Stephen King's On Writing: Seven lessons

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Stephen King's 'On Writing' is the classic writing textbook. Learn all about the book and my top seven lessons in this video

Lots of people have watched and enjoyed my Stephen King videos and several people have mentioned his book 'On Writing'. I've read it many times but revisited it for this video, to bring you seven lessons I learned from reading it. Watch to the end for a bonus 8th takeaway!

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Books by Stephen King
The Institute
If it Bleeds
The Stand
The Shining

Hemingway On Writing

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This is really good advice for any writer, whether looking to become a professional or just in daily life.


I write for a few online pages and I want to get a novel done one day. King's book is one of the best inspirations for anyone in the game who thinks they can't make it.
Keep writing...and thank you for this page!


Thank you! Talking about the dream, King mentioned in "On Writing" that he had dreams that also became part of the stories. Yes, indeed, he does not mention that dream of being a great writer. I just wonder if the dreams came from memories or imaginations. He writes for his passion and pleasure. He advised to not to think about how much the pay is.


I think this book is my favorite from Stephen King. I've enjoyed many of his novels, but horror is not my thing actually. But as a person, an author, he's undoubtedly a master. As to a few of the comments that the book doesn't cover the business of writing... my thoughts are, there is no business if you don't get the writing accomplished. I think that's what I cherish the most, Stephen sharing the process and the stories surrounding the process gives me context. Like you said, there is no perfect space... just find what works.


I keep the door shut but it doesn't help much. Most of my writing is at home where my adult children still live.

Even when I am squirreled away in my room, there's a lot of distractions going on throughout the house that pull my attention away from my writing.

The biggest help from me has been wearing earplugs.

Either I'll wear the earplugs as is, or layer them up with a pair of headphones playing some white noise or Lo-Fi music over it.

Even when the house is quiet, I sometimes use my earplugs. I find that the extra layer of nothingness really helps my concentration.


00:41 🗑 Stephen King's "On Writing" emphasizes not discarding any work; salvaging saved King's "Carrie" and taught valuable lessons from mistakes.
02:21 📝 Embrace rejections; they are steps toward eventual success, offering learning opportunities and constructive feedback.
04:30 🌍 You can write anywhere; Stephen King wrote his breakthrough novels in unconventional spaces, emphasizing comfort and psychological space over perfect settings.
06:25 💭 Dreams can mislead; King's grand writing office didn't boost productivity. Writing success isn't solely tied to ideal spaces or material dreams.
08:44 ✍ Write a messy first draft; focus on momentum and completion rather than perfecting every sentence initially, then refine in later edits.
09:57 🚪 "Write with the door closed, edit with the door open": Initially, focus on expressing freely without concern for audience; then, open up to refining for readers.
13:15 🌟 Persistence is key; despite doubts and rejections, perseverance in writing is crucial for growth and success.
15:07 📖 Read "On Writing"; Stephen King's book offers invaluable insights into the craft, industry, and mindset required for success in writing.


Thank you! and love your voice! Very calming and joyfous.


Shout out to Tabitha King! Thank you for being so wise.


Maybe I should have something in a desk drawer but I don't. My earliest stuff in particular was published by a small press but not published by me. I have since published my own later works, and have begun revising and re-releasing that earlier stuff.


there's 7 likes and i'm tempted to keep it that way. it's such good symmetry


Very interesting please provide a picture of the book an title 💚is this new version ? this book does not look like the american style


Any advice about Process should understood in the context of Individuality. Messy Fast Draft vs Slower Clean Draft - who cares which Process or Method the writer uses? Each writer needs to discover what best works for him or her.


Laundry!?!??!?!? Yaiks! I am doing that! I thought it's just me! Because I'm currently staying in one of the rooms of the boarding house I own and it's usually hot in my room and the only open space for me in it is in our laundry area and outdoor dining. I always dreamed a better place to write at but somehow I have formed the overview on these weird writing places and manner. I tried to write on the roof as well and in my car. While doing house chores or driving I brainstorm my ideas. I'm crazy about it!😄 And I put my earphones on to listen to writing lectures at youtube to learn because I'm a management major not an english major but my english grades are not that bad. I explore Stephen King, Bramdon Sanderson and some Indie authors and book youtubers. I enjoy it! It makes me feel alive! That's what's important, I guess. Writing brings me to a zone where I can forget all about the worries of the world and explore more wonderful things and possibilities!!


Wow, that coffee shop had Cyrillic script. So cool


Imagine a heckler saying, "She should have left Carrie in the trash." --Ohhhh! Just to rib him.


I love King's book on writing. However, reader beware, there's next to nothing in it on GETTING PUBLISHED...which is the kind of information most aspiring writers are looking for.


Grab an occult theme, write your story


I dont think "write with the door close and edit with the door open" means that. I think it means to get your story across and accept opinions/changes. Don't be stubborn.


I got a Biotene H-24 at 8.99 - I heard this feline say: Charge it 8.99 and do it a discount on the taxes. $1.99 plus tax.


King's book, "Desperation, " is the essence of evil, brought out in the darkest form you can't possibly imagine. It is his GREATEST work, ALL 690 pages of it.
