Devotional for Children: Scars to Remember. #shorts

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As parents, we love our children so much, but we still discipline them because we want them to turn out right. It’s the same with our Heavenly Father. Most times, God will let us face the consequences of our actions, as a way to discipline us because He loves us.

Yes, God is merciful and will always forgive us our sins when we ask for forgiveness. However, there will most likely be physical repercussions. For example, a student who steals in school, and asks God for forgiveness will definitely be forgiven by God. However, he will still bear the punishment the school has in place for students who steal, that is the consequence of his action; the scar.

May God help us to live a life pleasing unto Him and to raise our children in a godly way🙏🏼

#twinsandenny #morningdevotion #kidsdevotional #scars #discipline #parentinghacks #familyprayer #prayerbook #prayerforchildren #affirmations
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