We found a BIG problem. My Rottweiler is scared of something.

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I am very aware that the dog is stressed in this video. This was recorded weeks ago and problem is resolved to my liking. Now I will make this a few parts series and then show you how I fixed it. Hope y’all enjoy
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Your ability to recall when he’s uncomfortable shows he still respects you even in discomfort. This is a great video to show your dogs different reactions to every day essentials. By focusing to correct the problem even through unorthodox tactics shows him you’re trying to make him comfortable and he will sense that as you work with him more. I also respect you didn’t push the envelope to prove a point because you love your dogs but you pushed them enough to inform us all. Keep up the great content bro. New Follower alert 🚨


Most humans can separate cause of fear and fear itself, and you've taught your dog that? That's quite amazing..


How great...teach him to overcome fears as we all must do....grow. I enjoy your videos and although I can't have one now...Rotties were always my favorite dogs. (had 1 in college many moons ago. )


That was really interesting seeing the opposite response.


Not scared it's just Dogs have SENSITIVE HEARING Even i can detect the High Pitch sound blending in with the noise.. But im still happy to witness a CARING and sensible pet owner. Beautiful well mannered dogs. 💯


Our Female Rott hates any tool my GF uses. 😆 all the vacuum hoses have holes in them. Rakes/shovels all chewed up from attacking them. She attacked a set of hedge trimmers a couple years ago and ended up with about 14 stitches on her lip. Say the least we had to learn the hard way on that one.


My Rottweiler is scared of everything. He was barking at a feather in my back garden yesterday lol


Ive got 2 American Akitas and the dogs reaction does not always come from a place of fear or scaredness from unfamiliarity. Vacuums are just loud and obnoxious and dogs have higher sensitivities to a greater range of frequencies. Go figure people. Love your dogs and your content ❤❤❤.


I've been able to at least teach mine to listen to command even in discomfort. If I tell her to lay down she will genuinely try to ignore everything and lay down.


I jumped 😂 much love as usual! Keep up the great work 🙏


Im sorry, totally off subject however...ROTTIES ARE THE LOUDEST DRINKERS I KNOW😂😂 LMAO halo LAWAYS goes for water when im on a conference call.😂


It's about the sound. Their hearing is much better than ours. It might hit a decibel that is uncomfortable for him. My rottie was uncomfortable of the vacuum, come to learn the previous female of the house would purposely tease her with it. Once she became comfortable, and trusted me more that I wasn't going to hurt her, she was fine. Mind you, the previous female would beat her. She would get to my neck, growl a low guttural growl with her baring her teeth... AT MY NECK! Flash forward a few months later, I'd travel to the states for work, and she'd not eat and lay by the front door till I got home, days later. My THEN husband said he knew when I hit the street cause she'd be standing up, staring at the door. Nubbie would wag when I pulled into the driveway, and she'd keep me all to herself when I got in the door! I miss my girl. Someone poisoned her.


YES! You have to know their limits! Its obviously not a thing you do to them on the regular*eyeroll* some ppl just dont get it
.. What happens when urdog stresses andyou have no idea what to do?! .. So gkad I found your channel!! ❤


I once trained my Labrador to retrieve sausages...THAT was hard! lol
I'm sure he'll do well 👍


I wonder if you ever thought for one second maybe just maybe the noise the decibel levels of that may actually irritate their ears?


He was either never introduced to a vaccum as non threatening when he was a pup. Or, he had a bad experience with a vaccum. Stop pointing it at him.


All dogs don’t like vacuums or blow dryers my dog was like that but now she likes the blow dryer !!! And so t mind the vacuum


I think all dogs hate vacuum. I just put her another room when I vaccum.


They are so beautiful. He's never been to a groomer...lol..like a hairdryer...the noise is high pitched...I don't blame him. It's annoying..lol. is he scared or annoyed by the noise.❤


my first rotty had a big attack issue with pipes pointed at him, my secound dog rotty bullmastiff cross the same and vaccums my 3rd rotty it was mop handles,
