What It's Like Being an ASIAN RUSSIAN in CHINA 🇷🇺🇨🇳

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Do you know where I am from? In this video, I share my feeling and experiences being an Asian Russian in China.

I am living in China and many people think that I am Chinese but actually I am from Russia. Also, many people ask me in the comments about where I am from and so I thought I would make this video to explain more about Sakha, the different republics and regions and ethnicities of Russia, and some experiences I've had. In the future, if someone asks me about where I am from then i can just show them this video.

About Me:
I grew up in the coldest place on Earth - Yakutia. It's a republic in far northeastern Russia, in northeastern Siberia. The Sakha (Yakut), a people who formed from the mixture of local tribes with Turkic groups that migrated from the south in the 6th–10th centuries AD, joined the Russian state in the first half of the 17th century.

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Hope you enjoyed watching this video, we have been working hard to create this beautiful little movie to share with you guys 😇

Unfortunately, YouTube has now demonetized my account and they did it without any reason. Just like that.

But I want to keep creating, videos about my hometown and how people managed to live in the coldest place on earth. There are so many interesting stories and I was so excited to share it with you guys!

I'm planning to post my next videos on my Patreon account until my channel will be resolved. I will be very happy to see you there guys 💙 here is the link: @t

Appreciate all your support xx


I'm from Kazakhstan and I have a funny story from my friend. Here in Kazakhstan we have a lot of Koreans as a result of deportation in Soviet Union. Mostly they speak Russian and have Russian names with Korean surname. So, two Kazakhstani Koreans were in a holiday trip in the USA. They were speaking Russian between each other, and one local approached them to ask what language were they speaking. They answered it was Russian. He then asked: so, you are Russians? They answered they were from Kazakhstan. And he said: so, you are Kazakhs? They answered: no, we are Koreans. And it blew that guy's mind. Two Koreans from Kazakhstan were speaking Russian in the USA :)


I am a college professor in Canada. I once had an Asian-looking student with a Russian first name and a Korean last name. Being a history buff, I immediately knew she must be the descendant of Koryo-saram (Soviet-Koreans). And I was right. The really interesting thing is, when she realized that there was a Lithuanian student in the very same class, she started conversing with him in Russian. Their classmates around them were really baffled by what's going on.


honestly im shocked that people in Moskow or in China dont know that Siberian people look like you. Im from Poland and i know that not only Slavic people live in Russia, but also a lot of different nation who lived here before. Thank you for channel, everything is so interesting ❤❤


I’m an American. I find Russia and your culture fascinating. I really admire how you all work together to survive and how everything is fresh and healthy. It’s neat to see how diverse Russia is. Thank you sharing about yourself and for these videos Yakutia (hopefully I spelled that correctly). You are a beautiful person with a diverse and unique background.


I'm Sakha living in Italy and I faced a lot of funny reactions when I told Italians I'm from Russia similar to yours. But after few years it stops to be funny and just makes you feel sad about people's ignorance. The worst situation that happened to me was on the passport control at the airport when the officer told I couldn't be Russian and my passport was fake


I always thought it was common knowledge that a lot of Eastern Russia had a large "Asian" population. I'm surprised that people are surprised by this. Love to hear your perspectives, but yeah that's honestly surprising that more people don't know this


As a Mexican who started learning Russian a couple of months ago I felt a little ignorant for not knowing there were Asians native to Russia. But now that I know that even some Russians ignore this, I feel a lot better about myself. Спасибо!


We need more content creators like you who keep educating us about cultures of places least exposed in the media.

Many of us are not aware that the eastern part of Russia is practically North Asia; a term we don't hear much compared to other parts of Asia.

Thank you for showing us your culture and living place. The Summer festival with the multi-sport stone-lifting event is especially interesting!


Regardless of your ethnicity you are a lovely young woman. Your English is excellent.


When I was a student in China, I used to play dota quite a lot in a game club near campus. There was a guy who always sat near me and we played dota together for a few times. He looks like Chinese and talks like native Chinese with a little northwestern accent so I thought he might be a student from northwestern part of China. As we were getting close, I noticed he likes visiting Russian websites. “Are you learning Russian?” “No, I’m from Russia”.


This is so cool that I stumbled across your video. I can empathize with your stories a lot, because I'm also from Russia. An Adyghe which are the indigineous people in North Western Caucasus around the Black Sea coast region. Having slightly dark skin with brown eyes (which is by the way not exactly a typical look of my people as well, but still) I have met with a lot of similar funny and confusing situations both in Russia and abroad. But especially with other Russians abroad 😅 Some people just get stumbled when they notice that I speak perfect Russian. And to overcomplicate things even more I spent a lot of time in South America and I also speak very good Spanish and Portuguese. And, you know, as I said I do look very much like some regular Latino guy and sometimes people approached me with "Hablas español" line which I can actually play along. When the conversation gets to "Where are you from?" parts it is where things get really complicated.


Красавица и умница!! Как здорово, что мы в России таки
е разные! Взаимное обогащение культур делает нас лучше. Восторгаюсь и горжусь нашими людьми 💛💛💛


I'm a Japanese born in Brazil, and when I lived in China and people there asked where I'm from, everytime I said "Brazil" they were like "huh?"😂 Then I explained that I'm FROM Brazil but ethnicaly I'm Japanese. When I was in college in Japan I had 2 friends from Kazakhstan who looked Asian but speak Russian when we were with our Russian friend. And I love this diversity!♥️


I am half Buryat, half Korean, but Russian is my first language and Tashkent is my hometown. I now live in USA and first few years were difficult, because nobody believed me. My favorite was the questions from Western Ukrainians, on how do i speak Russian. My answer was always: "Probably better than you!"


Посмеялась от души) Мне всегда было интересно узнать о том, как чувствуют себя россиянки с азиатской внешностью где-то за границей ) Благодаря Вам, получила ответ. Здорово, что вы с юмором относитесь к этим метаморфозам. И от этого Вы ещё более прекрасны.


Can you please do more video about being an Asian in Russia? It’s very interesting.


I’m half Russian-half Chinese, was born in Moscow, have lived in Beijing, studied at an English international school in Moscow, and then immigrated to Canada. I can related to you on a spiritual level XD.


The feeling of being "a foreigner in your own country" really hits home for me. I'm a half Chinese half Iranian who lives in China and often I'll get asked if I'm a Chinese ethnic minority (mostly Uyghur or Mongol) when they hear me speaking native-sounding Chinese. If it weren't for the fact that mixed-races are common knowledge, I'd also have a hard time explaining myself.


One of my closest friends has an interesting background: speaks Russian as her home language, country of birth is Georgia, mother from Azerbaijan and Orthodox, step father Muslim and from Georgia, father from Russia, and her grandfather was Chinese. She just says she's Russian. 😊
