ResMed....I Think I Found A BIG AirSense11 Problem 🫣

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Many ResMed AirSense11 users are currently reporting a 'Heater System Error'. ResMed reps have reported a new OTA (Over-The-Air) firmware update will be issued to fix the issue however they have a bigger issue on their hands! If you slightly pull on the tubing from either direction it 'unlocks' and causes a system leak. Although the leak is small, it the same as having holes in your tubing and there have been reports it can cause the devices to automatically turn off due to the 'smart-stop' feature.


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Thanks for all the love & support!
Uncle Nicko
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Thanks for all the love & support!
Uncle Nicko


With all my lamenting, I neglected to thank you for all you do for we CPAP users. Much appreciated! 👍🏼🙏


As a computer tech/programmer/designer, I'm so chiming in on this one!

First, this video clearly shows that with the hose disconnecting like that, even a little,

When the actual connection disconnects or is loose, the "firmware" rightly detects the issue and reports it.

The fact that ResMed is now claiming that it's just a firmware problem,

The most that the Devs could/would do is to add code that when the disconnect is detected, it might calculate HOW MUCH air is escaping and use a "threshold of acceptability" before the message is triggered!

In the programming world, we call that either a "workaround' or more correctly, "bastardization" of the actual problem.

It's much less expensive to have the firmware be less "sensitive' (fake it) to the problem, rather than a physical redesign of the connecting end of the hose and that little snap-in/out adapter that it plugs into. A redesign would require a RECALL of the powered hoses and that adapter piece, world wide. CAHHH CHINGGG$$$$!

Perhaps there's someone really good with CAD design that could design a special support "sleeve" (or something) that could be added to stabilize that connection. Or even some sort of swivel 90 degree adapter that has the power pass through built in. That would solve this.

I just checked our machine. For us, this is a moot point, ONLY because from day-one, I have the hose come straight out of the unit for about 10 inches, then gently swerve up and over a rounded guide, over to another guide just above the head. The hose then goes through a donut hole thing, to the top of the AirFit N30i connection, but going through a 90 degree elbow. So there's no pressure on the hose.
But I did just check it right now like in the video and sure enough, it EASILY clicks right or left.
So this could be a huge problem that ResMed needs to fix and not just by faking the firmware.


I had a bad leak problem for a half hour on my AirSAense 11 because the water reservoir was not seated flush (a human error), and it was impossible to see that with the naked eye. Powered on, air was blowing like wild from the border between tank and base unit. But the big heads-up that something was wrong was the awful noise - like a jet engine in the bedroom. People should become familiar with the noise level from their AirSense under normal, correct conditions. They will be able to troubleshoot faster than I was when a leak at the machine is a problem. Your vid demonstrated that by recording the air noise near the known fault. Nice.


Hey man! Unrelated to this particular video, but just wanted to say ive been watching your videos for a couple of months since I suspected I had OSA.

AHI was over 90, with at times events happening every 20 seconds for up to an hour. Was always sleeping for 10-12 hours, through my alarms, never been able to sleep with a partner due to my raging snoring, felt hungover 24/7 with throbbing headaches.

Thanks to all your useful information and brilliant tips, my first night on CPAP last night and i managed 7 hours with just one wake, and an AHI of 2.0. No lying in bed debilitated upon waking up, no chugging painkillers to ease the headaches, i feel unbelievable.

Keep up the good work man. Forever greatful for the amount of information on your channel


So glad I have my AirSense 10 and a backup 10 as well. It just chugs along….


You would think they would test this before selling an inferior product..ugh


ResMed should make a 90 degree elbow to retrofit these 11's and make it with the heat connection too.

I just got a new AirSense 11 from the VA and tonight will be my first use of it.


I don't understand how most manufacturer are regressing these days with their new product instead of improving !
Why the hell didn't they keep the old 90 degrees elbow like on the Resmed 10 !?
This straight tube at the rear of the resmed 11 doesn't make any sense !


Cost cutting leads to failure then product goodwill is trashed.


Some one needs to come up with a 3D printed bracket to hold the tube in place.


Great video but let’s think about this … if the hose truly leaks then the firmware software update would only overwrite the benchmarks to enable and allow the air leak from the hose to continue to operate but with air loss - if the hose leaks then the firmware update is just an effort to cover it up temporarily or until they can recall them the firmware is not causing the physical disconnection loss of air or air gap issue


Hi! I'm a equipment specialist for a DME and we've been dealing with these heating issues for MONTHS! we've sent back so many machines since the season started to change last nov 2023. as one of the RT's in your vid commented, at first it came back with no issues found, but later on, about 50/50 of machines were replaced with new, others had PCB's and chassis assemblys replaced. We've had about 60% success rate with changing climate control mode to manual, but the tubing is an interesting find that we may look into for future cases.

this has been a struggle to say the least. but thank you for your help and insight.


I'd hate to think it's an over the air update to remove the error message.


Lol, of course, Resmed reps would claim that an OTC update will fix it. A hardware recall would cost them millions. 😆 Brilliant content as always, uncle Nico! 🙇


Thank you for the wonderful content. In the middle of the cpap trial with a loan resmed 10…challenging!
I have to decide on a machine to buy and this leak issue is incredibly informative.
Love the channel and thanks for all your diligence in educating us all. So simple to follow 🙏


I just picked up my new AirSense11 today. My 7 year old AirSense10 has the motor life warning. Thanks to this video I told and showed my DME people the cause of this issue. Their patients have had this issue and everyone was stumped. The supervisor took pictures and will be contacting ResMed about it. Thank you for reporting it and the solution so I could help others too.


Excellent Investigation and Logical Reasoning Uncle Nicko. You are amazing Mate. Thank you for keeping us Sane and being a Lightning Rod for Intelligent Discourse.😊. Cheers from Michael. Australia.


Hey, Uncle Nikko! To solve your leak problem with the hose connection, just refer everyone to the wall-mounted holder for the unit you recommended a few months ago. I bought it as soon as I saw your video, and I have never looked back. That wall-mounted holder has a U-shaped "hook" that holds the hose in a secure fixed position, such that the hose cannot move at all from the connection at the unit to that hook holder. From the hook to wherever you are sleeping, you can move around however much you want, because the hose will only move from your face to the hook holder (there is never enough tension to dislodge the hose from the hook holder and thereby pull the hose from its connection at the unit). Hope this helps. All the best.


Good day mate. Thank you very much for everything.
