Alastor vs Charlie - Who Would Win? #hazbinhotel #shorts

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She's just don't know how to use all her power, because she doesn't fight. After she'll train, she'll become the death threat to every overlord


She IS the princess of hell, remember Lucifer's powers were passed to her


I think aside from all of that, Alastors biggest issue would be that Daddy Lucifer would whoop his ass the moment he learns that he dared to touch his daughter. xD


It’s confirmed that Charlie was actually still holding back.


Her main problem in a fight is her own empathy. She is VERY hard to piss off and she has little to no bloodlust, not even fighting during Adam's song Hell is Forever. It took the death of a friend for her to really fight back, and even then she didn't go for the kill in the end.
She doesn't hone her powers or train her combat skills because she doesn't want to fight; take away her empathy and she'd be feared like an Overlord, perhaps like Zestiel if she was to be ambitious.


Charlie has the power of calling DADDD


I get that Charlie doesn't really want to hurt or fight anyone so she hasn't been training for battle. Alistair was a murderer in life so he has no problem taking lives. He's more than willing to do things Charlie wouldn't.


But if she DID understand her powers, Lucifer was very much stronger than Adam, Adam was stronger than Alastor so like. She might eventually be able to


She didn’t gain any extra strength when Lucifer showed up and adam was about to hit him, She got the strength because she wanted to protect her father from the attack, clearly its how she gets her power because after SirPentious dies she gets into her demon mode


I'm also her dad would probably just pop in if he laid a hand on her and Lucifer versus Alistair I pretty sure we know who wins😅


Basically Charlie is like early DBZ Gohan. Her powers are tied to her emotions and she doesn't have the experience yet. But she has the potential to become even stronger than her father.


it’s not that she has a difficult time with her powers, but it’s that she’s too kind to use them properly.
If she resorts to violence and killing just like the rest of them, than she wouldn’t be any better than the angels in heaven who allow the extermination.
She uses her abilities defensively, and acts offensively when those she loves are in danger.

Alastor is an overlord bound to a contract. His abilities are limited and nowhere near the level of what Charlie actually possesses. People are way too quick to forget that she’s the princess of Hell. She possesses the combined abilities of both Lucifer and Lilith. She could tear anybody in her path to shreds

But that’s only talking power. Based on her character, if she actually were to fight Alastor, I highly doubt she’d allow herself to do any form of serious damage to him. If anything, he could kill her before she even wrapped her mind around the situation.
Her kindness is her biggest weakness and only roadblock from her true strength


She’s just constantly holding back or doesn’t even know her full strength…that’s why it seems like a lot of people want to see her snap and actually go all out…she’s supposed to be the third strongest person in all of hell, yet her true form reveal is getting one-upped by STOLAS

She HAS to have more power in the tank


"Who would win in a fight: Charlie or Alastor?"
Lucifer: I'm sorry, WHAT?


There very little chance that Alastor would win. I mean, Charlie just was hesitant about using her powers because she doesn’t want to hurt people, not because she can’t. Alastor is an overlord, Charlie is literally the princess of hell and 50% fallen angel. Although someone more powerful than Charlie could be sourcing Alastor’s power.


This is very true, if Charlie could control her power she would obviously neg diff Alastor, but Alastor is extremely manipulative and Charlie trusts him


Alastor has no actual way to kill charlie as confirmed by vivie she cant be killed even by angelic weapons. While charlies weapon easily harmed adam doing more damage in that single blow then alastor did in his entire 1 and half minute fight. Also alastor got git one single time and nearly died to adam, but charlie was getting hit a lot and didnt go down and blocked a move from adam that completely shattered alastors shield.


Be Real, Charlie is the princess of hell. She’s too nice to actually fight, but trust me she would win.


Well if she got trained by her dad she would definitely become a death machine


Charlie actually managed to hurt adam with her trident and flat out stop his punch
