Best Financial Advice for Entering Your 30s!

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Best Financial Advice for Entering Your 30s!

Bring confidence to your wealth building with simplified strategies from The Money Guy. Learn how to apply financial tactics that go beyond common sense and help you reach your money goals faster. Make your assets do the heavy lifting so you can quit worrying and start living a more fulfilled life.
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As a woman, I love seeing women talk about finances! Cool to see Rebie in front of the camera.


Rest assured that Brian is wiggling a laminated printout of the FOO wherever he is on his day off :)


I have two pensions. I would much rather have had a Roth 401k throughout my working lifetime. $500/month invested from 25 - 65 at 9% is $2.3mil. I have $100k that i like to invest in a non-retirement account, Where would you invest this as of now?


Rebie's wearing more than one hat in this episode. 😂 And she's killing it! So fun you guys! ❤


I turn 30 this year in November. Been in my career for about 18 months. Hopefully I’m debt free by the end of summer.


Great video, appreciate the different perspectives


Love the ace Ventura line Bo !! well done


I’m 60 and want to retire in 6 months. I have a $170K annuity, plus a 401k depleted to $200K of money that I’m not sure what I can do with at this point. My retirement plans seem to be out the window. Is it a good idea to get professional help?


I too am a school counselor, no debt, $65k salary in educatoin, and will never afford a home. Haley's question @1:10:17 hits too hard. What I got from Bo's reaction is that there's not really much hope. I don't feel like I want a house because of cultural pressure, but because a)rent is like throwing away money I'll never see, and b) I want to actually belong somewhere. I move every other year because rent keeps going up and salary stays the same.


You could invest in stocks, start a side business, or focus on advancing your career. It's important to set goals and make a plan. Remember, wealth can mean different things to different people, One thing i can say that helped me in life to reach my first million was starting early, i got curious and informed i became open to passive income, investments in equities, etfs and the likes. also sought help to handle my portfolio which was my foundation. i'm ever grateful to Anna Rounds Fay my FA.


54:27 I did this with a penny stock. Bought $100 @ $.0001/share. Watched it go up to $0.10 and thought it would keep going all the way to $1.00. the company decided to dilute and cash in on gains and I watched it tank to 0.018.

Math simple: 100 investment could have resulted in 100, 000. Greed left with 18k not 100k.


Content idea: can yall talk more about the landing phase of the last 5, maybe 10 years before retirement and what kinds of things we should be thinking about? Especially with regard to strategies for dealing with SORR, plus modifiers for FIRE people?


I have a topic suggestion: Insurance and things like when is it worth getting new roof to save on house insurance. have been looking into saving money on insurance since my net worth and assets are at a point where i don't really need lower deductibles so maybe a chat on how do i navigate house insurance and car insurance and any other forms of deductibles you cover in that FOO step. for instance, i bumped my health insurance to bigger out of pocket max and what not because i have a decent chunk of money in my HSA and my family is very healthy. ideally that savings now helps me save more toward things like roof or retirement.


I think they missed on Marco's question at 54:00. Marco said he wants to pay off a higher balance, lower interest debt first which goes against both the snowball and avalanche methods. Without any other context it makes not sense to me why he'd want to do that. It doesn't make sense mathematically and it's not a quick win either.


Pay raise question @31:00 we perfect my wife just got a 4% raise since we are still working towards our 25% we just put the entire thing into automatic savings.


4:21 I'm getting better at saying no the wrong things and right to the yes things. Nice!


I would love to see a conversation about these things framed for a married couple where one had been the stay at home parent. I dont feel like calculating off my husband alone is wise as 2 of us will be living off of his finances but its also not as simple as divide by 2 because we can save a lot by sharing and workinh together.


I feel like I'm in the messy middle early.
I'm 27 with a 1.5yo and a 1 month old.
We just moved across the state for a decent salary increase (48k a year income).
When we close on selling our old condo on April 17 we'll have all debts cleared and 10k in our pockets.
But we're renting and our investments are a joke (3200).
Hoping that Ramsey 15% will work at least until we can get in a house without PMI.


A saying I love about individual stock returns, "If it's good enough to screenshot, it's good enough to take gains". If you would brag to a friend about your Nvidia, Apple, or btc position it's time to take some gains.


All of Bo’s answers were spot on this episode.
