Why all new ham radio operators should try 10m ham radio

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I camped at a local campsite near a location called Mow cop castle, the location is relatively high up, so it was a good opportunity to try the 10m ham band. Now that we are seeing more activity from the Sun, this means that bands such as the 10m band or 6m band are starting to wake up and offer some nice surprises.

The good thing about 10m is that you don't need to have a really expensive antenna to join the fun. You just need to be on the radio when the fun happens. I used:

Sirio 400 10m mobile antenna
M1ECC antennas Slidewinder for 20m

I'm a licensed amateur radio operator from the United Kingdom. My YouTube channel features videos focusing on operating portable radio from various locations plus how to videos, tutorials, insights and conversations in the hobby.
00:00 Introduction
02:04 10m using the Sirio 4000
07:06 Contact! 10m
09:42 20m slidewinder contact
12:32 handhel APRS woes
14:48 Contact! 10m
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Carl is a national ham radio treasure, and is to be protected at all costs !


As a ham & a full-time RVer in the states, I enjoyed your video very much! 10m is my old favorite! Cheers, Davey - KU9L


Instead of using high ground why not try a coastal camp site and see how the salt water helps with the DX?
Another great video btw


Who needs a nuclear winter when you have an English summer ? Good job you are prepped for anything Carl. Great contacts as well. 73 M7BLC


THE battery is charged!! he he Gold ! I can only imagine the level of frustration on your last video.
I enjoy your videos very much .73 from vk2


Carl, your menu for the evening sure looks enticing!


Used to live about 15 mins from Mow Cop
Nice location for Radio...


Great video. I get some great contacts on 10m using a T2LT on a 10m pole. I’m yet to try it portable but I have a couple of those glass lifting sucker handles which I’m going to try, just suckered onto the window of the XF. I’d love a Landrover 😜


A successful outing! Love that Land Rover.


Good one Carl nice to see you got out and managed to quench the RF back in the car(Which was probably the cause of the dodgy Matching ). Out this weekeend with some mates with a Volvo full of fun !!! L8rs!!


You can set you gps position manually and then use APRS. The radio needs a position to send a beacon or message. It can be from rhe gps, a saved position in one of the P memory's, or one you set in the 'manual' position under 'My Position'.


Carl, what a great video, and just in time, as I am going to try out the 10 meter band for the first time in a long time in the field, as I usually work 20 meters, 40 meters and 80 meters, but mostly 20 meters. I just purchased a mobile 10 meter whip antenna for field work, and your video really gives me hope that I can get alot of contacts on the 10 meter band. Thank you for sharing, I really found this video very informative and useful.


Carl did you hear about the “145 Alive” event last Saturday afternoon? I heard the last station going QRT so didn’t know anything about it until then. There’s a few videos on hear regarding the event. Looks really interesting so I will hopefully be able to take part in the next one.


Nice mate. Mow Cop reminds me of the old 11m days! Really great stuff - Castle camping site looks a useful place to know.


nice waterfall. looks much better than my ft991a


nice video carl, and nice spot. the other side of the site might have been a bit better away from the power pole and road, but it all worked out for you in the end. I found small ferrite clamps at the ant end always works a treat, and a few extra near the rig won't harm,
20m is the go to band down here at the moment for me, I never bother with the higher bands to be honest. take care, and enjoy your summer. 73.


Nice video! My observation is vertically polarized noise is mostly an urban thing, so rural areas are quieter.


I think it only applies to VHF/UHF as HF can penertrait and bend round things however this would make a great experiment.
All the best de 2E0LIG


Congrats on the contacts - Wow they we good.
Was thinking about your battery issue, and thought if you were to get a victron dc to dc 12v to 12v (B2B) battery to battery charger, then you could keep battery topped up when ever you using the engine, it wont drain your car battery.
So drive around to work, and its always keeping battery charged. my 2c worth.
You had a massive smile when you got those contacts, Keep on cooking too.


antenna 's ? i just use a piece of housewire in loop 2, 2 m above ground, some 30 year old cap and a selfwound coil, VSWR 1.0 ....cheapo leapo all around the world .
