[2021] How to Run VirtualBox (e.g. Windows 10 VM) with xRDP on a Google Cloud (GCP) Instance

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Setup VirtualBox and xRDP on a Google Cloud instance and connect to it from your desktop. Then run a 64 bit VM in VirtualBox with Nested Virtualization. To demonstrate this both a Windoows 10 and an ubuntu VM are run at the same time.
#--- 1. Enable Virtualization on a VM ----
a) create an centos7 machine called centos7
grep -cw vmx /proc/cpuinfo
b) stop instance , and show disks in GCP Console
# create image with virtualization enabled in google cloud shell
b) now create an instance called centos7-with-virtization-instance
grep -cw vmx /proc/cpuinfo
#--- 2. Configure VM : Install Desktop & Utilities ----
sudo yum update
sudo yum groupinstall -y "Xfce"
sudo yum install -y firefox htop
#--- 3. Configure VM : Install xrdp and configure ----
sudo yum install -y xrdp
sudo systemctl enable xrdp
sudo systemctl disable firewalld
echo "xfce4-session" (Greater Than Charecter) ~/.Xclients
chmod a+x ~/.Xclients
#--- 4. Configure VM : Basic security for xrdp ----
sudo passwd {userid}
sudo -i
sudo usermod -aG wheel {userid}
sudo reboot
#--- 5. Virtualbox : Install Virtualbox Prerequisits ----
sudo yum groupinstall "Development tools"
sudo yum install kernel-headers qemu-kvm patch gcc kernel-devel make perl
#--- 6. Virtualbox : Download Latest Version of Virtualbox ---
Connect via RDP
open browser, goto virtualbox website
download centos7 .rpm file
--- 7. Virtualbox : Install Virtualbox ----
start a terminal
cd Downloads
sudo reboot
Virtualbox Command for a VM to get DNS working
VBoxManage modifyvm "Win 10 Demo" --natdnsproxy1 on
#--- 1. Enable Virtualization on a VM ----
a) create an centos7 machine called centos7
grep -cw vmx /proc/cpuinfo
b) stop instance , and show disks in GCP Console
# create image with virtualization enabled in google cloud shell
b) now create an instance called centos7-with-virtization-instance
grep -cw vmx /proc/cpuinfo
#--- 2. Configure VM : Install Desktop & Utilities ----
sudo yum update
sudo yum groupinstall -y "Xfce"
sudo yum install -y firefox htop
#--- 3. Configure VM : Install xrdp and configure ----
sudo yum install -y xrdp
sudo systemctl enable xrdp
sudo systemctl disable firewalld
echo "xfce4-session" (Greater Than Charecter) ~/.Xclients
chmod a+x ~/.Xclients
#--- 4. Configure VM : Basic security for xrdp ----
sudo passwd {userid}
sudo -i
sudo usermod -aG wheel {userid}
sudo reboot
#--- 5. Virtualbox : Install Virtualbox Prerequisits ----
sudo yum groupinstall "Development tools"
sudo yum install kernel-headers qemu-kvm patch gcc kernel-devel make perl
#--- 6. Virtualbox : Download Latest Version of Virtualbox ---
Connect via RDP
open browser, goto virtualbox website
download centos7 .rpm file
--- 7. Virtualbox : Install Virtualbox ----
start a terminal
cd Downloads
sudo reboot
Virtualbox Command for a VM to get DNS working
VBoxManage modifyvm "Win 10 Demo" --natdnsproxy1 on