4 Misconceptions Christians Spread About The New Testament (feat. Dr. Bart Ehrman)

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Dr. Bart Ehrman joins me here to discuss extremely common misconceptions about the New Testament and early Christianity. The misconceptions are:
“The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, were written by eyewitnesses, possibly the apostles themselves.”
“Christianity was relatively unified in the first few centuries, and only became theologically diverse and fragmented with time. The further you go back, the more united Christianity is.”
“The proto-orthodox church fathers did not accept the authority of any texts we’d now consider non-canonical, such as the apocalypse of Peter.”
“Legendary accounts of Jesus birth, ministry, and death did not have time to form by the time the Gospels were written. So, the gospel accounts are purely historical.”

Check out and sign up for Dr. Ehrman’s webinar here (thanks for the support!):



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Check out and sign up for Dr. Ehrman’s webinar here (thanks for the support!):


Dr. Erhman deconverted me. I was struggling with my faith and was searching for better answers than I was being given. I ended up purchasing his "Heaven and Hell" on Audible, and listened to it 5 or 6 times, and lost my fear of Satan and Hell. I then listened to his "How Jesus Became God" and my heart (and faith) broke. I had become a Christian at 18 (through a very emotional presentation), and stayed a Christian for 34 years. But eventually the emotions just couldn't keep up with the problems of life and I needed functional, rational, reliable answers. It's certainly been a difficult transition, but at least my eyes are finally open. I'm glad I'm finally here. Thanks Drew, and thanks Dr Ehrman, for helping people like me find our way towards truth. Love to you both!

Merry Christmas! /s


I just wanted to say that as a Christian pastor your content is refreshing. You speak extremely well, are level-headed, and use credible sources/people. Thank you for the way you present your information.


Anyone who thinks there wasn't time for legends to develop should take a look at the different narratives circulating for what happened on Jan 6, 2021


Drew, your gentle approach to atheism is a welcome oasis in a desert of snarky antipathy. And Dr Ehrman's scholarship is eye opening. So I bought a pass to the webinar to support both of you.


"How we speak is as important as what we say." so true


You know as a person who isn't really interested in the concept of religion in practice I find the development and the culture of religion incredibly fascinating. It's some of longest lasting traditions, though changes in form generation on generation.


"How we speak is often as important as what we say." This is a gift of a great advocate that is born from kindness and humility.


What? Christians not knowing what their own holy book says? I am shocked! Truly shocked!


One of the last points you briefly made is very important and frequently overlooked: It is helpful and effective to be empathic with believers. Give them time, listen and only then reply politely with the facts. Respect beats mockery and polemicism hands down.


I actually envy how you can be so calm and peaceful after knowing you have been lied to for half your life. As an Ex-Evangelical, I just can't take the Church seriously anymore. You're a great inspiration to many of us who come from these toxic environments, and I am grateful for your example.


I am no longer a Christian, and I would never try to make those who are lose their faith. I would like that more Christians look at their faith and what they are taught critically.


People this year believed that JFK Jr. was gonna pop up. That should tell a lot about just how gullible us humans can be.


I'm a catholic yet I enjoy your analytical take on the discrepancies of Christianity. I don't want to be blind to my faith. I want to know how the gospels came together. And how did Christianity came to be what it is today


You can tell Dr Bart is a huge nerd by the way he talks.
It's good to see a kindred spirit, GMS is too handsome and well-spoken for me to really sympathize with him.


I love and appreciate how frequently you encourage your listeners to be kind and how you constantly promote healthy, respectful dialog. Thanks for your great work!


the bart world tour on atheist youtube continues let’s go!


I love your work. I became more spiritual since becoming an ex-Christian. It’s truly a zombie like mindset that follows it. And they’re not aware of its hold on them. Because they’ve given into that blind faith that they’re taught, they end up like Samson. Bound, blinded and grinding at the wheel. It took me over a decade to deprogram myself from that teaching. And I never grow tired of research. I’m thankful for that experience. And I never want to go through it again. You’re helping many people to open their eyes. I’m so proud of you. Thanks for your hard work.


Will edit this if it's included in the video, but I'd say my favorite is how Lucifer isn't actually a name for the devil. In reality, Lucifer means "morning star" in Latin and was merely an analogy in the Bible verse it was included that was meant to mock the king of Babylon after his kingdom fell.

Fun fact though, the morning star is actually a planet, the planet Venus. Venus also just so happens to be the Roman Goddess of love and considering how strict conservative Christians are about love, maybe she really is the devil. Just a thought.


If my name was Bart I would definitely call my book "according to Bart" and "fact checked by Lisa" xD
