Inside Auschwitz's Most Horrific Death Blocks

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WARNING: This documentary is under an educational and historical context, We do NOT tolerate or promote hatred towards any group of people, we do NOT promote violence. We condemn these events so that they do not happen again. NEVER AGAIN. All photos have been censored according to YouTube's advertiser policies.

This harrowing video delves into the darkest corners of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the infamous Nazi concentration and extermination camp operational from 1940 to 1945. Located in Oświęcim, Poland, Auschwitz became the site of unspeakable horrors during World War II, where over 1.1 million people, predominantly Jews, perished. Our focus is on the most notorious blocks within the camp: Blocks 10, 11, and 13, where the most brutal and inhumane activities occurred.

Block 10, known as the "Medical Experiments Block," was the site where Nazi doctors, including the infamous Dr. Josef Mengele, conducted cruel and deadly medical experiments on prisoners. These experiments, which often involved sterilization, infectious disease research, and genetic manipulation, resulted in countless deaths and permanent injuries. Mengele's obsession with twins led to grotesque procedures. His chilling work earned him the nickname "Angel of Death."

Block 11, referred to as the "Death Block," was the prison within the camp where the Gestapo held and tortured prisoners accused of resistance or sabotage. The block housed the "standing cells," tiny, suffocating spaces where prisoners could neither sit nor lie down, often forced to endure days in these conditions. Additionally, Block 11 contained the infamous "Starvation Cell," where prisoners like Father Maximilian Kolbe were left to die. Kolbe, a Polish priest, volunteered to take the place of a fellow prisoner condemned to death, ultimately succumbing after two weeks of starvation and dehydration, a testament to human sacrifice and bravery amidst horror.

Block 13, although less infamous than Blocks 10 and 11, was notorious for housing the "Musselman" prisoners, those who were emaciated and on the brink of death due to starvation and overwork. These prisoners, stripped of all human dignity, often had no hope of survival, representing the abject dehumanization that characterized Auschwitz.

The video also highlights the poignant words of Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor, and Nobel Laureate, who said, "For the dead and the living, we must bear witness." His words underscore the importance of remembering the atrocities committed within Auschwitz to prevent history from repeating itself.

With real examples from survivor testimonies, including those of Primo Levi and Viktor Frankl, the video brings to life the unimaginable suffering endured by those imprisoned in these blocks. Levi's memoir, "If This Is a Man," recounts his harrowing experiences in Auschwitz, providing a detailed, first-hand account of the daily horrors faced by inmates.

Furthermore, the video explores curiosities and lesser-known facts about the camp, such as the existence of the "Kanada" warehouses, where the belongings of incoming prisoners were sorted and stored. These warehouses were a cruel irony, filled with the personal effects of those who had been stripped of their humanity and often their lives upon arrival.

Through a combination of historical quotes, survivor stories, and detailed descriptions of the camp's most dreaded blocks, this video offers a comprehensive and deeply moving examination of the worst parts of Auschwitz. It serves not only as a stark reminder of the past but also as a powerful call to ensure such atrocities are never forgotten.

Join us in this somber journey through history, as we uncover the depths of human cruelty and the resilience of those who survived. This video is a tribute to the memory of the millions who suffered and a crucial educational tool to ensure that the lessons of Auschwitz remain relevant to future generations.

00:00 Block 10
08:05 Block 11
14:07 Block 24
20:58 Block 4
28:36 Block 7
35:05 Block 21
Рекомендации по теме

In Schindler's List, Ralph Feinnes did not play Amon Goth to be as bad as he really was. The real Amon was more ruthless then shown on screen, and for many years, his daughter thought he was a hero because she was lied to by her Mother.


Thank you for reminding me of no matter how bad my life could get at times … suffering is like a grain of sand on an endless beach in comparison to what these people had to endure.
You look at 2024 and think geez this must be the end times then you see these videos from the 1940s and think no no this is the worst of times.


You need to make a movie about the Roma. Where they came from; their history, what countries did they live in, what was their culture all about, why they were so hated by the Nazis, what horrors did their specific group have to endure. We know nothing about them other than they were there by being hated by the Nazis. 🤔


It's a grim thought when you realise the level of evil that we're all capable of inflicting.


My daughter and I visited together in 2022. It was an emotional experience which we will never forget!
I urge everyone who can to visit!!!


There is a more than one version of Father M. Kolbe's death. The better known version stated he was given lethal chemicals in a starvation cell as he would not die from starvation try as they might.


The older I get the more sensitive I get about the holocaust. When younger I thought of it as something that would never happen to me. Truth is the could happen to anyone. Horrifying


This was beautifully and respectfully narrated. A tribute to each and every human being whose suffering can only be remembered by us ✡️


Such a heartbreaking insight to the atrocities of the nazis. This should be shown to the politicians of today as how loosely they use the word nazi to the patriotic people of uk. Our heroes fought to prevent the nazis. Now, even our heroes are brushed to one side.


I'm quite afraid of medical procedures performed by good willing doctors. I can't (and won't try to) imagine the horror of being experimented on by doctors who hate you, don't care if you'll die and aren't afraid of repercussions.
Side note: I'm even mostly against experimenting on animals, specially apes and other mammals.


Ones heart breaks for these poor people, who did nothing to deserve this treatment, except being born the wrong type.


Really the Nazis all thought they would survive. They were absolutely mad.


The hair in block 4 really got to me. When you think how lightweight hair is, and they sold it ton by ton, it really made me see just how many people 6 million is. It's a number you can't visualise, but the hair gave me an idea. Knocked the wind out of me 😢😢😢


Survivers are precious since they can tell true stories that shall not be ever forgotten.


Perhaps this is the most horrified thing in the known human history. Hope this will be the last😢


And Bayer was born and other pharmaceutical companies flourished...


How disgusting 😢😮
What these poor humans went through!
How very very sad. It breaks my heart 💔😓


I visit Dachau 3 times each visit I took friends to see and give them the experience what man can do to others it is a reminder not to be forgetting


These people were all, globally, part of the Greatest Generation That Ever Lived. It's such a loss to all of us that they are almost all gone. Imagine living through two world wars and the Great Depression. We owe them everything we have. Yes, I am proud to be descended from this great generation of people. I'm a proud Boomer.


Similar to today's times, There are so many of us and so little of them yet We The People continue to deal with and take all their abuse. How much longer?
