Do You Believe in Jesus?

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From our 2012 West Coast Conference, Steven Lawson presents the gospel.

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I Love Jesus Christ and Will always Stand up For him thank you God for giving us your son to die in the Cross for our sins


Atheists, read the entire text and you will find that you are mainly if not entirely wrong. Another example for God’ existence > We live in the third dimension, right? Well, God is outside of it( maybe in the fourth or even further ). He is always above us and outside of us.

Think about it like this. Take 2 HOSES.. And put the one with the smaller diameter inside the one with the bigger.

See? we, our universe exist in the smaller one and God is in the bigger. We are limited by ours and we can't see outside of it but God can оbserve us.
And also in such way our thinking and knowledge is limited. Just because we can't see outside of the present level of science DOES NOT mean that there is nothing outside of it!

Questions like but where God came from and what was before the big bang are so immature.

Maybe we are not supposed to know that! Let me ask you > if right now we have some advanced quantum computer and we simulate a universe and the beings inside of it have consciousness just like us, they won't know more than what we have given them to know. They won't know that they are inside of some computer and that outside of this computer there is existence.

Maybe we are the same. WE ARE NOT PROGRAMMED to ever know what is outside of our universe and what caused the so-called big-bang.

See? We just lack that in our source code. It is not embedded there by our creators. AND THIS IS WHY WE WALK BY FAITH NOT BY SIGHT.

We must be tested, to see who of us are good(think of each one of us as a separate program). And just as programs are tested to see which are good and ready for further development so we are also being tested in this life.

It is impossible that everything happened by chance. There must be someone to cause it or at least to kick it forward, you know.
Some people refuse to believe in a creator because their ego, pride and self-esteem is too high. THEY CANNOT ACCEPT THAT THERE IS SOMEONE GREATER THAN THEM.Let me ask you something > If you go back in time and put some random 5 year old kid next to ALBERT EINSTEIN, HOW IS ALBERT GOING TO TALK, communicate with this kid?
IS HE GOING TO USE HIS ENTIRE KNOWLEDGE or HE WILL use words that are suitable with the kid's present state of mind and development?
Of course he will use the words suitable with the kid's present mentality.
And so JESUS DID. Back 2000 years ago, he has had used words that people back then have HAD IN THEIR LIVES. If he had used advanced airplanes instead of flying HORSES people will not be able to form a image about what he is talking...

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist. > Charles Baudelaire

Why kids die, why this and that and all crazy things happen around us? Because GOD MADE US WITH FREE WILL and we ABUSED IT. Now we are paying the consequences of our actions. Why blame God for our weaknesses and mistakes? IS GOD responsible for mothers in 8 month of pregnancy smoking 2 pack and drinking 5 cans of beer a day?

And no this is not coming from some religious nut. I work as a computer tech with IQ OF 147.

If you think we are put here and everyone just do whatever he likes and after you die it is all over, then you are either ignorant or just brainwashed.
I want you to know this > one day you will find yourself in a place made of components that you have never seen and sensed on this realm(world) and you will feel pathetic, stupid and brainwashed. You will kneel before Jesus and ask for forgivness. We all will.

Also people are like > if God, JESUS is real why he doesn’t show himself to us?
This is the reason why God does not intervene. Because if he shows himself everyone will immediately turn to him. But now, he is watching us, inspecting who of us are going to endure and believe without any solid proof.

People often say THERE IS NO GOD, there is only nature and everything happened, evolved through nature. OK! but who made nature? Who has had created the concept of nature? has nature come out from nowhere? If no one has created it then it must have had existed always, without anyone behind it, without anyone to create it. Can it just happen by chance? Even if it is possible there must be someone who has had created the possibility of something to happen by chance. Do you see? Everything must have someone to cause it. A creator…

it's like playing world of warcraft and the characters in the game to start claiming that they are the creators and there is nothing outside of the space they are existing. See? it is not true, but they do not know about it. They don't know that they are inside of something bigger.

And no God won't force himself on anyone.

If you refuse to understand and ACCEPT the truth that is on you.

I'm almost sure that On judgement day some of you will be given to see the truth and to see what you have lost(this will be one of the light punishments).

You will feel miserable knowing that you wasted your chance to move to the next level and then your memories will be erased and you will be put somewhere else to live a life, again, hopefully that this time you will acquire the necessary qualities to move further(heaven).

He is God he can make an universe in a blink of an eye. and so he will make a universe where you will be put to live life after life, until, hopefully will be ready to continue. And that is simply by his grace because he is patient with everyone and doesn't want us to perish.

!?! >>> Atheists, unbelievers, you believe only in Evidence and Evolution, OK. I accept that. But let me ask you

According to scientists the universe came by the so called big-bang happened billions of years ago, which many or more accurately, MOST don’t know what was caused by. Even they claim it happened by chance.

So let me ask you > if your brain is a complex of chemicals that have evolved through millions of years BY CHANCE, then how can you really trust your own THOUGHTS and Reasoning? There is a big chance that you might be wrong. And how do you expect us (CREATIONIST, Believers) to trust it?

I’d rather trust my BIBLE which is much younger than that. I’d rather trust JESUS, because he didn’t happened by chance…

Another questions scientists, nor atheists can answer - where all this matter came from? We don't know; - who set the laws, because our universe is governed by laws, we don't know; Who made the energy to cause the big bang? we don't know. 3 questions.

Atheists you are claiming Believing in Jesus, bible is religious and the questions that I posted above are not. Wow, they are religious too, you can't answer them. So why you choose to believe something obscure that has had happened 20 billion years ago rather than something that has happened 2000 years ago(Jesus died for our sins and he created the bridge to heaven)? I have my own experience and Jesus saved me but I'm not gonna put this here right now.
I'll tell you why, because you are evil and you don't want to be held accountable AT THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT for what you have done.

So my point is don't bring things into this discussion like evolution and other matters that you ARE NOT ADEQUATELY acquainted WITH. As DR. Kent hovind said - they teach your kids ridiculous stuff like > everything happened by a big bang 20 billion years ago, When it comes to the point BUT what exploded? nobody can answer... EVOLUTION IS A RELIGION, not a fact, because you have to believe in it( you can't answer the 3 questions posted above). DO NOT go I CAN ANSWER them, because if top scientists can't, then how you will be able to do that?

Do not trust preachers or texts, trust your relationship with Jesus Christ, that can be built by genuine, from a sincere heart, clean from pride, ego and high self-esteem PRAYING.

The easiest way to explain who GOD is to go and see how the game WoW operates and what are the ADMINS and GM's capable there. What they can do with the ordinary players in the game. They ca n teleport them to themselves, kill them, mute them... and so on.  No matter how deep the player hides with his character in the game the ADMIN will simply find him with a command line like this > .teleport (player name) to him and the character will be instantly in front of the ADMIN.

Go and look what graphic features games like gta 5-6 TODAY
HAVE, and what if we are just GTA number made by some highly
advanced programmer(GOD)? What if the differences between our GTA ‘s and the
GTA created by God which we are now in are only in the missing features
(consciousness, love and divine plan)?

Tell me in which other religion it is been done so much for the believers as in Christianity. Jesus died for the believers so that they can be saved. Many or mostly all other religion require sacrifices from the believers.

Accept Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour, now.
Peace, friends.


The one who hit thumbs down, this is for you, come to Christ today, today is the day of salvation


King of kings: thought that was triple h's theme song


"Well you're gonna meet him."




Yes, ...Amen belongs to THE Great AMEN 👑 AlphAOmegA Yahweh'Shua JESUS Yah is SALVATION... HAIL YAH !halle-lu-YAH Praise You YAH!, ...Never allah or Etcetera!
