yaeow - does it really matter? (Official Lyric Video)

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:) Connect with Yaeow

co-written by: Anson Seabra
Video by: Phil

#yaeow #doesitreallymatter
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Much love!! shout-out Anson Seabra for helping me write this song :)✨


you are not alone <3 love u, take care


" I don't think you know me well" yaeow knows me best cause every song is relatable 💛💛



I don't think you understand
I feel lonely in the crowd
and I don't know why I'm like this
But I'd rather be just by myself

Yeah I made excuses just to get away
I tell you "maybe" when I know I'll stay
I make plans with myself because I'm scared to go out
And all my friends, they don't call anymore guess they're tired of me saying "no"
All I need was space and time
But does it really matter if I'm staying up till 4 drinking on my own?
Does it really matter if I'm sleeping all alone waiting for the sun to rise again
Baby, I'm falling down again

I don't think you know me well
I don't think I know myself
Smile when the camera's out
but honestly that's someone else
and every party, oh its way too loud

I hate all these bottles that I can't pronounce
I don't know what I want but I know that it probably isn't this
I guess I should learn but I never do
Cause I always end up back in my room
Cause what I needed was just space and time

But does it really matter if I'm staying up till 4 drinking on my own?
Does it really matter if I'm sleeping all alone waiting for the sun to rise again
Baby, I'm falling down again


You know that every song that yaeow release will chill your mind and soul


You know something is wrong when you can't fall asleep even if you are so
I'm relating to this song on different level, love it a lot🥺❣️


An introvert always seen hiding inside their shell, and hesitant to come out of their comfort zone. All the introvert i guess can relate to this song. Its just so good and i hope the song gets the recognition it deserves.💛


I can never express how much I hate it when artists are underrated. Yaeow deserves so much more attention! He is so talented.

Thank you for this song, it hits different.


"I don't think you know me well,
I dont think i know myself."
This line caught me off guard. I don't know why am i relating so much to this song. But what i know is that this song now has a very special place in my heart <3


This song hits me in a way I can't explain...
I know that many people have these same feelings but it doesn't make me feel any less alone. However, yaeow's songs, besides being musically beautiful and relaxing, make me feel understood and express what I am not able to ​say. Thank you yaeow🙏🏻


💯 relatable... M crying while hearing to this..
This is something we want to tell our closure one..
But don't say cuz we think DOES IT REALLY MATTERS?
if someone is reading this.. don't feel alone u r the one who will stay forever..
Jus maintain ur own space and don't let anyone enter in....
Thanks yeow♥️


had me at the first, few piano notes..🎼 this feels like a warm blanet🧸


Been very lonely for so long now and it’s gotten so bad to the point where I am used to be alone… I wish I had someone to be with I wish I was doing well in high school and I wish I had great friends like my cousin and the people around me.. Whenever I have the chance to meet someone new I end up turning them down or hiding in my save shell. I’m so tired of feeling this way and I just want to end my life right now.. But somethings keeping me alive somethings telling me to keep pushing through, maybe it’s the fact that there are so many do you experiencing the same pain as me and maybe just maybe I’m motivated by the fact that I’m not alone and that there still might be hope.. Anyways thank you so much yaeow for the very amazing song.. It made me cry 😢 but I’m glad crying helps me release my emotions so thank you! I love you so much!! 🖤🖤🖤


Ngl this man needs more recognition can we just appreciate that he goes to every single cover of his songs and every single lyric video of his songs and goes to the comments of those videos just to see his fans.


i know i'm gonna love this song, i cant wait to hear it


This is so beautiful .No one told me adult life was this bittersweet but It doesn't matter because it's okay to be with myself .


your song is like being my friend when i feel tired, and the lyrics are accurate with me. thank you for making this wonderfull song! i really love it <3


Most relatable song from you so far
“I don’t know why I’m like this”
“I’d rather be just by myself”
“I don’t know you know me well”
“I don’t think I know myself”


*I just want to say...you're the best singer in YouTube I've ever seen..your songs, your videos, your voice...why everything is so comforting about you?*
*Really thank you for being here..sharing everything with us ily <33 take care* 🖤


yaeow's music is made to be listened while driving in the rain.. its so calming, love you bro<3.
