STOP pulling WRONG in Genshin Impact!

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In this Genshin Impact Beginner's Guide, I am going to explain how pulling on Banners works. Therefore we are going to go over all different types of Banners: The Standard-, Event and Weapon Banner, as well as the Chronicled Wish.
I will explain in detail how Fates and Pulling works, how high the chances for 4 and 5 Stars are, what Pity means, Fate Points as well as 50/50.
And what's more, I'm also going to tell you some secret tricks that the game doesn't tell you but that can be extremely helpful for you to get the Characters and Weapons that you really want for your Genshin Account!

This Genshin Impact Guide is inspired by the works of Zy0x, SharkH3art, Eakes, Doro44, JazzGal and many more...


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What's your personal Pulling Ritual? 😁


Got bored after 2 mins. My advice is just go for what you want.


Got bored after 43 seconds. So here's my advice: save your Primos as long as possible until a character comes out you like very much. Because i did the mistake to just pull blind on every banner and i got some 5 stars i dont even use now (Ayato, Clorinde, Xiao, Yae Miko and some others). And i'm f2p so it's very very easy to get very much primos in litle time.


Fun fact: not to hate on the creator but, it doesn't actually matter who you pull for, even if you pull a Qiqi, it's fine as long as you get who you are WANTING the most.
For example, my friend asked me if she should get arlecchino, for her pros, or wanderer, because she wants him. I told her to get wanderer because that's who she wants.
I don't mind if you listen to the videos advice, but I recommend to pull for who you want more than who you need for good dmg. (Besides, any character can do good dmg if well built even barbara)


Okay everyone sorry to disappoint but this guy messed up his graph and some things he said are incorrect (assuming my source is right, but it's much more reliable at least). Some people recorded over 20 million pulls of data to understand soft pity...The link is down at the bottom of the comment.
About 4 stars: it's about 5.4% chance, just like they say, for your 8 first wishes. But there's soft pity for 4 star items: at your ninth wish, it will have a boost of 10 times the base rate, so the original 5.4% +54%, so your ninth wish has a 59.4% chance. Which means there's around 26% chance only to reach the hard 10 wish pity for 4 stars. (okay I lied in fact it's because the odds still increase by another 54% to reach 113.4% but it's pretty much the same, it's just math and you don't need to understand this bit)

When it comes to 5 stars, it's a bit more complex. As they say, it's 0.6% chance every pull, but this is only until 73 wishes. Just like 4 stars, at your 74th wish, the odds will shoot up by 10 times the base rate, so 6% added to the base 0.6%. On top of all, it continues to go up every wish by another 6%, until it reaches 100% chance at 90 wishes.
So, not only people are just rounding up, or rather, guessing blindly it's about 75 wishes that soft pity takes place, but on top of all they just read whatever Hoyo feeds them without doing the odds. It's natural, to think a company can't b*hit that hard, but the "1.6% consolidated rate" can't be true if you do the math otherwise. It would be illegal to claim there's a 1.6% consolidated chance in any other case.

I said he's wrong, because he showed a graph that has a spike at 80 wishes. That's not the case, I don't know where he got it. The increase is continuous, doesn't vary so the odds only "spike" at 74. He was also wrong to mention it starts at 75, otherwise it would only reach 100% chance at 91 wishes. This isn't the case, as everyone got fed up hearing "90 hard pity".
However, other graphs are really interesting, though blacky doesn't show these interesting graphs. At around 80 pity, most people will already have gotten their 5 star. Statistically, only 14.2% of the time or so you will have to go above this to get your 5 star. This means that there's a pretty equal distribution of 0.6% for the first 73 wishes, then it shoots up because the odds are suddenly 10 times higher, and it continues, but at 76-77 wishes it starts going down: the odds get so high with soft pity that you'll most likely get your 5 star in the 6 wishes after reaching it.
Not only is there 36% of 5 stars that will appear in your first 73 pulls (even if it's slim, it takes a lot of wishes to reach soft pity), but then you get 6.6% chance, then 12.6%, and 18.6%... it just goes up and up and you would have to fail these continuously to reach the 90th wish.
Also for the weapons banner it's the same old 10 times increase once you hit soft pity, also every wish increases the same, etc... You can check the link under to get the numbers I don't want to just parrot everything the article says. I just wanted to specify the base concept without you having to read it all, and those who want can go check it.
However I'll still say, people are rounding up too much. Hard pity for weapons' banner is 77, not 80. Tons of interesting stuff that this article shows.
Another detail worth mentioning: 5 star pulls don't reset your 4 star pity, it only takes priority. So if you failed your 9th wish for a 4 star, then you have this 113.4% chance to get a 4 star, but you get a 5 star instead. Technically, it only prevented the 4 star from triggering its over 100% chance to happen. It only means that you'll have 168.4% chance to get a 4 star on your 11th wish. It's the same as 100% chance, but it's just funny to imagine. And it also relieves people to know that there's no drawback to getting a 5 star instead of a 4 star, or almost none at least. Blacky is also wrong at 6:15 when he says pulling a 5 star resets ALL polls of pity. On top of not getting right the soft pity for weapons. And not getting that there's a soft pity for 4 stars: just go to your history after having a lot of pulls, you'll realize it's almost half the time it happens on the ninth pull and not the tenth. It's about 25% for getting it at 10 or getting it in the first 8.

I just want to clear it up, I really like the videos. It's just that I was lucky through my research to find these things and I want to point mistakes where I see them, so misconceptions don't perpetuate. There's no animosity in what I said, because I don't think anyone should blame individuals for not getting these things. These kinds of truths, even when they see the light of day, don't get much attention so it's really hard for people to get to know about them.

Up above is the link to the full explanation of this.


Pulling strats:

-Getting a 5 star character takes on average 160 pulls. Anything below 160 is very lucky. Make sure you have 160 pulls before starting to pull. Never assume an early.

-While counting, losing a 50/50 raises your pullcount to 80. If you lose a 50/50 but it was early, this is lucky.

-Do not ever farm pity above 40, do not farm pity with a 50/50 built up, and never farm it on a character you never want to use.
The universe makes pulling an early and winning the 50/50 significantly more likely if you don't want it to happen. Be prepared.

-Never pull for 4 stars. This is a trap. There is no guarantee you are ever getting the 4 star you want, not even after a thousand wishes.

-Never pull on weapons. They are not worth it. They cost 240 pulls, they don't have a personality, animations, voicelines, mechanics, you barely see them ingame, and you are plenty strong to 36 star abyss without it. Weapons are for people with more money than sense.

-Stop pulling immediately after getting your 5star. Don't be a fool and splurge the rest hoping for a lucky c1 or a good 4star because "you had it saved up anyway". Every time you click the 10pull, it's like a week of your life to build it back again for free.


Started 2 days ago on xbox launch, had saved up 40 wishes and your vid motivated me to give Chasca banner a try. Got her on 4th pull, the dopamine is real xD


LMFAO this guy made a whole video to defend building pity fr? Bro, lemme tell u sum: you can get a five-star at ANY pity. And that's precisely why you DON'T wish on a banner of a character you don't want. This is a trap. Yall gonna lose your guaranteed in vain.


me, a player since 1.0, watching this for some reason


I remember getting a 4 star character yesterday. I STARTED PLAYING GENSHIN YESTERDAY!


Clicked just to make sure there was nothing I didnt already know. There wasnt. But I am a well researched player of two years. I think this does cover every single important point for anyone who is newer or who watches less genshin content.


for any new player never pull on weapon banner until you get all the characters you want only after that you can go ahead and wish for your favourite characters weapon next time they re run because instead of wasting primoes for weapon that you may or may not get its better off pulling for characters


Just waste all of the primogems untill i get to know about any of my fav character is coming


you forgot to mention that if you lose the 50/50, the next time you pull a limited event character will be a guaranteed.


I just casually wish for pity until the banter me want


Just started playing, watching all your videos back 2 back, thanks for all the really good info, I have less chances of wasting resources now 😅


Me having played almost daily for over a year watching this for some reason 🤔


The title is misleading. I didn't get how I'm pulling wrong. This video is definitely not for veteran (6 month+) players.


guys atleast appriciate his videos even if you don't understand it much


i lost my 50/50 when pulling for furina and got a jean.. im currently at 20 pity, and im playing genshin for so many hours to get a lot of primos and get my furina home.
