ESP-IDF: ESP32 Storage(SD, Flash) and Filesystem (FAT, SPIFFS, NVS)

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SD: 1-line, 4-line and SPI mode, partition type: FAT(use ESP32-CAM SD card)
Flash: main flash(internal) and external flash (Winbond W25Q128), partition type: data, subtype: NVS, SPIFFS and FAT

00:00 FatFs for small embedded systems
00:26 ESP-IDF FAT and SD Storage(SD-1bit, SD-4bit, SDSPI)
25:23 ESP-IDF NVS, SPIFFS, FAT filesystem and SPI Flash
29:34 attach external SPI flash into SP32
31:40 create external SPI flash partition
44:40 NVS read/write test
56:05 spiffs, fat filesystem read/write test

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this problem is coming after flashing can u help in this
(476) sdmmc_sd: sdmmc_init_sd_if_cond: send_if_cond (1) returned 0x108
E (476) vfs_fat_sdmmc: sdmmc_card_init failed (0x108).
