Growing Cucumbers in a Container |tips for beginners | 5 Gallon container|

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Growing cucumbers in container is not hard at all.
This video I grew 2 cucumbers plant in one 5 gallon container , so not only one plant but 2...

My tips would be watering , it will need more water than normal , 1-2 times a day ..
Pruning off some leaf at the closer to the bottom of the root.
Cut off any bad ,dead left or cucumbers, keep your plant and container clean, pull out any weed in your container..
Some Kind of organic plant food is alway good too ...

If you got anything on point and your plant is Turning yellow ,trying adding some calcuim ,it helps.

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Hope this video was helpful in some way..
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I got a decent harvest with my cucumbers in pots this year but after about 10 cucumbers the leaves started getting yellow spots on it. Maybe it was nearing the end of its life cycle


i hope no one is that soft to cry about the little spikes


I can see the roots of my cucumber at top of soil...y?
