Delusional Woke People Getting OWNED #8

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#lmao #delusional #NJGTV

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Thanks for all the support guys make sure to sub if you haven't already!


Bro the last clip is always the best
"You can rest now- BULLSHIT"
got me like


People wanting communism while living in capitalistic country enjoying all the benefits.
It's like a millionaire talking to homeless people about crypto😂


That point of personal privilege video never gets old.


Im from a developing country who lives in the countryside. We own land and we have everything we need to live to see another day and send our kids to school for basic education and have rural hospitals. Our traditional morals and values alongside civil laws and Christianity guides us through to live in peace and harmony, even though we have situations her and there. Even though we have hardships, I think home is better than anywhere else. I don't intend to seek asylum in another country (even though I lived in 3 of the biggest cities in the world for 10 years) where I have to pay for water and a living space and cant breath in clean air. No one in my small community knows about these "woke" things going on around the world. Some people see on television and think its comedy or something. I hope these bs doesnt reach home. Anyway, thats my thinking. Peace to you all and power to those who are standing up against insanity 👊💪


Yo! That accusation of the guy being white until he says he's Palestinian and seeing her change in reaction so abruptly and with sympathy just blew my fucking mind.


I'm a sushi chef at a restaurant. We had this girl come in (who was a former child T.V. star) who wanted to identify as a man. What a pain in the ass that person was. Every time you tried to teach her something, or just have a conversation, everything all went back to her trans identity. Someone got hurt once, and she said you don't know about pain until you have a double masectomy. Just weird nonsense. Always about her, her new pronouns, how we made her feel uncomfortable, etc....Made many visits to H.R. while she worked there.


2:00 this guy is a legend for walking up and blowing up Karens narrative 😂😂


Imagine going to college for Gender Studies and still not know what a woman is😒


She assumed his ethnicity and got parred


I didn't think of that argument - when they say European countries are better, to say, you mean predominantly white countries are better than a mixed country like the United States? Adding to the repertoire on the war against the woke


Imagine carrying a student loan debt for a gender studies degree. Wow.


10:10 honestly, as a straight white male, this voice goes through my head DAILY! And it’s a healthy thing, too. Anti-laziness, responsibility, self, sacrifice… GOLD.


Canada here. I see America from the outside. I have seen her completely stumble. Trump is your only answer. If it keeps going the way it's going. 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳


-can I be a bobcat?
-I will support you
-can I be a black person?
-*panickly thinking*


8:03 to add on to this, it’s always the MC syndrome. “I have to save the world from evil men!” “I wanna be the next mlk!” Humble yourself. You’re not the center of the glow that the world revolves around.


I think my man sounds like Harry Kane more than Rio Ferdinand 🤔 Great content as always 👌🏻


No problem protesting for abortion, sex changes and grabbing guns but won't lift a finger to protest not being able to buy a house, out of control government spending. Shocking


Bro thank you for continuing to put out awesome content! I just feel bad for you having to watch all of these fools!😂


Hey there
Re: Woman Ruins 11 yr Marriage in 60 Seconds.
WOW ….. I’m a woman and found this absolutely disheartening.
Even if she did ‘woman up’ after he asked multiple times to see the text, she already showed her deceptive self to him. Then to say she didn’t feel ‘safe’ 🤯 Ya, that’s real EVIL Behavior !! That’s some twisted Psychology she’s got going on in her head. I’m not even going to say her shame was showing cause she showed no remorse for her deceit which is very pathological.
That was embarrassing to watch.
The guy she cheated with WILL dump her and all she will be left with is a nasty video showing she has no morals, honesty nor character as a human being. And she will lose the dog 😏
I would avoid this person like the plague.
He’s crushed I get it, but hopefully he has worked through this. And hopefully he can trust again and figure out that a lot of women are not this kind of Evil.
Getting used to your short vid’s, keep up the good work
