High school leaving certificate brings many advantages

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Those who have a school-leaving certificate in Germany have better chances on the Job market and can further their education. In many cities and municipalities, educational institutions, including community colleges, offer courses that prepare students for their first general school leaving certificate, the former high school leaving certificate. Anyone under the age of 18 are subject to compulsory education. However, school-leaving qualifications can also be obtained after the compulsory school age. In this regard, the regional education centers are the points of contact.

In Germany, depending on the federal state, compulsory school attendance lasts at least nine years from the age of 5 or 6. This general compulsory education serves to enforce the state's educational mandate to train "pupils as future citizens". Schools are better suited for this than, for example, teaching in their own households, since "contacts with society and the different views represented in it do not only take place occasionally, but are part of the everyday experience associated with regular school attendance". Nevertheless, it is always possible to make up for what has been missed through the existing continuing education programs.

The school leaving examinations are generally free of charge. For the preparatory courses, however, there are fees which vary depending on the federal state and the course. The preparation courses last approximately one school year, because all prescribed contents must be obtained. Newly arrived immigrants usually enjoy the advantage that they can receive extra language lessons. Because: To achieve the first general school leaving certificate, a good level of German language is necessary.

Those who graduate have good opportunities to find a job or training place. Another advantage: Those who complete a training or apprenticeship with a grade of at least 3 or Satisfactory automatically have an intermediate school leaving certificate in their pocket and thus further opportunities, for example to complete the German Abitur. This opens further opportunities: for example, you can then start studying at a university. Here, the universities regularly inform about the corresponding offers.

Information on the first general educational qualification can be obtained from the integration officers of the cities and Communities, from regional education centers and from adult education centers. These are state-recognized institutions of further education whose mission also includes the promotion of education.
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