Family spokesman reads farewell letter from John McCain

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Former McCain campaign manager Rick Davis reads Senator John McCain's final message to America: 'I lived and died a proud American.'

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"I lived and died a complete shithead."


Our nation is better off without this bum. I can only hope that the Governor of Arizona will appoint a genuine conservative to fill this seat in the Senate who will support our great president and further the Trump agenda and not obstruct out of bitter, petty jealousy like McCain did. Good bye and good riddance Johnny Twoface!!!


Tell us about the 130 sailors he, and he alone, killed on aircraft carrier.
Tell us about his condemnation of the U.S. on N.V. tapes,
Tell us about his monetary support for ISIS. (And supply drops.)
Tell us about how he dropped his first wife.


The RINO is dead. Oooorah!!! First good thing he'd done in 81 years.


With what has been known about Manchurian Candidates by our Intelligence Community for the past 70 years, McCain should have NEVER passed a security clearance and never been allowed to hold public offfice, even if his behavior, personally and professionally were acceptable, which they weren't. He should have never been accepted to into officer's training and never commisioned by the military based on his record of poor performance, incompetence and uncompliance.

Entitled, pretentious, protected by his daddy and granddaddy, McCain deeply resented his treatment as a POW and took it out on his legitimate wife and betrayed his family, married his whore and betrayed the best interests of America at every turn while he enjoyed the celebrity status bestowed on him by corrupt Democrats and their pervert media that has led and cover ed for them for the past 65 years. The media and Democrats and MSM loved him for his rottenness and they have lost the only form of masculinity they ever had to trot out in a crisis to defend their evil. A real loss to the Democrat Party. Go to hell John.


A traitor and a liar till the end! I hope he repented at the very end, if not, he is in Hell forever!


The good news is by next week no one will remember him.


I'M sorry but we the real Americans know the truth, Trump 2020 and beyond!!! 👑🇺🇸👑👏👏👏


John is going to a taxidermist and plans to serve out his term. His first order of business is to oppose the Kavanagh nomination.


Ten Reasons Not to Mourn John McCain

1. On July 29, 1967, the spoiled brat McCain pulled a prank and wet started his jet as while aboard the USS Forrestal. His mother lovingly called him a ‘scamp’ and it was well known he was a practical joker and rule breaker. He finished near rock bottom in a class of over 800 at Annapolis because he tried to break every rule in the book there while also making terrible grades. Such a prank befits his character. The huge flame created touched off a bomb on the plane behind him which led to more bombs going off from other parked planes, which then led to the deaths of 134 sailors. McCain did nothing to help during the fire. He was whisked off the carrier and protected because his father and grandfather were Navy admirals. The Deep State Swamp media has since tried to cover this up. They protect their own.

2. He was not a hero. Getting shot down and captured may make him a victim, but not a hero. He probably didn’t pay attention during a training class, and so he didn’t pull in his arms when he ejected over North Vietnam–and that’s why they were broken. His captors knew he was the progeny of four star admirals and if anything gave him special treatment. McCain begged for medical treatment and sang like a bird at the ‘Hanoi Hilton’ to get it. He gave up vital intelligence that led to the deaths of more aviators.

3. Upon his return to America he immediately stabbed his wife in the back. She was badly injured in a car accident and he couldn’t be bothered to help her. Instead, he quickly dumped her and married a wealthy heiress who could fund his political career. People get divorced all the time, but the manner in which he proceeded only underscores his cold-hearted selfishness.

4. He’s painted as a happy and brave ‘Maverick’ and strong ‘Independent’ by the Deep State media. Wrong. He was a jackass of major proportions. The ‘Warrior’ of the Senate was owned by the Deep State and George Soros in particular. McCain became a shill for open borders who also supported globalism and carbon taxes to fight ‘climate change.’ At the same time, he was the worst enemy of military veterans, whom he left mistreated and in the lurch. Now there’s a bill in Congress meant to provide aid for vets and they want to name it after their ‘hero, ’ McCain. Disgusting.

5. He supported Bush in the Iraq war, even though the entry into that quagmire was based on lies. McCain claimed we would stay there 100 years if necessary. Such stubbornness and war mongering combined with his flash-temper only highlight the fact that he should have been nowhere near the nuke button. McCain was a reckless ‘hot head’

6. He was a spoiled and entitled brat who was repeatedly backed and bailed out at every turn by his pappy and grand pappy. He should never have been admitted into Annapolis in the first place. He should have been kicked out of Annapolis for his outrageous and rebellious behavior. He crashed a total of five military aircraft. He loved partying more than flying. He should have been kicked out of the Navy for crashing several jets during his daredevil clowning. He should have been no where near the Senate. The NeoCons rigged the primaries for McCain who contemptuously laughed at Ron Paul during the debates. He should have been nowhere near the Republican nomination, but the Deep State wanted McCain, the reckless ‘hot head’ to lose to Obama. He chose Sarah Palin has his running mate and years later blamed her for his loss. The hot head backstabber never took responsibility for his actions.

7. He displayed great contempt for his constituents while showing his arrogance and hatred for America by never bothering to resign from the Senate when he knew he had terminal brain cancer. He wanted to go to the grave with his power, thus depriving Arizona from representation.

8. He made sure trade restrictions were softened with Vietnam and hailed as a forgiving man of peace. Wrong! He did it so he could get his Budweiser distributorship there. He was first in line to make money from such legislation. The lust for money and power ruled rule-breaker McCain.

9. He supported ISIS terrorists and wanted us to start another war in Syria, which might have lead to World War II. McCain was not a ‘maverick.’ He was an establishment war-mongering stooge and enabler for the Deep State.

10. He leaked Hillary’s paid-for pack of lies, the Steele Dossier, to James Comey, in an attempt to bring down President Trump. This was illegal, but hey—he’s John McCain! Instead of showing remorse he said, “Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell!” A faux conservative, he voted against his own party and President Trump when he could—including his vote to keep ObamaCare. The lying back stabber McCain became much loved and he’s now being profusely praised by the Deep State Swamp and its propaganda media. That only proves what a scum bag he truly was.

Good riddance to the bad rubbish who was John McCain.


John McCain served the deep state like a maverick. LOL


McCain family sorry for your lose, but he was Democrap, God Bless OUR President Donald Trump


here's a fun fact....john Mc Cain voted against making Martin Luther King Day a National Holiday.




His life was regretful for 134 men serving on the USS Forrestal. His life was regretful to his fellow prisoners of war in Vietnam. His life was regretful to those fellow Americans who counted on him to keep his word and vote to repeal the ACA. He also let his personal enmity towards President Donald Trump keep him from doing the right things for his constituents and for America each time his was the deciding vote! I pray he forgave Donald Trump at the end. Even one sin can keep us from entering the gates of Heaven. Am praying to forgive McCain as a traitor to his country in siding with the Democrats and working against the present Administration and his own Party!


I hate to speak ill of the dead but. That was a stupid speech. I felt as if he was trying to immortalize himself!


He isnt dead his indictment was served and he is sitting in gitmo. The media wont cover it, or has been lying and complicit, like always.


I bet Fidel Castro has less blood on his hands.


Let's see what is it that I remember most about McCain. Oh that picture of him embracing ISIS and the big thumbs down to killing Obamacare. Rest in peace buddy


Enough with this man already. His gone.
