Can Autism Be Prevented? | Autism Prevention Strategies

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Can autism be prevented? Dr. Mary Barbera talks about some autism prevention strategies, and how to start treating autism aggressively to potentially even reverse it.

Among the many questions I get asked, one seems to always come up again and again and it’s “what can be done to prevent autism?” And the truth of the matter is that there isn’t any research to prove or disprove that preventing autism is possible by doing something specifically. Treating autism aggressively can help reduce, reverse, or eliminate many autism symptoms. With intensive behavioral intervention, up to 47% of children with a diagnosis of autism can even become “indistinguishable from their peers” or recover from autism as first suggested more than 3 decades ago (Lovaas, 1987). The general rule of thumb is that catching autism early and then acting upon it can help the odds.

Lovaas, O. I. (1987). Behavioral treatment and normal educational and intellectual functioning in young autistic children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,55(1), 3-9. doi:10.1037//0022-006x.55.1.3

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Dr. Mary Barbera "fell" into the world of autism in 1999 when her firstborn son, Lucas, was diagnosed with autism one day before his third birthday. In the last 2 decades, Mary went from almost nothing about autism to becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, writing a bestseller, The Verbal Behavior Approach (now translated into more than 10 languages) and obtaining a PhD. with an in-depth knowledge of some of the best ABA autism strategies. In 2015, Mary began her first online course on autism that has already been purchased from parents and professionals in more than 45 countries and now sells 3 courses online. With more than 2 decades in the world of autism, both as a parent and as a professional, Mary is in a unique position to help you, especially if you live or work with a child with autism who also has delays or language disorders. Its mission is to change things for 2 million children with autism (or signs of autism) by 2020 through online training and advocacy.

Lovaas, O. I. (1987). Behavioral treatment and normal educational and intellectual functioning in young autistic children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,55(1), 3-9. doi:10.1037//0022-006x.55.1.3
Рекомендации по теме

I am so thankful I found your videos on YouTube and I have signed up for the workshop "Turning Autism Around for Toddlers and Preschoolers" because my great-grandson has all the symptoms of autism at 33 months old and we babysit him while his mother works. We are going to follow your guidelines in trying to turn this around. Thank you so much for all your help. God Bless You! I do believe you are a God-send!


We had our son evaluated by an autism specialist at age 3 who would not diagnose him with autism. Then a few years later took him to a developmental pediatrition who wasn't sure if he had autism. Took him to a child physciatrist who at age 10 who gave him a diagnosis of moderate autism! So frustrating!! He did have some interventions due to his delays, but I am still unsure as what I should really be doing for him as no one seems to have any good answers for us.


May I please request you to elaborate on the plan you had set up for Matt. I think just few key points would be helpful to know


Thank you for your videos, they are very helpful and hopeful for us parents.


Thank you for your videos I was diagnosed with autism when I was little


Am I able to join the workshop if I’m in the UK I really want help for my 19 month


Hi Mary! I just wanted to ask if your course for toddlers can replace the ABA therapy with the professional? I am not able to find a therapist for my child


Once a child gets a diagnosis, can it be later reversed? Or is the diagnosis permanent?


You mention that there is a lot of research showing that autism can be effectively treated using behavioral treatment. Could you point me towards specific examples of some of this research?


I know there is a chance of having another child with autsim if you have one already just want to ask if there is anything I can do to prevent austim during pregancey I am playing for another baby because i want my son to have a sibiling but at same time scary of having a child with Autism please help thank you for your responses and your videos


Hi Mary, thank you for such informative videos. I have a two-year-old grandson who is experiencing delays and meeting important milestones. Based on what you said in this video, would you recommend going straight to ABA therapy and waiting to see how much progress is May before getting an actual diagnosis?


Is speech regression always a sign of Austism ? My son has lost his speech please help


I wish there was an ABA program here where I live in Sweden.I feel like my child is not getting the support he needs .


Dr Mary my daughter is almost three and doesn't talk she bubbles alot and say mum every now and then we live in uk so the aba therapy is not available on our health services please can u help me she doesn't eat either and sleep is some time ago problem please help


Hello Dr before yesterday they diagnosed my 2 and half yo baby boy with autism and language and not communicating much with anyone only if he wants but I really want to know how to prevent it from him an u help me and sorry for my bad language


Hi my 4 years old give a answer sometimes the questions and sometimes not and repeating poem every time, and sometime he repeating words 3 to 4 time he knows the sight words 1 to 100 but sometimes he cannot understand, if he want apple so he says do you want apple and then say I want apple, what can I do please help some tips thank you so much


hey i love your videos. Is 2 years old too late to start speech therapy.


How early is early like what age cause I have a 2 year old


Helllo doctor I would like to send u and email pls what’s ur email
