I quit instagram for 6 months and THIS happened... || Homeschool Mom takes a break from Social Media

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Welcome to Joyful Noise Learning! I’m Ashley, a former English Teacher, current homeschooling mom to my 3 kids since 2013. My mission is to help you grow your homeschool according to your children’s needs so that you can find joy in your family and honor Jesus. Here we’ll talk about Charlotte Mason style, affordable homeschooling resources, & Biblically based curriculum.

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FTC DISCLAIMER: This post may contain affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. ***This video is not made for children 13 and under. The target audience for this video is adults interested in learning about Homeschooling.
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I quit Facebook in 2016 during the election and then just never signed up for Instagram or TikTok or whatever best decision I made in my life.


YES!!!! Thanks for posting this. I took Facebook off my phone a month ago and I have enjoyed all the same things!! No more comparing. No more staging photos for posting. No more comparing myself to everyone. Just enjoying my family. ❤❤❤❤


I love that you're talkimg about this. So many people talk about screens and kids, but many, many adults have worse problems with their screen usage.
Love your honesty! I've had a very familiar experience! When I quite FB i realized i liked my family and friends a whole lot more when I didn't know their every move and every thought about every....single...thing!!!


Thanks for sharing this! I know it took a lot of vulnerability but I’d say MOST people feel this way but either don’t admit it or just don’t really realize how social media is making them feel. The pressure is even more so when you feel like you need to “show up” in your social media spaces on a regular basis. It’s all so real… thanks again ❤


So much wisdom in this video. Thanks for sharing your experience so honestly.


I love this. While I haven't gotten off social media entirely, I had to stop watching "Curriculum picks" videos and. "curriculum flip through" videos because what we are using is working for my son and seeing a bunch of amazing homeschool resources was giving me FOMO. One curriculum a lot of people love we don't use because of our faith, which is a legitimate reason for us. Well I kept seeing it popping up in people's picks videos and it was making me second guess myself and my conviction. Another example is another popular curriculum pick looks absolutely GORGEOUS every time they come out with a new study. We tried so hard to make that one fit our family that it caused my oldest to hate homeschooling for a while. But every time I see people post and share about it, there is a little voice in the back of my head saying "but maybe it will work this time 😍" spoiler alert.... It never has.

Now, I do still watch lots of homeschool videos and content, especially if I am looking for tips or info on something specific that my son needs help with, but I try not to go down a rabbit hole of FOMO.


Great and honest video! My daily use is 4 hours a day and I thought its mostly work and it is not. I deleted Instagram back in 2021 but I still use YouTube and Facebook (Facebook is what our co-op, and homeschool groups use to communicate). I don't use social media on the sabbath. We all need an electronic detox. The fear of missing out is real and its just like an addiction.


Great video! I think the majority of people struggle with this and are not honest about it or do not have the self awareness to notice it’s a problem. I know I would be better off without a smart phone all together but having a smart phone is necessary for everything these days! Apps for the grocery store, extracurricular activities, homeschool groups, charter school, tracking my kids online activity, etc etc!!!!


I just deleted one of my YouTube channels as I was becoming obsessed with checking for new subscribers. I deleted Instagram and deactivating Facebook for the summer. My plan going forward is to only use FB for the homeschool groups as they are a great resource.


I feel so silly but I’m over here getting teary eyed! The part where you share being grumpy when you are being pulled away from social media is so relatable and it’s saddening when you realize it! My momma heart hurts when I allow this to happen or the comparing or not doing enough. Ugh! But this is so amazing of you to realize this and step back to focus on what matters! ❤


Such a raw vulnerable video thank you for sharing completely relate as a YouTuber! Makes me want to do this too.


You are so honest and vulnerable in this video .... and totally right. Instagram is definitively addicting and I found much of what you said to be highly relatable. I stopped using Instagram many months ago and I now only go on it rarely and only for specific reasons (not randomly and for daily use anymore) and it has being freeing so much space in both my mind and heart (just like you described it).

Thanks for this reminder


I’ve been so convicted to get off SM, thank you for this video ❤


Just deleted my Facebook ( I've done it before) just a few days ago. Such a relief!


Thank you for sharing this. I have very addictive tendencies, not so much with Instagram but with lots of other things. Something I've found is that there's usually a stressor of some kind causing me to desire some sort of "fix"... did you find that to be the case for you or was it simply habitual? I struggle identifying the cause for the behaviors. I have a lot of adhd tendencies but I've found there's a lot of crossover with CPTSD and so a lot of my stressors are actually me being triggered, which has been helpful. Sorry for the long ramble....If you fall into your habits because of a stressor, what do you do to address the stressor?


Glad to hear you're off! It's a dream but someday I'll get off YouTube, haha.
