22: Adding Lidar and ROS2 interface to my robot

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00:46 Look at the physical implementation of the lidar sensor
01:07 The 3D designs I used for the YDLidar hardware platform on my tank robot base
02:14 Debugging the problem I had with identifying which USB ports were being used by the Lidar and base_motor_controler serial interfaces.
05:20 Using the CP21xx customization utility from Silicon Labs to give my CP2102 USB/UART devices unique serial numbers and names
07:05 Identifying the USB assignments
10:42Reviewing the installation of the YDLIDAR ROS2 node driver
11:24 Step 1 – install the YDLIDAR SDK
12:51 Test that the YDLIDAR SDK is working. ./ydlidar_test
13:49 Step 2 – install the ydlidar_ros2_driver
17:20 Step4 – Fix the ydlidar ros2 launch file – remove the node_namespace setting
21:21 Test using ros2 rviz2 tool to visualize the scan data being returned by the Lidar
22:20 Everything is working!
01:07 The 3D designs I used for the YDLidar hardware platform on my tank robot base
02:14 Debugging the problem I had with identifying which USB ports were being used by the Lidar and base_motor_controler serial interfaces.
05:20 Using the CP21xx customization utility from Silicon Labs to give my CP2102 USB/UART devices unique serial numbers and names
07:05 Identifying the USB assignments
10:42Reviewing the installation of the YDLIDAR ROS2 node driver
11:24 Step 1 – install the YDLIDAR SDK
12:51 Test that the YDLIDAR SDK is working. ./ydlidar_test
13:49 Step 2 – install the ydlidar_ros2_driver
17:20 Step4 – Fix the ydlidar ros2 launch file – remove the node_namespace setting
21:21 Test using ros2 rviz2 tool to visualize the scan data being returned by the Lidar
22:20 Everything is working!
22: Adding Lidar and ROS2 interface to my robot
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