GED math 2021: Pass your GED with confidence and ease!

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50 GED math questions explained step by step to help YOU pass the GED easily and confidently !

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00:00 Intro
00:36 Question 1
03:51 Question 2
06:06 Question 3
07:31 Question 4
10:19 Question 5
12:28 Question 6
13:26 Question 7
14:18 Question 8
15:19 Question 9
16:16 Question 10
19:15 Question 11
20:18 Question 12
21:42 Question 13
22:54 Question 14
24:49 Question 15
25:23 Question 16
27:00 Question 17
27:54 Question 18
28:54 Question 19
30:27 Question 20
31:26 Question 21
34:30 Question 22
36:05 Question 23
37:17 Question 24
38:59 Question 25
40:35 Question 26
42:22 Question 27
45:18 Question 28
48:19 Question 29
50:00 Question 30
51:28 Question 31
52:24 Question 32
55:44 Question 33
57:13 Question 34
58:38 Question 35
59:25 Question 36
1:00:14 Question 37
1:03:46 Question 38
1:04:33 Question 39
1:06:04 Question 40
1:06:58 Question 41
1:07:53 Question 42
1:08:52 Question 43
1:11:00 Question 44
1:12:05 Question 45
1:13:06 Question 46
1:14:08 Question 47
1:14:47 Question 48
1:16:05 Question 49
1:16:42 Question 50
1:17:57 Bonus question

In this GED math prep video we will go through 51 questions of GED math style questions in a step by step fashion. The questions are arranged in a mixed order, the same way as in the GED math test.

TOPICS covered in each GED math prep question
1) Number lines and absolute values.
2) Standard algebra problem that requires you use order of operations.
3) Rounding numbers. This is the type of question you might see in the basic arithmetic portion of the GED math test.
4)Exponents and radicals.
5) Multiplying decimals and rounding
6-8) These basic arithmetic problems look at cost
9) How to calculate distance
10)Adding fractions
12)Probability ratio
13) Probability ratio
14) Permutations
15)Pie graphs
16) Percent rule and pie graphs
17) Exponents
18) Sum of coefficients
19)Find the missing angle of a triangle
20) Find the perimeter of a rectangle
21) FOIL method
22) Word problem with a bar graph
23) Word problem with a bar graph
24) Word problem with a histogram
25) Inequality

26) Inequality
27) Ordered pairs
28) Algebra word problem
29) Algebra word problem
30) Probability ratio
31) Dividing polynomials
32) Algebra word problem
33) Percentage word problem
34) Algebra word problem
35) Distance problem
36) Cost problems
37) Mixed numbers
38) Fractions
39) Simple interest
40) Simple interest
41) Word problem with line graph
42) Word problem with double line graph
43) Slope
44) Circumference of a circle
45) Proportions
46) Median
47) Mean
48) Circle graph word problem
49) Percent difference
50) Total price
Bonus question : Price calculation

This is GED math prep video with 51 questions explained step-by-step. We go over multiple topics that are seen in the GED math test. Make sure that prior to taking your GED math test you take the GED ready test which is the closest thing to the real thing.

#GEDmathprep , #GEDmath, #GEDmathtest, #GEDmicrolearning, #สอบGED
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I'm 65 and trying to get my GED.Please put up more ❤❤


Who ever reading this don’t give up 🙏🏾 it took me 5 try’s and today I finally passed and this the best feeling looking at trades and everything I can finally do. I was gone give up on myself and something told me don’t 💯 and it paid off.


I just got my score and i passed. after my 2nd attempt. THANK YOUUU. i watched this video over and over for weeks!! this video helped me pass my GED Math test. i am officially a ged graduate . If YOU are reading this, going through the comment DO NOT give up! you got this!! i was so close to giving up but trust me, study throughout this video. everything you need for your test is in this video. make sure to study for graphs as well ok :) thank you again for this video, bless your heart!!


Thank you so much! For taking the time to make these videos🫶 I passed my math GED test yesterday(which was my last one!) I made a 152 after failing the Sunday before with a 140. I feel like my first downfall with the score before was that I didn’t spend enough time or pause the videos and try hard enough. So honestly my fellow students just get engaged in the video! Pause the video answer the questions on your own try to watch at least 1 to 2 videos a day the longer ones and it’ll be worth the time you spend on it! I promise I’ve never felt this great and accomplished! Now it’s time for the new chapter in my life🥰 also for anyone that’s looking to give them self an excuse life is hard and there’s really never an easier time to do it I’m going through a divorce I also have a 18 month son who is autistic and runs around like there ain’t no tomorrow but I let him run around the yard while I brought my books outside and studied if you want it hard enough you’ll go through whatever you have to do to get it! stay strong 💪 and remember your worth


Passed all other subjects, math has always been hard for me. I took my math test today, after 3 tries i finally passed! This video helped. Don't give up!!


Just passed my Math GED. Not with the highest scores but it took me 8 try’s… yes 8. Finally today I passed. I should’ve had my GED 5 months ago but I kept failing math. Keep study! Keep trying! And don’t give up.💗


After 2 years on and off, I finally got my GED today. Math was my last obstacle. Thank you, teachers of YouTube you guys are truly a blessing. I’m very excited for the future


I don’t know why I didn’t click on this video sooner! Out of all the videos I’ve watched, this by far was the best one! Thank you for explaining it in a way that we can understand. I failed my math twice, lost all hope but last night, i clicked on your video and it helped me understand math a little better! I passed & got my GED today!!

Those who are studying for their math! Do not give up, even if you fail the first & second time!! You can do it


Thank you so much! I have been trying to pass the math part of the Ged since 2000!!! I gave up many times along the way because I just can’t understand math. I found your videos a few months ago so I started watching them over and over. Working out problems with you. I took my Ged test at home yesterday and finally I passed! I’m so thankful for your videos. Thank you for helping people get to their math goals!! You are an angel. Thank you!!


I've learned more in these first 10 minutes than I had my whole high-school experience. My attention span was horrid in my teenage years and I couldn't focus and not to mention I didn't have very caring teachers to help. Thank you for making this so simple


My math exam is this Wednesday! Y'all pray for me! 🙏🏽❤


I passed my ged math test last night!!! Your videos helped so much! Thank you!!!


i thought math was hard at first but you explaining it makes it so much easier. thank you so much


You've done an outstanding job of presenting common questions of the GED and walking through "how" answers are achieved.


I passed my math test today with the help of these videos. Without binge watching the last couple of days I would not have been able to pass it. Thank you so much for making these. Math has always been my hardest subject and I passed on my first try.


I learned more from you then I did in school. I learned much easier as well. Thank you 🙏🏽 💚


I scheduled my GED test a week ago and did no studying. I dropped out of high school doin dumb shit I’m 22 now and I thought I would just wing it on these tests. I watched this video 2 hours before driving to the test. This video helped a lot there was just some questions that were bizarre to me and thought I was going to fail but I PASSED! Thank you for helping me with this video!💯💯💯💯💯


I passed my test today!!! Thank you for making these videos


Despite the couple errors, I truly appreciate you being there to help so many (including myself).

To those with upcoming tests even though it’s timed, take your time! Get the ones right that are easy to you. If a question is difficult and you are unsure still select an answer(even if it ends up being a guess) you still have a 1 in 4 chance of getting it right. But also you can go back and spend more time on it in the review section. So Take note of the ones you aren’t sure of. Good Luck!!

Thanks again for the video!!!


I love I’m 47 years all taking my ged this helps a lot. Thank you.
