James O'Brien's Monologue With One Year Until Brexit Is A Must Watch

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People's mind don't change because idiots are typically stubborn as well.


People are so happy to have been lied to


People don't want the truth. Everyone says its going to be fine and look for leaders that won't materialise. Forget political leaders, they are only around to get rich.


This guy nails it every time with simple analysis of fact and logic.

Not seen anyone beat him yet.


Thanks for reflecting the frustrations and anxieties of us so called “Remoaners” who just want some concrete, substantive evidence that this is the right thing for the UK to do. That we will be all the better for leaving the EU. Like James I’ve tried to find IT but to no avail.


demonstrably demonstrably demonstrably


Nice one James - I couldn't agree with you more - Brexit is a huge car crash ...


The issue for me has never been with the idea of Brexit, the issue I’ve always taken is with the context of mainstream euroscepticism.

Brexit in the form of an anti globalist concept is something I almost definitely could’ve got behind. Globalisation has undeniably become a corrupt & undemocratic form of extreme & perverse capitalism, and turned what may be very honourable fundamentals of the foundation of capitalism into multi national corporatism.

The problem is, the Brexit that was sold and the one we’ll end up with has been dictated to the public by a bunch of utterly obtuse charlatans, parading as “anti-establishment”, but haven’t a single good intention for the man on the street, and the rhetoric behind leaving has never been anything more than simplistic isolationism, anti regulation & xenophobia - simple as.

I’m a remainer not because I was or ever will be anti leaving, I’m a remainer because I’m anti leaving in the context that was put to the country and subsequently voted for.


Looks like Deutsche bank is in big trouble. Seems James wants us to stay in a failing EU? Why would anyone be so scared of charting our own course in the World?
Grow some balls O’Brien. By the way you working to minimise any effects of Brexit is a pathetic idea.


#Brexit is the making of the man. In once sense, I do feel a large amount of pity for him. All the cortisol running around his veins for so long can't be good for him. On the other hand, it has given him a steady job. He doesn't even have to think about what he is going to do at work? "Today is Tuesday, what to talk about, tough one???? Oh I know, let's moan about again."


As much as I hate to say this
But I wouldn’t recommend James to travel in alleyway
May heaven forbid he might get attacked
He’s the most arrogant rudest, person with so much ch hate inside him for his own country 😡


my mind well never change i voted out no need for another vote


This man is one of the most dangerous in our country. I compare him to Goebbles . Ever wondered why his show is on between 10-1? Because the backbone of this country is working and he cherry picks his callers so he isn't put under real intellectual pressure. I'd love a chance to tear in to his propaganda but his producers never let me through


poor JOB. He is suffering from the pain of his own stupidity. Shame.


another soporific moaning O’Brien. Everyone is thick except James. I can’t wait to play these back in 4 years.
He never admits he is wrong.
Sometimes James it’s not all about GDP it’s about quality of life.
