Why Pharmacy Informatics? My Story

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Career decisions are usually not linear paths from point A to point B. They rarely are. In fact, it’s not uncommon to pursue something entirely different than your childhood dreams, switch majors in college multiple times, or even completely pivot into something entirely different later on in life. Behind every decision is a story. Here’s mine.

Spoiler alert: I switched. A lot.

#licreatoraccelerator #pharmacy #pharmacists #informatics #healthcare #mywhy #startwithwhy #simonsinek #clinicalinformatics #cancer #engineering #storytime #career

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The views expressed on this channel are my own and do not reflect the views of my employer. This video contains affiliate links. If you click on one of them, I'll receive a commission.
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Thank you for sharing your story Brian! I l loved the format of this video as well and how you touched upon healthcare burnout - a topic near to my own heart.


Poignant and well-written! Thank you for sharing your story

(From a grateful pharmacy student who's been following your content for a while)


I was deeply moved by your experience. I felt your genuine desire to help improve the lives of others. I'm so sorry about what happened with your grandmother; I hope that you've been able to find some comfort knowing that your hard work helps other patients every single day. Thank you for sharing your story.


Hello, Dr. Brian. First I want to thank you for sharing information about informatics pharmacy. I am a fresh graduate of Pharmacy, I want to ask for your opinion. I also enjoy computers and I always imagine to be working in a computer field like coding or building a security program. But in reality, facing some matters I fall into the healthcare field which is a pharmacy major. And right now I have finished a pharmacy bachelor's degree, and I feel stuck in the middle of the road and frustrated. At first, I think that I want to start over by starting computer science all over again but I don’t want to get out of the medical field of being a pharmacist because I discovered that I want help other patients. I feel stuck, I don’t know which way should I go. After I watch your video, I start to have hope for being a pharmacist and also still keep connecting with technology computers. Honestly, I am lacking clinical knowledge and I really want to improve it and I am also interested in clinical pharmacy and also pharmacy informatics. Base on one of your videos about pharmacy informatics, you said that before going into pharmacy informatics, is need to have basic knowledge of clinical practice, so I want to ask for your opinion and your recommendations, should I directly apply for pharmacy informatics even if I’m still lacking clinical knowledge or should I apply for master degree of clinical pharmacy to strengthen my clinical skills. Or when I applied to pursue clinical pharmacy, can I apply for a job in pharmacy informatics? These all are big question marks for me, and I feel struggling with this matter. I hope I can get your opinion and your recommendations. Thank you so much.


I am going to be switching to the IMT side of healthcare after 6.5 years as a clinical pharmacist. I would love to connect and ask some questions!
