1. Algorithms and Computation

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MIT 6.006 Introduction to Algorithms, Spring 2020
Instructor: Jason Ku

The goal of this introductions to algorithms class is to teach you to solve computation problems and communication that your solutions are correct and efficient. Models of computation, data structures, and algorithms are introduced.

License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

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My semester on university: *Starts.
Me: *Watches completely unrelated lectures from MIT.


Thanks to Technology. Im in Africa Uganda but I feel like as if Im at MIT. Thank you very much for the lecture.


I took Linear algebra, Algorithms, probability, and signal and systems at MIT. Thanks.


0:00 intro, goals of the course
2:59 what is an algorithm
11:10 birthday problem
15:15 correctness of an algorithm
25:35 efficiency of an algorithm
36:50 model of computation
42:35 why use data-structures


There is a big difference between learning what's going on under the hoods of algorithms, instead of just jumping directly to learn a programming language, it's a really explained architecture course, thanks MIT


Thanks a lot MIT. What you have done by sharing these resources for free to the whole world is beyond my skill of appreciation. May your institute and its glory grow and prosper!


I highly admire American intellectuals. Putting out free high quality contents for the rest of the world to learn. Thank you!


The professor simplifies everything, Thank you so much for sharing this informative content


The professor is full of passion! Very clear structure, thank you!


There is no way anyone can get bored in lectures like these, such a great professor


This is fantastic I love their energy and enthusiasm which make the lecture fun and interesting


Thank you MIT for these uploads. Love the way Ku teaches


Introduction and Goals of the Course:
- The goal of this Introduction to Algorithms course is to teach students how to solve computational problems and communicate that their solutions are correct and efficient.
- Beyond just solving problems, the course emphasizes proving correctness, arguing efficiency, and communicating these ideas clearly. Students will do more writing than coding.
- An algorithm is a fixed-size procedure that takes an arbitrary-sized input and produces a correct output.

What is a Problem?:
- A computational problem consists of a set of possible inputs and outputs. The problem specifies a binary relation mapping each input to a set of correct outputs.
- Problems are usually defined using a predicate to check if an output is correct for a given input, not by explicitly listing all input-output pairs.
- The course focuses on general problems that can take arbitrarily large inputs, requiring the algorithm to loop or recurse to process the entire input.

What is an Algorithm?:
- An algorithm is a fixed-size procedure that takes an input of arbitrary size and generates one of the correct outputs specified by the problem.
- If the algorithm generates an output for an input, it must be a correct output according to the problem specification.
- Algorithms are like recipes - a sequence of steps that will return an output for any valid input.

Birthday Problem Algorithm:
- As an example, consider the problem of determining if any pair in a group of people share the same birthday, generalizing to any "birth time" to make matches less likely.
- A proposed algorithm is: Maintain a record of birth times. Interview each person in order. Check if their birth time is already in the record. If so, return the match. If not, add it to the record and continue. If no matches after checking everyone, return no match.

Proving Algorithm Correctness:
- With large inputs, we can't just test an algorithm on all possibilities to argue its correctness. Instead, we use induction.
- The key is finding an inductive hypothesis that can be proven true for a base case and all larger instances.
- For the birthday problem, the inductive hypothesis is: If the first K people contained a match, the algorithm would return a match before interviewing person K+1.
- Base case: Trivially true for K=0.
- Inductive step: Assume true for K. If first K+1 contain a match, either: 1) the match was in the first K and algorithm already returned it, or 2) the match includes person K+1, which the algorithm will find and return when checking against the first K people's records.
- By induction, if a match exists, the algorithm returns it before running out of people to interview. If it interviews everyone without returning a match, then no match exists.

Arguing Algorithm Efficiency:
- An important aspect of an algorithm beyond correctness is its efficiency - how fast does it run and how does that compare to other possible algorithms?
- Measuring actual running time is problematic as it depends on the particular input, the speed of the machine, and other implementation details.
- Instead, we count the number of fundamental operations executed by the algorithm to get an input-size-dependent measure irrespective of machine or implementation.
- The number of operations an algorithm requires as a function of input size n is used to classify it using asymptotic notation:
- Constant time: O(1), runs in bounded time irrespective of n
- Logarithmic time: O(log n)
- Linear: O(n)
- Log-linear: O(n log n)
- Polynomial: O(n^c) for constant c > 1 (e.g. quadratic is c=2)
- Exponential Time: O(2^n), considered "intractable"
- In this class, "efficient" generally means polynomial time, with linear or near-linear time being even better. Exponential is considered inefficient.

Models of Computation:
- To measure efficiency abstractly in terms of fundamental operation counts, we need a model specifying what operations a computer can do in constant time.
- The model used in this class is the Word RAM:
- Assumes a CPU connected to a large random access memory (RAM) consisting of a sequence of bits
- The CPU can read/write a word-sized block of memory in constant time (modern word size is 64 bits)
- The CPU can do integer arithmetic, comparisons, and logical bit operations on a constant number of words in constant time
- The word RAM allows any individual word in memory to be accessed in constant time. However, accessing all n words of an arbitrary-size input requires O(n) operations.


I can't believe I'm watching these type of videos for entertainment.


Always wanted to go to MIT, unfortunately I couldn't. Thank you so much MIT for giving us the opportunity to learn from the best from these videos.


Finally!! I've been asking for this ever since I took course 6. Thank you.


high quality knowledge at the palm of our hands, what a time to be alive. thank you MIT.


This prof.'s energy when he teaches is on another level.


Thanks for bringing an updated version of this class back.


This only video has much more valuable content than any entire Colombian computer science program. Thanks, MIT.
