'I try to judge without being judgemental' : CJI DY Chandrachud's Speech

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The speech delivered by Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud at the felicitation function organized by the Bombay High Court on December 17, 2022.
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Рекомендации по теме

This is one of the best speeches of a CJI that needs to be listened to by everyone from Indian judiciary, judges or lawyers .


Best CJI. I Love to watch him and read to his judgement.


All the judges should remember what this judge said, "We are all pilgrims. " It's a consoling fact that there are still some great and sincere, hard working judges in India.


What a brilliant speech. Thank you Honorable Chief Justice of India, Chandrachud Ji for introducing the special book, autobiographical by Justice Mrudula Bhatkar. Post listening to your speech, I read it and had such a satisfying experience.
Looking forward to read your autobiography some day. नमस्ते.


Whole India is Lucky that we have Great person like you in our Justice system.
Thanks to Almighty God.


Listening to Present CJI is a mental therapy as it spreads positivity, optimism and provides a ray of hope for better India.


How great of you to remember all these things about each of these persons! Your greatness has come from learning from other greats their great acts.


Very bold, clear, honest, young and respectful. Most powerful person yet so humble. You increase the belief in court further.


Open Heart speech of 21 century Supreme Court JUDGE OF INDIA JUSTICE.!!!


Best CJI. Very bold, honest, a man of substance, and dignified. Such integrity! We depend on you to bring India back to its lost glory.
Our prayer is that Almighty God will keep you safe in Jesus' Name.


Safety of Indian people depend on judicial process so we all must believe in Indian Constitution. 🙏🙏


First but not last let me express my heart gratitude to Live law who are giving us great opportunity in life to witness the golden moments of judiciary. Having said that listening to the Honble justice Chandrachud brings back the memories of seeing him first time in Honble Bombay High Court. As a young advocate when i saw him in the court room i felt as if some great saint is mentioning before the court. Listening to his golden words inspires me to continue doing good work. It also brings tears in my eyes which is symbol of joy and happiness to see and listen to this great son of the motherland
Adv Megha Kulkarni


Definitely a great speech! Very emotional and impressive! Such an excellent address by a person occupying such a high position of Indian democracy is unimaginable according to my personal experience. Your Lordship, being the head of judicial symbol, it is my humble request to look into the plight of those facing false matrimonial cases, due to which all the district courts are jam-packed where lives of innocent people are being barbarously destroyed. I sincerely hope that Your Lordship will set an honest example by your maturity in extricating these innocents from the web of lies.


Outstanding & Brilliant Speech Delivered by Eminent Chief Justice C J Chandrachud Sir.... Truly Inspiring to new generation.💐💐


Now a days gap between common people and courts has widen a lot; there is huge distrust on Judicial system, so much so that people have started accepting the bitter truth that getting justice is almost impossible in this society. Speech by CJI was of course was great. But there wasn't a single word addressing concerns of common citizens about justice and legal system. Hope this part gets covered through acts of Hon CJI.


Present CJI sir always empower all of us.


Most striking sentence.. "We are just pilgrims".It's applicable to all not alone Judges!


Excellent speech delivered by Hon. CJI D.Y.CHANDRACHUDJI.


We are truly proud of you, Sir! You are not only an upright Justice, but also a fantastic human being. If we have justices like you in our courts, we are not worried about our Constitution. It is in safer hands. Third rate communal politicians cannot harm our country.


A judge is a part of the evolution of society and his/ her personality deeply influences the decisions and Dr Chandrachud opens up that facet of his personality. It is truly human to express gratitude to all those who have influenced one’s life and career but one needs an elephantine memory to recall so many of them and the anecdotes relating to each person! Reflection on what one has lived and that of others truly enriches oneself is what Dr Chandrachud reveals as his source of learning which young legal professionals can learn from this warm speech.Thank you!
