President Biden awards Medal of Honor to 4 veterans of Vietnam War; upgrade from former accolades

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With the death last week of Hershel Woody Williams, and adding in today's new honorees, there are now 66 living Medal of Honor recipients.

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For those wonder why it has taken so long to approve the recipients for the Medal of Honor is because of the paperwork submitted for the award.

It starts at company level then submitted to the company's battalion S1. If there is any grammar mistakes on the award it's then sent back to the company to fix.

Afterwards, getting fixed and sent back to the battalion S1 then the award moves to the next step which is being sent to the brigade S1 for signatures and approval.

Once again if there are any mistakes on the award it is sent back to re-start the process all over again until they get it right. Now during this time soldiers both enlisted and officers either PCS away from the company or ETS out of the military all together. If a award is sent back for corrections then you have new soldiers working on an award that they probably never seen come across their desk because they are new to the company and trying to fix a award that's be submitted months or years before they got there. I'm pretty sure you all know where I'm going with this overall.

Also a example being I submitted a soldier for an Silver Star award now numerous things can happen to that award being it's either downgraded to lower award or upgraded to higher award. If any of that happens you have to start the whole process all over again from top to bottom.

Also those saying they would have turned down the award or waited for later are silly and misinformed why that would be a grave mistake. They most likely already took the time to process the award and add it to a new DD214 for the combat veteran to be submitted to Veteran's Affair which means more money and benefits being a Medal of Honor recipient.

If the veteran lives in Texas he can then submit his new DD214 to the DMV and have the MOH added to an Texas license plate if they want it added to it plus his driver's license also too. Plus if this veteran has a Purple Heart award also too that's double the monthly VA payments this veteran would receive for life being I'm pretty sure they would have over a 60% or higher disability rating with the VA.

F.Y.I. I'm an military OIF and OEF decorated combat veteran with an Honorable Discharge from the United States Army.


How many times did he look at his watch?
