Christina Hoff Sommers: Modern Feminism Ignores Working-Class Men

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Feminist philosopher and author Christina Hoff Sommers critiques the selective focus of modern feminism, which she argues prioritizes elite gender battles over the real struggles of everyday men and women. The demographics of Fortune executives have no bearing on more pressing issues, such as boys falling behind in education and girls facing serious mental health struggles. Christina argues that both men and women are ultimately impacted by these unaddressed challenges and suggests that a balanced approach—one that values resilience and stoicism alongside empathy—would promote healthier relationships and more prosperous lives for all.

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Women with college degrees are often quick to look down on the plumber, carpenter, electrician who repairs the broken things and almost always questions why he should be able to charge a high hourly rate that far exceeds her earning power. Problem solving skills are not automatically granted by a diploma.


For the group of women who claim "men are useless": I am an aircraft mechanic. I am a female. I am outnumbered at least 50:1. In my current role, there are 12 planes a night that require maintenance and paperwork. I cannot do it all by myself. So get your butts out here already and quit complaining.

Also, the men I work with are awesome. Hard workers and fun to be around.


Feminism has not ignored working class men. It has specifically demonized them.


I married a feminist. Shortly after marriage she quit her job and told her friends she was retiring. I had to work 80 hours a week while she said she had to study life, full time. She wouldn't cook or clean, and complained about me not doing my share. I got sick of her loading her laundry in the machines and expecting me to finish folding and putting away, so I started throwing hers on the floor to wash mine. Before divorce she kept leaving a book out, with all of men's flaws highlighted and women's flaws ignored. She always kept telling me all you men are the same. The best part of my life was getting the divorce as quickly as I could.


I went into a DEI meeting for managers and there was >60% women. The topic was women in leadership and they keep perpetuating the income gap myth. Feminism is not about equality for many women its about more power & $ for themselves. Do you hear any women talking about representation in the military, in sewage systems, in construction, in oil fields, in mining?


I don’t know about America, however in Australia roughly three times as much is spent on women’s health compared to men’s health. Yet over 90% of deaths and injuries in the workplace are suffered by men. Four times as much is spent on social services and housing for women, yet homeless men outnumber the women by over twenty to one. Yes men have privileges, but the vast majority of men are viewed as of far inferior value compared to women.


Forcing men to talk about their problems and not DOING ANYTHING to help them is emotional rape.

I guarantee YouTube will filter this comment.

F you, youtube mods. F you.


If you ask a feminist, every single undesirable job that has few, or no women, does so purely because of sexism. Including construction and sewage diving. If you found a line of work that literally no woman in human history has ever applied for, the answer of why would still be sexism.


Im just now realizing, as a 30yr old male, that i havent been socialized by a patriarchy, ive actually been socialized by feminism my whole life. How ironic


Modern Feminism isn't a movement trying to improve anyone's lives, it's a loose collection of partially aligned organizations that seek power for its own sake.


I have a STEM masters degree and worked in tech. Believe me, the scales are massively tipped in favor of women at that level too. It's not just the working class men. Feminists, their allies and even neutral parties are blind to this.

Even when speaking on behalf of men, the condescension is right there. Here, the inference is that men without a college degree are uneducated and cannot handle the information world. There is this overarching assumption that men without college degrees are somehow inferior. Also, what passes for "education" here in the USA is just anti-male indoctrination. I did not hear that addressed at all. I submit that most college degrees in the US are worthless today in terms of the value they provide both the degree holder and society. Feminists worship at the altar of Western secular education.

In fact, this discussion here about men was quickly spun into how things impact girls and women. Discussing issues like this with a feminist is useless. They cannot talk about men's issues without immediately including women's issues into it. It's all zero sum for them. Any advantage for a man is immediately deemed as stolen from a woman.


Its not that it effects women more; its that (a) women are more vocal in a society that protects women and (b) men and boys *dont* speak about our problems because in most cases (and through experience) we arent listened to or we are ignored. Psychology needs to treat boys like boys and not like 'broken girls'


Feminism was the start of identity politics IMO


I'm a dude and attended elementary school in the USA back in the 1970s. Being forced to "talk about my problems" would have done my troubled self no good whatsoever. Boys are naturally distrustful of adults and their intentions, and experience tells me that making a boy reveal his inner thoughts to a teacher or counselor would be counterproductive and downright traumatic. Some problems are best worked out within one's self, or among friends.


When a majority of western women demand materialistic lifestyles and aren't satisfied by the salary of brick layers, electricians, fire fighters, oil rig workers, welders, carpenters, roofers, engineers they're only resulting in women putting themselves in harems with top percentage men.


Something I've noticed is that boys growing up need competition. This is how the male mind encounters and processes his feelings. He will lose more than he wins. His efforts are entirely in his own hands. From this, he learns he must work on himself. Learn to control his outbursts and depression. He obtains grit and becomes humbled in the process. Something the modern day is missing.


Feminism is an upper middle class woman issue. As my working class aunt said many years ago, "I had all the equality I could handle, I went to work everyday just like my husband". Poor girls worked, the single daughters and maiden aunts of the middle class started taking the jobs of the poor girls when they left the family homes for city life apartments in the 1920s.

"Up to this time girls of the middle classes who had wanted to “do something” had been largely restricted to school-teaching, social-service work, nursing, stenography, and clerical work in business houses. But now they poured out of the schools and colleges into all manner of new occupations.
"In 1920 the department store was in the mind of the average college girl a rather bourgeois institution which employed “poor shop girls”; by the end of the decade college girls were standing in line for openings in the misses’ sports-wear department and even selling behind the counter in the hope that some day fortune might smile upon them and make them buyers or stylists." --‘Only Yesterday An Informal History Of The Nineteen Twenties’, Frederick Lewis Allen (1931)


Women hate average men, if a woman has an average man it means she is average, and women would rather be single than average.


This captivating video triggers a flood of painful memories from the end of my 6 year relationship just three months ago. The woman I loved with all my heart chose to walk away, leaving me grappling with an insurmountable sense of loss. Despite my relentless efforts to salvage what we had, I'm left feeling disillusioned and unable to imagine a future without her. Despite my attempts to move on, I'm drawn to express my deep-seated longing for her here.
