Blue Smoke Smoker First Brisket Cook

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Experience my first brisket cook on the Blue Smoke Smoker with me and learn my thoughts on its performance.
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Nice video. I don’t think most people realize how much more effort it takes to smoke meat in an offset, be a dad and husband, and record the cook. It’s enough to just do the cook, ha. Keep going, man. Always good content.


Fire management with small backyard offsets is very different than with big commercial offsets. For better fire management, I would recommend downsizing the splits to 8 inch splits from 1.5 to 3 inches in diameter. It will take more fire tending, but it will minimize the temperature swings. And building a coal bed with charcoal is not a sin. By definition, offsets are not like pellet grills because they require vigilant fire management. No pain, no gain. This video shows that no matter the cooker, it takes work on the front end to dial in a smoker. Thank you for taking us along on your journey with this smoker. smoke scouts has an excellent YouTube video called "How to Build a Coal Bed & Fire Management-Offset Smoker."


I use to go crazy with fluctuating temps in my smoke north offset, spiking high when I add a log, dropping when there was just coals left.
Now I just try to maintain an average temp instead of trying to chase the perfect temp, makes the cooking process much more enjoyable.
The best guaranty for the perfect bbq is using the highest quality meat you can afford, and relax and have fun cooking it.


Nice video and brisket looked good ! I have had my Blue Smoke about 2.5 years - runs like a champ and will cook between 270 and 300 no problem - I have been using a vertical baffle for about a year on mine - now it runs nicely between 250 and 280


Good video. Nailed the cook. I love my Blue Smoke Smoker. Highly recommended


Looks good and well done explaining how you didn't stress over the little things. Keep the smoker on, try to keep temps from going low or too hot and then at the end you'll have some good food. Better than most restaurants.


Enjoying it - thanks for posting! Just speculating here, but I suspect the holes in the baffle are too large in that they allow for a bit too much air flow and too much radiant heat. Ideally, you wouldn't need the blocking logs with the baffle.


Hey, I know what you mean. I have the 3/8 thickness smoker. MY problem is that I haven't found the proper size wood. I have a log splitter but I need a way to cut the wood to size. Buying the wood from Academy helps but they are smaller for my Blue Smoke Smoker.😊 I still enjoy the work.


Keep the cooks coming! Great video. I was wondering if you were in NC 😂 (your trash bin). I lived in W-S 10 years ago and fell in love with BBQ eating at Speedy Lohrs etc. Miss the south!


Man that is a good looking pit. I can see why u r happy with it. Is the smoker parked on a slope causing the grease to drain towards the firebox?


Brisket looks great! Thanks for sharing the process. I have a Blue Smoke Smoker on order from Phil. Quick question: Does the defector plate come standard. It isn't listed as a standard item and does not appear on the options list. I did order the water pan shelf and some other options, but didn't see that one. Thanks!


Thanks for the video! I can't get enough videos of the Blue Smoke Smoker, keep 'em coming :) Is that a Boston Terrier running around?

How much space is there between the handle and the shelf and from the handle to the edge of the shelf?


Hey D how many pork buts Can get on This Smoke 😎❤️💯


You could break your wood down to coals in a metal box, like an old wheelbarrow, then add them to your pits fire box


How come you don’t rest in the butcher paper??


Do you like butcher paper or foil better ?


140 is what everyone uses for warmer. Guess anything over 145 the meat continues to cook


Okay next point...I've eaten brisket and I've cooked final conclusion...I like beef short meat to be smoked. 😮


I think if you're selling bbq and charging people their hard earned money then you should probably be more anal about temp control and all that, but if you're doing it as a hobby and making food for yourself and the people close to you then just do it however you feel is necessary..Bbq gets over analyzed a lot and sometimes it's made harder than what it is or should be..My temps jump all around even when I am locked in and taking it very seriously because that is just the nature of inefficient offset smoking and thats ok, but I still churn out some damn good bbq from what I'm told 😂
