How To Buy Gold and Silver - Beginner's Guide To Investing

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How To Buy In Gold and Silver - Beginner's Guide To Investing
Are you looking to buy gold and silver for the first time? This video is a beginners guide to investing in gold and silver. We also look at how to invest in gold and silver miners. Precious metals have long been considered a safe haven asset, protection against inflation and good diversification.
#Gold #Silver #Investing

How To Buy Gold and Silver with Cryptocurrency:

Investing Your Super Into Gold, Silver, Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency:

🚨 Thanks to our friends at Ainslie Bullion for offering to sponsor this video. Paul & Ainslie are friends of the channel & were happy to compensate us for our time & the exposure when I informed them I was working on a precious metals presentation.

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Alex Saunders is not a Financial Advisor. All opinions expressed by Alex Saunders or his guests in this video are for informational purposes only and should not be treated as investment or financial advice of any kind.

Any information provided during the video is general in nature and does not take into account the viewers specific circumstances. Nugget’s News and its individual team members are not liable to the viewer or any other party, for the viewer’s use of, or reliance on, any information received, directly or indirectly, from the video in any circumstances.

The viewer should always:
1. Conduct their own research,
2. Never invest more than they are willing to lose,
3. Obtain independent legal, financial, taxation and/or other professional advice in respect of any decision made in connection with this video.
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I do hope you all enjoyed this video. Please let me know similar topics you'd like covered in the future!


Very informative for the beginner... well done !


Hi Alex, Great video with useful info. First time stumbled on your video, have liked and subscribed. Thanks very much!


Great info Alex . Have subscribed and bought a bit here and there 👍🏼 💰🚀


"is there something they know that we don't..." then 2020 happened. INTERESTING.


Thanks for the video, I’ve just recently started exploring this world, I’m not particularly interested in making money, just insuring that my wealth is secure and not so exposed to the manipulation and corruption of Banks and the system. Really well put together


How will a real world scenario play out if I have a safe full of gold/silver and the stock market crashes along with the dollar? I can not take my gold to Walmart, so what does that look like? How would I buy groceries/gas/water with gold? Would anyone even be in the market for gold in that situation? Please forgive my ignorance I'm just trying to understand what I would do if another 2008 'downturn' occured how would holding physical gold/silver help? One way I can think of is that at least they couldn't do a bail in and take my gold, unlike money in the IRA/bank. 'They' could absolutely take everything and there's nothing we could do about it. They print the money and make the rules, we are slaves. Better to acknowledge that up front.


Gret Video Nug Nug. Individuals really need to have a good look at controlling their own wealth. Gold, Silver and Crypto is the best way to get your money "out of the system".


What state you from I've only heard that accent only on my phone calls to customer support for Vodafone.. NRMA.. etc.. despite living in sydney


Great info Nugget. Can you do a video like this on uranium?


I am waiting for the next wave to buy gold at a reasonable price.


I have been trying to collect silver coins our bullion for awhile now. Just by buying 1oz per pay day. They tight arse in me is getting the better and im starting to wonder why i am spending $30 odd on a 1oz silver piece that is worth (in my eyes) scrap silver prices. This doesn't take into account for postage, which some people charge pronominal prices for.
So i guess my question would be, what would be the cheapest way to get silver in my possession for basically face value. I live in west QLD, so walking up to any such store or a likes is a no go.


Thanks mate, you really are a great teacher in bitesize chunks.
Silver is also used widely in medical circles due to its anti microbal and healing properties.


please open a lbry channel. Better than You Tube. Decentralised, no adds and crypto tips


Hey Nugget, when you order through Ainslie i noticed that they have a notes/crytocurrency addresses section. What would your crytocurrency addresses be used for mate?


Great video Nugget! Can you keep us updated on the gold/ silver ratio and the gold/oil ratio the latter you didn't cover but has been a reliable historical indicator.


Hey there great vid. Did you cover the pros and cons anywhere for physical, etf or eToro? Or a comparison which helps people to consider which might be most suitable. For example liquidity, physically backed or a derivative?


Thanks for your great knowledge and sharing with the world.


Gidday Alex- I introduced myself and asked a question at the meetup - I am David Emanuel and I follow you on twitter and facebook too -- keep rockin mate


Thanks. Great video. Just have to pull you up on one point though. Government confiscation of gold is still law in Australia, it's just that they have temporarily lifted the act. It can be imposed again at any time without the need to pass a law through government. Silver is different. There is no current law for confiscation and​ and they would have to try and pass one through both levels of government.
