#4 - Amprobe AM-140-A DMM Review: Part 4 of 4

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Part 4 of 4 Review Amprobe AM-140-A. Precision DMM with TRMS and PC connection.
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I stumbled across your channel and I couldn't leave until I watched all six of your videos. They are very well done. Please make more.



Your review here is awesome. I'm a beginner to the field of electronics, and I was looking for a relatively moderately priced precision multimeter that was to be had for around the $100.00 mark. Thanks to your review's giving me confidence in this model, and thanks to eBay, I ended up with an impressive quality tool for $140.00 after taxes and shipping. I used it to fix some circuitry issues in my sons' truck the very day I got it. Looking forward to any further reviews you will be doing.


Thank you and I am happy you enjoyed them. I am doing these just for fun and I do plan on making some more videos.


Thanks Martin, I look forward to your review of the AM-160-A.


Thanks John, very well done and much appreciated Sir!!!


Just found your channel .... Excellent! You speak American English ... and get to the point with all of the specs, etc. I love your timing and content. Not so sure about the hairy arms? But thank you for the review of the Amprobe Am-140A. Your review has helped a bunch. I'm going to buy one.


Nice review and thorough review. Meter looks well built. The meter itself is probably a rebadged/slightly visually modified BM850a series from Brymen (BTC=Brymen Technology Corp) as is Greenlee DM-860.


cood22, I think you are right about the Brymen connection. Over on EEVBolg forum there are some tear downs and posting on these meters.


I've owned a Bremen bm857s for over a year. (OEM). The 's' version fixes the crappy green backlight with a nice orange one. Excellent review. Thank you!


toddrharrison, thanks for the comments and glad you enjoyed the videos. I agree seeing the presenter may make a better connection with the viewer. I intentionally did not show my face in these videos. The reason is my workbench is located in my garage and the lighting currently is not very good. I wear glasses and there were too many reflections off my glasses. I hope to add better lighting at a later date and then may show my face if it doesn't scare the horses too much.


Thanks for the great review series. I am wondering if the back light is timed or on steady after you engage it.


Re fuses; there are two types of HRC fuses the shorted ones are rated at
10kA (10mm x 34.9mm) where as the longer ones are rated at 20kA, (10mm x
38.1mm). In meters, the longer one are most common for the 10A
current protection and the shorter ones used for general protection. It
seems some meters allow for the larger size package in the lower rated


Thanks for this series, though the model series is updated (AM-5xx) my research shows your impressions and demos still apply. My problem is I am looking for a meter to compete for a place on my bench where I would normally put a high-end bench meter if I had the money for one. The AM-570 seems to have a lot of the things one buys a bench meter for and more (since it's also designed for industrial use). Yeah, I'd love a $400+ Fluke or Tek bench meter, but my hobbyist budget is around $200 and I don't want a cheapo bench meter from some no-name brand as I've been burned before. Recently found the Velleman DVM645BIU which is only slightly over my budget but having some trouble finding reviews/tests of this meter.
