Chills and No Fever? You're Deficient in This

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If you get sick with any type of viral or bacterial infection, your body's first line of defense is using natural killer cells to kill.

If the natural killer cells overcome the infection quickly and efficiently, a fever may not be necessary.

If the viral or bacterial load is such that higher oxidative stress occurs, then a fever should occur.

The fever occurs so your immune system works harder.

Fevers are designed to stimulate your immune system. A stimulated immune system kills infections.

If you cannot mount a fever, then the infection may last way longer.

Keep in mind that one may have a mild infection due to low viral or bacterial load. Then a fever won't occur likely. The natural killer cells will wipe the infection out.

Goal of this video is to help people realize:
- the importance of fever
- the importance of not over supplementing
- the harms of fever reducing medications
- if chronic fatigue occurs after an illness, your immune system was likely not strong enough to mount a fever. Thus, need to step in and help trigger it using sauna or hot epsom salt bath or specific herbs.

Sauna Protocol:

Need a Sauna? Here's the one I use at my office and at home for over 20 years:

Mention my name - Dr. Ben Lynch - to save $500 on any sauna model.
(disclosure: I receive a commission)

Research cited:

Where you can get Glutathione:
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From my own personal awareness I know this is true. My "normal" 97.2-4. I learned early on that when I felt low energy or achey, to take my temp and invariably it was anywhere from a half degree to a whole degree higher, I learned my body was talking to me and that I should just lay low and drink fluids and let the fever do it's work. I can honestly say that doing this I cannot recall having a cold, or flu as long as I can remember. I am now 81 years old. Low grade fevers are our friend. Good to know what to do if it ever gets too high. Your advise is so appreciated. I am grateful to have discovered your podcast.


“You can’t be doin’ that.” Best quote ever.


I had the chills yet no apparent fever (maybe lower grade). Tons of body and head aches,
I took a melatonin/glutathione suppository called sandman on the 2nd and 3rd day of being sick and got amazing rest considering. I recovered Well although I was run down for a while.
Thanks for the info, just ordered your book.


Listen to the video again and downloaded the paper. Wow, so many good things in this discussion. Was very surprised by your mentioning low body temperature may be low glutathione and not necessarily just a thyroid issue. That was an AHA moment. Have MTHFR issues, detoxification issues, chemical sensitivity, low body temp etc. seems signs are really pointing to low glutathione … the other AHA moment in here was the me time of Riboflavin needed to recycle damaged Glutathione. I’ll be getting right on that. Thanks a million Dr. Lynch!!!


I had the "sickness". I had chills and weakness, but no fever.


This explains a lot for me. I rarely ever got a fever. I used to be sick all the time. Even with bronchitis I would not go much higher than 99 at most. When in school no one believed how awful I felt and as an adult my illnesses were not taken seriously either, because I did not have a fever accordiing to them. I tend to be 97. something. I figured out as a teenager that tylenol was not good for me, so I did not take it.


Dr Lynch, we love you. You are special!! I wish your son wasn't moving to crazy CA !! Hope he stays safe. Keep up the good work!


Dr Lynch, you are incredible and your name comes up frequently with my friends. I promote you often!!!


Man, so both my wife and i got the covid and we both had high fevers. Guess what we are on day 2.5 and we no longer feel sick or have fevers. I’m thankful to have hear this about fevers because Tylenol is not the answer


What about histamine intolerance with dust mites and garden mold. These are my issues and I have bad histamine intolerance with these.


Elderberry like Sambucus would always help my son’s fever spike and do it’s job.


Chills and sweats can be caused by ketosis. Trust me I know. So you need to eat more carbs. Since so many people are dieting I am surprised almost no one realizes this.


I feel overwhelmed. Where or how can I find a doctor who knows how to manage this line of thinking when it comes to health? Thank you.


Great book! Unbelievably powerful book!!!!


I’ve never had a fever when sick, yet I get over most of my viruses, and gold quickly. I’ve always had extremely high antibodies. Especially now with multiple autoimmune diseases my autoimmune antibodies are off the chart.


After 3+ years of not being able to mount a fever I just spiked one for the first time! I’ve never been so relieved to have a fever.


Thank you Dr Lynch for another informative video! What are your thoughts on doing a Glutathione push at the end of a Meyers Cocktail IV?


So Dr Ben..i wrote to you HELP I HAVENT HAD A FEVER IN 25 YEARS!..thank u for the answer that i should be ok if im healthy and dont have cfs etc .i guess i didnt explain everything..i have low thyroid..lichen migraines.. constantly exhausted, .2 MTHFR mutations..chronic sinus body temp stays at 97.1..and i have MGUS(MYELOMA) and 70 yo..FEMALE..SO should i order the glutathione with riboflavin? And start taking a little so i might be able to have a higher body temperature? Im not getting the V and i havent had C..thank you Dr Ben.. im alone making these decisions against a lit of family opposition and i sure appreciate you being there to help me thru all this confusing stuff


What about no fever, only two symptoms were a stuffy nose and loss of smell? No aches, no fatigue, no chills.


Thank you, Doctor God bless you and your family.
