The Untold Truth Of The Dog Whisperer

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Cesar Milan has always loved dogs, and his unique connection with them helped him quickly make a name for himself in Hollywood. After he started walking the dogs of some A-list clients, Milan found himself in high demand, and he eventually ended up with a show on the National Geographic Channel called Dog Whisperer with Cesar Milan.

However, the Dog Whisperer has faced quite a bit of legal trouble over the years, as multiple lawsuits have been brought against Milan that accused him of animal cruelty. Let’s take a look at the untold truth of Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer.

#DogWhisperer #Truth #Dogs

He was bullied for his love of dogs | 0:00
He entered the US illegally | 1:22
He found work as a dog groomer | 2:07
His reputation grew quickly | 2:50
He has been involved in a number of lawsuits | 3:26
He has been accused of animal cruelty | 4:26
He hit hard times in 2010 | 5:13
He tried to end it all | 5:59
He used his own methods to bounce back | 6:34

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No matter what you do, if you are in the public eye someone will hate on you. This guy has a good soul. And he is amazing with his ability to manage and train dogs. I will remain a big fan.


Cesar Milan, I have nothing but respect, gratitude and admiration for you.


I have learned so much from watching him. My dogs are happy and healthy. I can walk my 100lb, well mannered, male Rottweiler by myself and I’m almost 60 years old and around 120lbs. I wish nothing but the best for this very gifted man.


He legit puts hiself in danger yet people have the courage to call him an animal abuser. He handles aggressive dogs that you would never be able to and he helps them. Gosh people these days. They are just jealous


Idk why tf people are flipping out over the clip where he pushed Holly back with his foot, it wasnt a kick it was a push, the dog was biting his hand and he tapped her head and pushed her back, did you expect him to calmly tell her to stop? He kept cool and got the dog off him, I’m pretty sure he also helped the aggressive tendencies and adopted her (correct me if I’m wrong) people need to stop saying he’s a bad guy


Fun fact: He use to walk my great grandfather's dog. He lived several houses down the street from our house in Mazatlan, Mexico. His sister now lives there but you can catch him there during the winter


Cesar actually changed my life... I'll always be a supporter of him!


LMAO! Cesar doesn't USE choke chains! He doesn't like them. And bad business decisions? LOL His producers took total advantage of his inexperience and made millions off of him, leaving him broke! Cesar is a great man and I have nothing but respect for him!


When I was younger our neighbours had a Labrador that would bark all day and most of the way through the night, non stop. The owners would never tell it to be quiet, or to stop barking. They would never tell it off for anything, it would bark, jump up at people, run around the house from window to window constantly, and just always be on over-drive all the time.
We had up to six dogs at the time that were all more or less well trained, they were happy and playful, but knew when to just relax and would calm down when they were told to. I trained each of these dogs myself.
These neighbours once saw me training one of our dogs that had trouble pulling on the lead, and told me that "you should never tell a dog off, it is cruel." Bearing in mind I hadn’t even told my dog off, I just kept stopping and making us stand still every time it pulled on the lead before walking again and correcting it. But that told me enough about how these people treated their dog and why it behaved the way it did.
They thought it was cruel to tell their dog off, so they never did. It barked all day and kept the whole estate awake at night, it leapt around the furniture and and dragged the lead when it went out on walks. It wasn’t happy, it was always hyper alert and would never relax, as if it felt it couldn’t.
Then one day a plumber who lived on our estate offered to fix our neighbours plumbing, and while he was over there the dog bit his hand enough to draw blood. That dog had to be put down just because they couldn’t train their dog, and believed that positive reinforcement was the only way you should train a dog. Positive reinforcement works, but you also have to tell you’re dog off when it does something wrong, they don’t understand through positive reinforcement alone, that takes a lot of figuring out for them for owners that don’t put the time and effort into that style of training 24/7.
That dog died because the owners wouldn’t do something they deemed ‘abusive’. You NEED to tell your dog off, to show it that you are in charge, or else it’s just not going to be happy or comfortable. Dogs need that assurance from you that you are in charge to be able to relax in their own skin and be dogs and family members.

Please don’t believe that positive reinforcement is the only way to treat your dog, I watched that mindset kill the poor black lab next door.


His methods worked on Eric Cartman in South Park.


So basically he lost his best friend, lost his wife in a divorce, and lost pretty much all of his money? Damn, that man got hit hard, glad to hear he's doing fine to this day.


Your ALWAYS going to have haters, just keep moving on, you ARE awesome 😊


These dogs that were super agressive would have been put down at some stage... he saved them, and yes he had to assert his dominance to do this... it was the only way. All his other dogs he treats with love and affection. All these other IDIOTS that dont understand would be the death of these innocent but agressive dogs. Grow a brain people.


"Do you have application for work", now THAT is a man any country should be happy to have. Good man and far more complex life than I would have guessed, I hope he is happy again


Milan's ex wife and the folks suing him just wanted money. He's surrounded by a bunch of vultures trying to capitalize on his achievements. Without him there would be nothing. I hope Cesar the best 💓🙏


Barbaric? Once again discipline is looked at as abuse. People like having their kids walk all over them and now their dogs.


Working with dogs, when a fight breaks out, there is no humane way to stop it to avoid injuries. I've been attacked by several dogs and the best way to stop them is to flip them on their ass as fast as you can. It's not cruelty, it's dog behavior. But if you want blood, by all means, keep whining about cruelty.


I remember my excitement as I go straight home from school just to watch old Dog Whisperer videos on Youtube. Now we have about 11 rescues and they are all so quirky but well-mannered. We make sure they get enough playtime and allow them to go zoomies especially during the day, they know how to wait and give eye-contact when it’s feeding time, they growl at each other at first but they never escalate with our simple “SSHH.” Thankfully growling never happens now that they have bonded even more. Being able to have the gist of seeing which dog would bond well with us and the rest of our dog family is also something I owe from watching Cesar for years. There are instances where owners would pick a dog they can’t handle, which I’ve seen a lot among the clients that approach Cesar’s shows.

It’s easy to take Cesar’s ways in a different light especially with those actions people see as “kicking” and “abuse.” But I’m glad majority of people are not taking Cesar and his ways out of contexts. I’m just so happy for him he’s got his two loving sons, his partner, friends, fur & feather family, and his genuine fans to remind him how much he’s loved. I wish all the best for him!


People can try to convince me that Cesar Milan is somehow a bad dog trainer, but you would need to give examples of actual abuse. He acknowledged that it was his fault that the dog bit him because of not paying attention to to how the dog reacted to the cameraman. The dog was chomping on him pretty good. He used appropriate force to stop the mauling. He adopted Holly, and she loves him as if the incident never happened.
