[2021] How to Run VirtualBox (e.g. Windows 10 VM) with xRDP on a Google Cloud (GCP) Instance

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Setup VirtualBox and xRDP on a Google Cloud instance and connect to it from your desktop. Then run a 64 bit VM in VirtualBox with Nested Virtualization. To demonstrate this both a Windoows 10 and an ubuntu VM are run at the same time.

#--- 1. Enable Virtualization on a VM ----
a) create an centos7 machine called centos7
grep -cw vmx /proc/cpuinfo
b) stop instance , and show disks in GCP Console
# create image with virtualization enabled in google cloud shell
b) now create an instance called centos7-with-virtization-instance
grep -cw vmx /proc/cpuinfo

#--- 2. Configure VM : Install Desktop & Utilities ----
sudo yum update
sudo yum groupinstall -y "Xfce"
sudo yum install -y firefox htop

#--- 3. Configure VM : Install xrdp and configure ----
sudo yum install -y xrdp
sudo systemctl enable xrdp
sudo systemctl disable firewalld
echo "xfce4-session" (Greater Than Charecter) ~/.Xclients
chmod a+x ~/.Xclients

#--- 4. Configure VM : Basic security for xrdp ----
sudo passwd {userid}
sudo -i
sudo usermod -aG wheel {userid}
sudo reboot

#--- 5. Virtualbox : Install Virtualbox Prerequisits ----
sudo yum groupinstall "Development tools"
sudo yum install kernel-headers qemu-kvm patch gcc kernel-devel make perl

#--- 6. Virtualbox : Download Latest Version of Virtualbox ---
Connect via RDP
open browser, goto virtualbox website
download centos7 .rpm file

--- 7. Virtualbox : Install Virtualbox ----
start a terminal
cd Downloads
sudo reboot


Virtualbox Command for a VM to get DNS working
VBoxManage modifyvm "Win 10 Demo" --natdnsproxy1 on
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Yess! Been trying to do this forever. Never got to actually dig in so deep and trying it out with different Host OSses. Thx for laying out the path! 🏅


This is just what I needed. Thanks! Does this also work if I create a windows instance instead of centos7?


how to make accessible the VM via rdp outside?


so when i connect to it rdp and try to put my username and pass it just disconnects, How do i solve that issue?


Hi, nice video. Pleas tell me it is possible to run Win10 OS with installed Virtual Box on DigitalOcean VPS or Contabo VPS instance? If possible what setting do we need to use. If not where I can run win10 instance and instal Virtual Box on it. Thank your.


facing the following

ERROR: Could not fetch resource:
- The resource was not found


Just run windows directly in Azure or any other cloud


Plzzz I need ur help bro I can pay u if u can do this on my pc🙏🙏🙏


you can send me mail . I want upload windows server 2012 for google cloud, vdi or voa


2 question:
1. Why is this video 360p
2. why so complicated? You can spin up win 10 directly?
Most expensive and inefficient way to run Windows.
