The incredible colours of Kariba, Zimbabwe 2022 - At its finest !

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Our Last Video for 2022 - Enjoy #kariba 2022.
I am starting to work on Nyanga 2023 if you think of any areas you want me to include in either the Nyanga or the Kariba Video feel free to mention them below in the comments.
Thanks to Beckys for sponsoring this video - if you would like to sponsor another video inbox us.
If you would like a destination video made feel free to suggest in the comments below so we can include it in our plans for 2023.
Happy New Year - #2023
#ZTA #Zimbabwe #Zambia #Fishing #houseboats
Please Like and Share - it would mean a lot to me.
I am starting to work on Nyanga 2023 if you think of any areas you want me to include in either the Nyanga or the Kariba Video feel free to mention them below in the comments.
Thanks to Beckys for sponsoring this video - if you would like to sponsor another video inbox us.
If you would like a destination video made feel free to suggest in the comments below so we can include it in our plans for 2023.
Happy New Year - #2023
#ZTA #Zimbabwe #Zambia #Fishing #houseboats
Please Like and Share - it would mean a lot to me.
The incredible colours of Kariba, Zimbabwe 2022 - At its finest !
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