up a logging road five minutes into it off the main highway to the ski resort while my father waits in the vehicle, as I am walking there I notice trees bent into the X formation all over the woods surrounding the road as well as rocks the size of medium small boulders stacked up on the slightly higher up cliffs, I was thinking to myself how the hell are people carrying these heavy rocks and stacking them way up in these dense woods so dense in tall pine trees that you can barely walk through them, as well as all the trees that were bent on the tops and seemed to be broken right off the stem as if something ripped them from the stumps (not cut at all with a chainsaw). Is it a coincidence that the trees are all fallen in these X formations surrounding this area? Then as I’m walking my shiba he stops and stares off into the bushes while he regularly pulls to go further and something starts yelling loud at us in these weird noises I’ve never heard before in my life as well as rocks that sound to be banging together making clinging noises and bangs against trees, I was thinking to myself is this someone f$cking with me in the middle of nowhere? But I was so scared after hearing the yelling noise I was instantly running for my life as well as my dog that normally would bark back at any noises on walks.

The noise I heard matches the recordings people have on YouTube of “Sasquatch sounds” as I looked it up immediately when I got home up at the ski resort I’m temporarily living in for the summer. Whatever it was sounded big and was not noises or anything I’ve heard in my life and I’ve been a hiker and know the woods and animals in them for most of my life. I seen big prints that looked like someone was walking in the dried up stream right off the trail I was walking in before I heard the noise as I was rock picking in this stream for about 30 mins and found some nice qaurtz crystals. The print I seen appears to be bare foot and shows the toe outlines and I myself could not make my shoe print go that deep in this stream, it looked like a fresh one too. So it seems to be something heavy was walking there barefooted in a size 12 foot 🦶, I am not sure what it is but this is a remote area off the mountain road into the logging roads that you never see people stop at, It’s also been snowing here around the area on the mountain the last week and very cold (the snow just recently melted but still snow at the top of the mountain) so not like it’s the type of weather someone would take there shoes off in to walk in a dried up stream. I am thinking about going back to take pictures and see if I can record the noise if it’s there next time but my brother says I shouldn’t FAFO as it was sort of terrifying the first time. I believe I walked into their territory and they warned me to GTFO, the feeling of being watched was there the whole time too. All I could think of is to run, I never took a chance to stare into the trees where the noise came from but I should of as I may have seen it, it sounded like it was 15 feet or so away from me when it yelled.


Dave Paulides n bigfoot in the same sentence ...my happiness 😊
