60 Days In: Ryan Gets Roasted by Sheriff at Reunion (Season 2) | A&E

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At the Season 2 Reunion, Ryan gets roasted by the Sheriff for breaking the rules and getting in too deep in this clip from Season 2, Episode 12, "The Aftermath." #60DaysIn
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"60 Days In" offers an unprecedented look at life behind bars as innocent volunteers are sent to live among the general prison population for 60 days without officers, fellow inmates, or staff knowing their secret.

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"I don't feel right enforcing broken laws."
The police did not like that at all. Respect to this man for speaking the truth


I like how they said Ryan was acting too much like an inmate, but then you look at Tony in like season 5 or 6 and he has like 3 shanks, drugs. and hes the pod boss lmao


Say what you want, but Ryan’s right about broken laws and ruining someone’s life for a herb.


Ryan outclassed these cops. Nobody can argue with that.
The fact that they say he was "too much like an inmate" is hilarious... Ryan was himself and he exposed how f'd up the system is... And the cops don't like it.
Ryan was one of the best participants ever - he gave these cops just as much info as anyone else on the show - these fluffy cops just didn't like that he made them look bad.


Lmao Ryan punked their program. They kept trying to throw him to the wolves and he just evolved


Lol they are mad because he did his job and doesn't want to be a cop anymore because he feels guilty....


Nah, we're all on Ryan's side. Dude integrated really well, did what he was supposed to do and I think helped many of the people he encountered along the way.


" I didn't want to survive I wanted to thrive " Ryan got bars 💯


*pulls Ryan for selling commissary*

Abner: join this gang


The sheriff is salty for being exposed as the lazy people that they are.


Dude, one of the most praised people on this show was a pod boss who slapped someone in the face and got dudes to fight each other yet somehow this guy took it too far.


Ryan is not only book-smart. But He is street-smart as well. He adapted to his environment for his survival


He didn't get "roasted" at all. He stood up for himself and for someone of his build and stature he did extremely well. He made himself valuable to the inmates and gained thier trust. Nobody was gonna mess with him because if something happened to him the economy on that block would be decimated. Ryan did a great job and these officers are stupid for not respecting him and giving him credit for doing so well for himself. Ryan wasn't a tough guy trying to start trouble instead he used his smarts to assimilate into the inmates lives.


Ryan didn’t do anything worse than half the participants in past seasons. I’m glad Ryan was able to gain the perspective he did.


"Indiana is one of 14 states with no medical marijuana law, and one of 19 that which puts people in jail for simple marijuana possession, according to the Marijuana Policy Project. The FIRST time you are convicted of possessing any amount of marijuana, you could face 180 days in jail or a fine of up to $1, 000."

Sheriff should be a bit more aware of his own laws before lecturing others. Going to jail for 6 months can ruin an entire family's life (losing their job/rental/home/car/etc) if it's the primary bread winner. The flippant dismissal of how stupid this law is indicates an ignorance which shouldn't be present in a law enforcement officer, in my opinion.


What the sheriffs don’t know is that they’re dealing with Ryan, a highly intelligent military medic, who knew exactly what he was doing the entire time.

They might be mad, but he can sit back the entire time and laugh because he knew what he was doing


The cops don’t like Ryan because he’s a little smarter than they are.


Sheriff was like why are you being a criminal in jail, that's against the rules. When everyone is there for breaking rules


And now the very sheriff is going to jail for fraud on 3 million lol 😂


As someone who spent a considerable amount of time in a maximum security pod, Ryan blended in as good as he was able to. And if you have any amount of respect from the other inmates you don’t have to worry about selling trays turning bad.
He also set the knuckle in Garzas hand which probably gained him a whole lotta respect in there.
