Most Overrated, Most Underrated, & Properly Rated Video Game Systems

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When it comes to video game systems, sometimes it's a tale as old as time. Arguments that were had back on the playground as far as which video game system was the best, which was the worst, which one sucked, which one ruled, which one had the best games, which had the best graphics. Well I'm going to take a bit of a different look here and take a look at three different video game systems as to which I think is the Most Overrated, Most Underrated, & Properly Rated Video Game Systems

Accurately Rated
Nintendo 64
I think a lot of how you think about the Nintendo 64 is based around whether or not you liked Mario 64 or not. If you loved Mario 64, you loved the N64. If you didn't love Mario 64, then you had to either find something else such as GoldenEye 007 or the N64 was just not for you. I like my N64, it's a fun system, and I love the fact that I 3D print region free mods for them. But when I look at what gaming system I go back to the least, this is one of the ones that I rarely go back to. It's fun, it looks okay, but it's not as good as say the Master System or the NES or the Sega Genesis. It's fun, but only so fun if that makes sense.

Most overrated
Sega Dreamcast
Oh I have my flame returns underwear on for this one, but listen to me. If you love the Dreamcast, I am happy for you. Thrilled for you in fact. I've just never been a big fan of the system. I didn't have one back in the day, and even though I have one now I don't know that I've played it more than 5 or 10 minutes in the last 2 years. I hate the controller, thankfully Retro Fighters came out with their StrikerDC which is a marvelous improvement. The library just doesn't do much for me either, I don't care much about fighting games, I don't care about Power Stone, I don't care about the sports games that were on the platform, to me the PlayStation was a much better platform back in the day. So was the GameCube honestly, at least for me.

Most underrated:
Nintendo Wii U
The Wii U suffered from terrible marketing, a bad name, and market confusion. It also suffered from being less than what it needed to be, which is essentially what the Nintendo Switch became. The library for the Wii u is terrific, you can simply look at how many games have been ported from the Wii u to the Nintendo switch to see that. this was the first truly HD system from Nintendo, the graphics were beautiful, the music was fantastic, and it was just a fun system. It's still was a bit of a tweener where some games such as Star Fox Zero required you to use the gamepad in motion controls which I hated. But I still go back and play my Wii u frequently.

What about you? What are your least favorite, most overrated video game systems of all time, and what is your most favorite, Most underrated gaming system of all time? Sure your thoughts in the comments.
#Nintendo #Sega #Dreamcast #OVerrated #Underrated #MasterSystem #N64 #Nintendo64 #NES #SNES #VideoGames
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Even with its cult following I still think the gamecube is underrated


N64 dominates in split screen fun. I love the Dreamcast, I wish it would have had a longer life. Still waiting for the next Sega system.


Agree on WiiU and N64, but Dreamcast is way good!!


overrated is PS5 - almost 4 years and only 8 games, yet it sold 59 million consoles.
underrated is Wii U - seems like everyone just like hating on it with out experiencing it. tons of great games and one of the best consoles to mod. and the biggest thing about it that no one seems to know is that it was r+d for the switch.
correctly rated is the PS2- tons of classics for every genre, dvd and cd player, and graphics that still hold up today (for the most part)


The PS3 is both over and under-rated at the same time, LOL.


I think the n64 is rated so fondly because of the games themselves. Some of the games still hold up amazingly and are still some of the best games out there (some very much don't), but the contoller and subsequently the actual game contols very much hold it back. But it walked so others can run...mind you they were still learning how to do 3D games basically until late ps2/GameCube era...the biggest issue with the n64 is that so many of the controllers have loose or non functioning sticks now too, and on top of that so many of the 3rd party attempts at imporving it (like by using a GameCube a analog stick) don't have properly tuned sticks and are impossible to get fine movement out really hold them back.


Gonna do my own take on this, if that's alright with you?


Overrated Nintendo 64, underrated the dreamcast, rated wii u


I might piss off some people with this. Most Underrated: Sega Master System . Correctly rate Snes and ther Genesis. Overrated: PS1


Most Underrated:
NeoGeo Pocket Color/TG16

Most Overrated:

Most Properly Rated:

Best of All:
Playstation 2

PS: Your Wii U answer is actually a really good choice and I have to agree! The screen controller was extremely comfortable and displayed nicely too. Honestly, in terms of design and comfort, I like it a lot more than the switch lol.


Most Underrated - PS4
Most Overrated - N64
Rated Properly - GameCube
The Best Overall - Sega Genesis


Imo the fact that so many Wii U games are getting ported to the switch(and most of the time with added content and improvements) makes the Wii U obsolete compared to the switch. Very few true exclsives left.


I think Nintendo missed the mark with marketing the WiiU, people just did not understand it. I agree about the N64 I don't find myself going back to it often. I am not a fan of the DC controller but I do like the system.


Maybe a personal preference but I will not put the Wii U above the Dreamcast, both have great games but Dreamcast had better third party support, arcade perfect ports, nice add ons for games like keyboard, and a more appealing online despite it was primitive. Wii U I hate the gamepad and lacks the innovation the Dreamcast had.


Overrated: Xbox One - terrible UI

Underrated: OG Xbox - awesome library, more power than any other console of its time

Correctly rated: NES - the console that saved the gaming industry. What more needs to be said.


A lot of things aren't ported. They run in emulators.


Are you counting handheld computers as consoles?


I think the GameCube with all of its options like the Game Boy Player and the Broadband adapter and let us not forget the wavebird made it a very underrated console personally it's one of my favorite to come back to Twilight Princess Kirby air ride Star Fox assault or even Super Monkey Ball top favorite to this day


Dreamcast was good but does not deserve the praise. Overrated

Underrated would be the Commodore 64 in the US. It gets love in Europe but not here. I'd also say the Wii doesn't get respect because people only remember waggle and shovelware.

NES is GOAT so it deserves all the love it gets.


I think the PC engine is very very underrated!
The Saturn however I believe to be way overrated. It’s a great system, but ps1 just has so much more going for it.
