Rust Zürisee, Dec 2022: Next Generation i18n with Rust Using ICU4X

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Talk by Shane Carr (starts at 11:20, with some intros from the organizers first)
Across the world, people are coming online with smartphones, smart watches, and other small, low-resource devices. The technology industry needs an internationalization solution for these environments that scales to dozens of programming languages and thousands of human languages.
Enter ICU4X. Built from the ground up to be lightweight, portable, and secure, ICU4X learns from decades of experience to bring localized date formatting, number formatting, collation, text segmentation, and more to devices that, until now, did not have a suitable solution.
Shane Carr, chair of the ICU4X subcommittee at the Unicode Consortium, will introduce ICU4X and discuss a range of topics on how to write a fast, modular Rust library.
-- Chapters --
00:00 Rust Zürisee and Introduction by Stefan Schindler
04:44 Rust at Google by Martin Geisler
11:20 Next Generation i18n with Rust Using ICU4X by Shane Carr
39:39 Questions
Across the world, people are coming online with smartphones, smart watches, and other small, low-resource devices. The technology industry needs an internationalization solution for these environments that scales to dozens of programming languages and thousands of human languages.
Enter ICU4X. Built from the ground up to be lightweight, portable, and secure, ICU4X learns from decades of experience to bring localized date formatting, number formatting, collation, text segmentation, and more to devices that, until now, did not have a suitable solution.
Shane Carr, chair of the ICU4X subcommittee at the Unicode Consortium, will introduce ICU4X and discuss a range of topics on how to write a fast, modular Rust library.
-- Chapters --
00:00 Rust Zürisee and Introduction by Stefan Schindler
04:44 Rust at Google by Martin Geisler
11:20 Next Generation i18n with Rust Using ICU4X by Shane Carr
39:39 Questions