Calling The Twin Flame Consciousness (Meditation)

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Calling The Twin Flame Consciousness (Meditation)

Channelled from The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine through Magenta Pixie.

Original music "My Angels Speak" (available to download) and audio arrangement by Kyle Markess CreaHions

Visuals arranged by Daniel Saunders

Copyright 2011 Magenta Pixie
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You can do either. "Close your eyes" is a trigger into the meditative state and you can do this as you follow the words. Or you can watch the video and still move forward in a waking meditative state as you view the visuals - or you can watch the video, remember the sequence of the imagery and then conduct the meditation later when you are away from the computer. Thanks for your comments! :)


Wow, I have honestly never felt that kind of "love" before. It was amazing. It was healing. I hope my twin flame is looking for me now too.


It worked! I saw him after months of physical separation


U can't reunite wid your tf until u have let go of all the 3d stuff, let go of all fear, expectations, cleared ur subconscious beliefs, cultural beliefs and healed your masculine and feminine energies.Ur twin flame triggers anything and everything that is deeply placed in your subconscious and unconscious mind.Yes it is the most painful and hardest journey.U feel it's unrequited love bt it is not it's about loving urself totally and unconditionally without any expectations from ur tf.


This meditation left me in tears. I was imagining the two candles and they merged before you said to imagine the candles coming together, so I was confused. then when the meditation later said to imagine the two candles merging, I burst out crying because I realized I'm already in union with my DM. this was beautiful


TwinFlame love is the real feeling, God's love. Twinflame love is a soul love.Souls ARE made from the purest stage of love.Having your twin here on earth incarnated in the same lifetime is a bless not a punishment!
Even if you choose to throw out this feeling, believe me you won't succeed.The thing is to get rid of your EGO stage of sensing reality in order to look and feel in soul-counciousness way.You should leave your fears, because FEAR stops you, and stops the channels frequency.Go for it!:)


I got teary eyed when I opened my eyes. I feel very warm. Thank you for this. Love and Light.


This video is beautiful and it will work if you are truly looking to BE with your twin flame. I am currently with my twin flame. I am deaf and in my silence I called for my twin soul to come into my life. I wrote a book on how I innately learned the law of attraction and attracted my twin soul to come into being. She is in the story. Not only will she dazzle you with her wisdom, but also humor you with her insights. The connection between your twin soul is truly powerful and life changing.


Thanks Magenta for this GIFT of Unconditional Love!, extacy is the dance of the twin flames. Unconditional Love is the Key for to feel and manifest this Divine Love in this reallity.

Love and gratitude

angel Lorena


Quite possibly the most beautiful and poignant man-made "thing" I've ever witnessed! It simply MUST be true, as it rings so true for me! Thanks for sharing it with us!


My tears naturally rolls down when two lights become one, thank you for this beautiful guided thoughts. Love and light to you💞


Beautiful✨ DIVINE✨energy⚡️flows🌊through and around me. The flames🔥dance as ONE🙏🏽THANK YOU UNIVERSE🌝I AM grateful🙏🏽


I’ve been doing this nightly and almost every night I feel her take my hand, brings tears to my eyes


I dont know why but I had tears rolling down my cheeks when I was done with this meditation, the feeling was so intense. I feel so moved.


Me and a friend from somewhere else just did this meditation we are a distance away and we invisioned holding each others hands and we both felt a connection, we both felt each others hands and a spiritual energy very at peace :)


I think i was with him. Havent seen him in nearly 3 years. His spirit. He told me to love. Love others and yourself..then he touched my hand in my mind in a vision. I felt we were together. Thank you


@starseedawakenings both. Most are written first by automatic writing as this one is. The meditation to connect with your spirit guide or higher self is directly channelled as are some others...


I get skin shivers up and down my back after every meditation with this video. I don't know what it if anything it means but I don't mind. But it's every single time.


As soon as i saw the candles merge in my mind I felt "something" wash over and through me...i could feel it physically on the surface of my skin. lol, I didn't expect that. That was


Beautiful❤ i cried at this meditation when as i was showing one purple flame dancing with another purple flaming coming togther like the longing for each other, they cuddled at the end and become one purple flame..l&l 🙏 💜💙
