ARC A770 vs RTX 3060 - Streaming Comparison - AV1 vs H264 (NVENC)

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Products provided by Gigabyte, Acer
Seeing as Youtube is rolling out support for streaming with the much newer AV1 codec that Intel’s ARC cards support encoding in, I thought I’d take a look at how comparably priced cards do for streaming. Now this is a bit of an unfair comparison as NVIDIA’s RTX 3000 series cards don’t support AV1 hardware encoding, but I’ve tried to level the playing field a little with the settings, and importantly if NVIDIA wasn’t deliberately delaying their lower end 40 series cards they could have had a 4060 or even 4050 out by now that not only performs much better, but also offers AV1 hardware encoding. So, that’s my excuse. Also if you are wondering why an AMD card is absent here, while I could make plenty of excuses, the plain answer is I don’t have any comparable cards.

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It's tough to compare the two. AV1 on ARC is pretty low overhead. The A770 has some clear cut advantages specifically when it comes to compute and encoding. It's my opinion that Intel would've sold the A770 as a RTX 3070 competitor if they could've worked out whatever architecture issues caused it to be a middling performer when it comes to gaming. Just my two cents. Great video though!!


In this video I agree that the 30mbps nvenc looks a little better (sharper) than 10mbps AV1 but at a much higher bandwidth requirement, AV1 is a much better overall streaming encoder imo, as it uses way less bandwidth for the slightest reduction of quality compared here. At low bit rates shown (6mbps) the AV1 is better for many using slower internet speeds which many up do use, or to not exceed data limits 🥰💪👍🥳


at 6mbs, i wonder how much the lackluster difference is influnced by resolution, and by hardware differences. I just got a 4070 and i was messing around with the encoder and there is a massive difference at 1440p60fps nvenc AV1 and nvenc H264.

it would also be interesting to test games that have alot of dynamic folliage, that tends to kill H264 at lower bitrates and i suspect its something AV1 might handle better but havent tested yet myself.

at the end of the day, the thing im most excited for, is that AV1 could enable 1440p and potentially even 4k streaming. especially with those new AMD transcoder cards that should dramatically reduce the cost of transcoding we could see a revolution in livestreamed content if amazon decides to give it to us through AWS


could you compare intels av1 vs nvidias av1?


Honestly all of those videos look extremely similar. If you played all of them one after the other and asked someone afterwards was any one of those significantly different most people would say you played the same thing 6 times.


Play the game on rtx 3060, capture and reencode using intel arc for streaming😊😊😊. Win - win for both use case.


I really miss the music intros to your videos from back in the day.


i think csgo is fairly ez game to stream try something like battlefield apex or fortnite


U should have compared Nvenc HEVC Best nvidia supports


Your desk is wobbling left and right when your explaining things :D - you should get a more massive desk man. ^^ Else nice vid.


stremaing comparrison to youtube only that suport that


AV1 as it stands right now is not the game changer it was hyped up to be. It's better but not buy a new graphics card better.
